Vol 25, No 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 20
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1322
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2020-25-1
Full Issue
Semiotic codes of the “new existence” myth in the novel “The Diary of Satan” by L. Andreev
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of identification of semiotic components of the author's neo-myth about the “humanized Satan” in L. Andreev's novel “The Diary of Satan” in the system of analysis of interdisciplinary metamorphic model by the tools of existential method. The novelty of this research is determined by the analysis of the semiotic component of the concepts of “Man - Satan” in the context of the concept of “living ontolo- gical corporeality” in the system of interdisciplinary metamorphic model of Zaltman. The object of the research was the linguistic and cultural concepts of “Man - Satan” as the key symbols of the metamorphic model of “humanized Satan”, reflecting the most important categories and settings of the anthropological and religious-philosophical concept of the writer.

Portrait and landscape in Boris Zaitsev’s publicistic writings: style and ethos
The article represents genre-style etymology of Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev (1881-1972) publicistic legacy (that includes essays, profiles and critical notes). Style-forming expressions of this outstanding representative of 20th century Russian literary abroad are analyzed within the context of his ethical and philosophical principles. Zaitsev’s portrait and landscape sketches are considered for the first time as figurative-poetic and genre-compositional components of the artist's “visual palette”. One of the effective methods of comprehending the style and ethos of the writer is the disclosure of multi-genre subtexts that reflects the creative worldview of B. Zaitsev, in which aesthetics is closely intertwined with metaphysics, and this, in turn, determines the adjacent disciplinary tools for the study of “literary painting”, actualizes parallels with non-verbal art forms (painting, music). The intertextual phenomenology of B. Zaitsev's publicistic texts is not limited to the artful, masterly and technical depiction. The nature of refined subject-figurative “painting”, as follows from the analysis, is based on the spiritual contemplation of the writer and reflects a rare for the art of the 20th century harmony of the artistic and transcendent.

Self-identification in modern ironic poetry
The article deals with modern Russian ironic poetic miniatures; they are complex formations containing several levels of subject self-representation. Two types of such texts have been analyzed - aphoristic poetry and ironic internet miniatures. They are very popular and make a new genre of net discourse in the Russian sector of the Internet (creatives). The main technical device of such texts creation is paradoxical contamination of contradictions. Such poems are saturated with allusions and parodies. Self-identification in such texts is inseparably connected with critical evaluation of human opportunities limitation, absurdity of existence and imperfection of the world.

Problematics and genre originality of Y. Polyakov’s novel “Gypsum Trumpeter”
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and genre originality of Y. Polyakov's three-part novel “Gypsum trumpeter”. The novel, written in the style of grotesque realism, is multifaceted, it contains many insert stories of historical, detective, and lyrical nature. Such a genre form serves the writer's intention to expose the vicious phenomena of the surrounding reality. The same goal is served by a wide arsenal of skillfully used poetic devices: occasional words and phrases, author's neologisms, detailed hyperbolas and litotes, unexpected comparisons. The novel abounds in aphorisms. The precedent-setting phenomenon is used in the titles of most chapters of the work. The author's attitude to the characters is shown in the “talking” surnames, bright portrait sketches. Subject-household details, epigrams give vivacity to the narrative. The novel is devoted to creative people, and in the text a lot of space is occupied by reflections and disputes about the purpose of art, about what real art should be. Paying tribute to the servants of the Muse, the author tells about inspiration, hard creative work and the torments of creation.

“The winter of history came suddenly...”: the concept of time in the poems of Victor Krivulin
The article is devoted to the problem of historicism in the texts of the Leningrad unofficial poet and critic Viktor Krivulin. The novelty of the study is an attempt to consider the poetic historiosophy of Krivulin in the context of the “religious revival” of the 1970s in the USSR. This approach allows us not only to determine the specifics of the images of time in the works of Krivulin, but also to outline the contours of the intellectual history of Soviet unofficial culture. Special attention is paid to eschatological motives in Krivulin's works, as well as to the opposition of the “horizontal” and “vertical” types of time. Everyday reality, with its measured course of events subordinated to the chronological order, is overcome in Krivulin's texts by entering the sacred sphere of culture, where creative dialogue with literary predecessors is endowed with a special value status. It was cultural co-creation that allowed the unofficial poet to go beyond the static late Soviet experience and rediscover his identity. The images of time in Krivulin's texts are associated with Christian eschatology, which assumes the finality of historical existence. This was most clearly manifested in the transformation of the image of Leningrad, which appeared in the works of Krivulin as a “ghost town”, in which history stopped.

Why has sci-fi literature lost its popularity in Azerbaijan after 1990?

