No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Facts of A.S. Griboedov's life as semiotic objects of research
In the article the following facts are discussed: Griboedov's early growing and successful training, an ambiguity of his origin, legality of his birth and an accessory to the movement of «decabrism». In this connection some semiotic oppositions which consist the basis of the semiotic method of research are allocated and considered: «genius-mediocrity», «lawful -illegal birth», «noble-not-noble origin», «supporter-opponent of decabrism». On the basis of the various cultural facts making semiotics system of research, all stages of student's years represent the facts provided that a birth point is 1790. Griboedov's illegal birth does not cancel the fact of nobility and the corresponding facilities. As a result it is possible to remove a primitive myth about the boy-child prodigy. «The grief from mind» in the light of it becomes a fruit of mature thought of the author. Besides, it is possible to make a conclusion that Griboedov was not the opponent, but also did not belong to number of supporters of decabrism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):5-14

The poetical world-view of the early I.A. Bunin (the poetry of the late 1880th - 1890th)
The reflection of the early Bunin's worldview in his poetry of the late 1880th - 1890th is studied in the article. The article shows how Bunin's worldview is reflected in the motives and images of his poetry and how Russian classical poetry of the 19th century influences on it.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):15-22

Two «poetic microcosms» of the early V. Khlebnikov
The article is devoted to the problematics of space and time structurization, ambivalence and paradoxicality of the reality institutionalization in V.V. Khlebnikov's poetic texts on the material of two well-known poems examination. Mythologems, significant for poet's creative works, are considered in temporal and locative aspects. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the texts presented in the article the author arrives at the idea of deep interaction between microcosm, cosmos and macrocosm and their transformations in the «poetic Universe» of Velimir Khlebnikov.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):23-32

Paradoxes of «space-time» model transformation specificity of literary time and space presentation in L. Ulitskaya's prose
The article observes on the specificity of literary time and space presentation in female prose (on the material of the novel «Funeral party» by L. Ulitskaya. The peculiarity of topos in L. Ulitskaya's work is defined by the representation of the house space (apartment) filled with the numerous details. With this, the apartment's limited secluded space tends to widening at the expense of inclusion of the homeland's open spaces, which emigrants had taken away on «their soles» and spaces of the new country, in which they have settled and which they «bring in» along with their problems in the hero's house. And then the space is narrowed to the bounds of the person's inner world. An approach to the memory of a character as an internal space for the temporal development of the events is typical of L. Ulitskaya works. The category of time in literary works is represented in two aspects: historical time - memory time (reconstructed by means of familiar details) and real time (depiction by means of reliable features).
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):33-41

Problem of a genre of the novel of E.N. Chirikova «Animal from a chasm»
In article it is told about complexity of genre definition of the novel of E.N. Chirikova «Animal from a chasm». The subtitle of this product written by Chirikov «A poem of terrible years» allows to look at art problems and ideas of product differently.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):42-45

Analysis of the crisis in november-december 2008 in relations between the European Union and the People's Republic of China (on basis of publications of world press)
The paper is devoted to analysis of prerequisites and causes of the new crisis in Sino-European relations. The researcher makes conclusion that former methods of pressure on Beijing become less efficient and negatively influence on interests of Europeans themselves.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):65-72

The newspaper «The Beijing youth» - the organizer of political dialogue
In the article have pressed the questions about the development of «The Beijing youth». Distribution of ideological sights of the newspaper, political influence on the modern youth audience. In this newspaper we take root propagation of the Chinese communist in the spirit of sociological ideology, and report to youth of modern scientific and technical processes.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):73-78

Contemporary mass media on analytical comment issues
This article analyses the current status of analytical comment in Russian mass media, raises rhetorical question on future of the world's intellectual resources. The article notes decrease of TV commentators' competence for the sake of image of certain type, compares peculiar properties of analytical genres of the Soviet and modern periods.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):79-82

The american press about the characteristics of the country's contemporary politics
This article studies the latest publications of prominent American authors mostly dedicated to political life of the country in the first decade of 21st century. Special attention is paid to the works of journalists of the conservative movement and also the memoirs of the former White House staff members.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):83-92

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):103-104

Trebovaniya, pred\"yavlyaemye k stat'yamdlya publikatsii v Zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN.Seriya „Literaturovedenie. Zhurnalistika»
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(4):105-106