Comparative Studies
Honghuzi in the literary reception
Outlaw is one of the archetypes in world literature. Honghuzi is the eastern version of the image of the outlaw. As his counterpart in European literature, he expressed the ambiguity, the ambivalence of human nature. Unlike the characters of F. Schiller, A.S. Pushkin and others, the image of Honghuzi is the least marked by romantic features. In the prose of the Russian emigrant writers of the Harbin diaspora, Honghuzi expresses the Chinese mentality; the specifics of orientalism are projected onto him, and at the same time its image is extremely objective, which primarily characterizes the prose of P.V. Shkurkin - the author of the ethnographic prose about the outlaws of the border zone of the Russian Far East, Manchuria, Korea and Mongolia. The context consists of the works by Shi Naian, Pushkin, Schiller, English folklore, etc. Comparative analysis allows us to identify the individual features of the artistic perception of the Honghuzi's activities by Shkurkin. It is proved that the interpretation of Honghuzi by Shkurkin is close to the image of the robber in Chinese, English, German literature, along with Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries.

The art of ceramics in the works of E.Ya. Danko: “Vase of Chinese Khan”, “Ceramic Cup” and “Chinese Secret”
This article is the first try to research the connection between the art of ceramics and word in the work of children's writer and artist E.Ya. Danko. The relevance of the study is due to the need to expand the idea of the image of China in Soviet children's literature of the 1920s. Compared to the history of Russian poetry, the poems “Ceramic Cup”, “Chinese Secret” and the novel “Vase of Chinese Khan” are considered diachronically, and synchronously - in the context of the indestructible myth of Ancient China and the Chinese proletarian revolution. Special attention is paid to the genesis of the ideal image of China in the work of E.Ya. Danko, which traces back to the ideas of F.M.A. Voltaire, M.V. Lomonosov and Russian poets of the XIX - early XX centuries. Works by E.Ya. Danko meets the idea of A.M. Gorky - to create literature on factories, crafts, and technology. In her works about China, upholding the classical understanding of Chinese culture and admiring the talent and hard work of the Chinese people, E.Ya. Danko found a way out of the chaos of the 1920s.

“Keep silence to poetry”: “silence” in M.S. Petrovykh’s life and writing
The motive and image o “silence” in M.S. Petrovykh’s lyrics is connected with her poetic worldview, understanding of the creative nature and social reality. Image “silence” defines the lyrical plot of the conceptual poem “One thing I want to say to poets...”. The poem reveals the type of creative and life behavior that the author professes. One the basis of some biographical facts of M. Petrovykh, which are confirmed in verse, the lexical and semantic level of poems in which the image and motive “silence” are presented is analyzed in this paper. “Silence” was the theme not only of M. Petrovykh, A. Akhmatova, but also of other writers of the era of the 1930s and 1950s, which is due to the atmosphere of the time. External and internal censorship dictated the style of behavior. But the poet must get to the hard core of what is happening and recreate the true reality, write the truth. The meaning of “keep silence to poetry” is precisely this. This is not just an aphorism, but the meaning of genuine creativity.

The individual and the social in Annie Ernaux's autobiographical writing
This article examines the ideological and aesthetic peculiarities of autobiographical writing in “La Place” by Annie Ernaux, a well-known contemporary French writer. We argue that Annie Ernaux 's “flat writing” is close to a sociological or ethnographic study and nearly devoid of any autobiographical subjectivity. Autobiographical writing is approached through the concept of symbolic violence, borrowed from the sociologist P. Bourdieu. Ernaux indeed replaces event history, a feature of autobiography, by the study of socio-historical causes of “class distancing” between father and daughter. The analysis of key concepts of the Ernaux's poetics makes it possible, on the one hand, to grasp the appearance of social and cultural alienation and, on the other hand, to achieve a social criticism of reality.

Literary representation of Jewish departure in “The Saga of Muziris” by Sethu

“Biblioteka dlya Chteniya” - the first mass magazine in Russia
The article is devoted to the so-called “Smirdin period” in the development of the journal “Biblioteka dlya Chteniya” (“Library for reading”) (XIX century). This is a unique periodical that attracted the attention of many readers: in the first year of the existence of the “Library for Reading,” its circulation reached a colossal figure for that time of five thousand copies, then it reached seven thousand. At the same time, there were many reproaches that the magazine had chosen a commercial direction, preferring to print superficial, mediocre literary works in the interests of generating income. Publishers of the “Library for Reading” were the first among their colleagues to understand that journalism cannot remain aloof from the formation of capitalist relations, and the work of a journalist, as well as a writer, must be well paid. They paid tribute to the role of material incentive in the creative process, which in many respects predetermined the success of the magazine, its longevity.

The reasons for the decline in popularity and prospects for the development of linear television
The author analyses what is happening to modern television news. While the Internet becomes more and more popular, driven by video-sharing sites and special mobile news apps, television viewing declines. The main part of the audience of modern TV-news programs consists now of older people, the new generation of viewers refuses to watch TV, preferring to learn the information about the world from the network. TV-managers are trying to find new ways to offer consumers the actual information, new formats of news, to reach younger audiences, as well as to discover a new philosophy of their own existence in a rapidly changing environment. The purpose of the author of the article - is to map recent changes in traditional television viewing, and to initiate discussion on one of the most controversial issues of the practice of development of modern mass communication channels: how will news broadcasting look in 10 or 20 years and whether anything can replace it. The relevance of this topic is high due to the rapid development of the Internet space as an alternative source to other media channels.

The image of Russia in the French print media: a new tone in the context of the 2018 FIFA World Cup
This article looks at the issue of constructing the image of Russia in the French quality press (the newspapers Le Figaro, Le Monde, Le Parisien and the magazines Le Point, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris Match). The content and discourse analysis of their publications has revealed the positive dynamics of the image associated with the level of organisation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the hospitality of Russians, the improved infrastructure and the festive atmosphere in Moscow. French journalists are abandoning the tactics of one-side reporting offering the reader a multifaceted view of what is happening in Russia. Their publications are less tendentious and subjective. Nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine that “one month of football” can radically change the negative image that had been formed over the years. That image is rather connected with more complex issues, such as politics, democratic values and the mindset.

“Ether” and “broadcasting”: Etymology, essence, characterization of concepts
The article discusses two basic concepts of modern television broadcasting (in Russian and Arabic), their etymology and evolution in the development of television journalism in the system of mass communication. An attempt was made to determine which well-known television tools are primary, how and why the concepts of “ether” and “broadcasting” are identified, what are their similarities, why is there a substitution of their essence and, as a result, an erroneous interpretation. Examples of the interpretation of both concepts by well-known researchers of journalism are given, with the help of which an attempt was made to concretize the functions, forms and contents of one or another phenomenon.

Functional traits of the media space in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization
This article is devoted to the study of the functional features of the media space in Kazakhstan under the rapidly changing globalization trends and information confrontation of world powers. Since gaining independence, Kazakhstan is striving to create its own independent information space. The process of information space formation in the country has several traits, such as low competitiveness of national news agencies, slow development of the regulatory and legal framework in the field of information security, high politicization, including the language issue. These features occurred due to the heterogeneous language environment, the problems of the formation of national independent news agencies, the challenges of globalization, the most pressing of which is the growing influence of global media. In this article, authors touch upon the transition of Kazakhstan to the Latin alphabet, as well as the views of Western, Russian and Kazakhstan researchers on the current state of the media landscape of Kazakhstan. Authors justify the need to work out ways to minimize external information impact on the media landscape of Kazakhstan that is still undergoing media transformation processes.

Scientific topics in digital reality
The article presents the results of a study of more than two hundred scientific Internet resources, a significant part of which are the sites of scientific journals that have a printed version. The remaining resources are electronic industry and popular science publications, online information portals, community accounts in the blogosphere, social networks, and instant messengers. It is shown that these media products form a modern digital reality. The article presents the results of a study of more than two hundred scientific Internet resources, a significant part of which are the sites of scientific journals that have a printed version. The remaining resources are electronic industry and popular science publications, online information portals, community accounts in the blogosphere, social networks, and instant messengers. Based on the results obtained, it is shown that these media products in a special way form the modern digital reality, complicate and improve it. The creators and authors of scientific publications are journalists specializing in the field of popular science problems, scientists - representatives of the scientific community, as well as web users. The article raises the question of using a systematic approach (a complex of natural science, humanitarian and technological) when creating media resources of the scientific direction as the basis of informative-subject models of scientific and popular science media, complicating and qualitatively improving it. The creators and authors of scientific publications are also journalists specializing in the field of popular science problems, scientists - representatives of the scientific community, as well as web users, which reflects one of the modern trends in the development of media. The article raises the question of using a systematic approach (a complex of natural science, humanitarian and technological) in creating scientific media resources. This will be the basis of substantive-subject models of scientific and popular science media.

Indian social media politics: new era of election war

A new book about the work of B. Pilnyak. Review of L.N. Anpilova's monograph “Russian version of expressionism: Prose of Boris Pilnyak of the 1920s”. Saint Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2019. 214 p
The review analyzes a new monograph about the work of Boris Pilnyak, in which the prose of the famous Russian writer is considered from the standpoint of the aesthetics of expressionism. The authors of the review evaluates the scientific methodology of the monograph, focuses on the issues of author's strategy, genre modifications, specifics and forms of expression of the author's consciousness. Considering the structure of the book, the reviewer notes the harmony and strict reasonableness of the author's concept, justifies the theoretical significance of the monograph for the consideration of the aesthetics of expressionism in the prose of B. Pilnyak.

High school project “I am Ecomanifest” in the system of digital communications