Vol 27, No 1 (2022)


Dostoevsky’s Novel The Idiot in the 19th Century Dramatizations: The History of Censorship and Theatre Productions

Babushkina P.V.


A staged version by V. Krylov and G. Sutugin of Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot (1899) is the only staging of this novel in the XIX century that was approved by censors and directed in two theaters: the Maly Theater and the Alexandrinsky Theater. Other adapations were banned for scene as a result of low quality and of impropriety of the novel and Dostoevsky in general on the stage. Dostoevsky’s work seemed too realistic and pessimistic for stage and mass performances: lack of virtue and chastity in the characters and their actions gave rise to censorship assertions that Dostoevsky was absolutely not a stage author. However, intriguingly, Krylov’s play differed little in quality from the previous ones: it was also a compilation of the chapters of the novel, concentrated on the love “triangle” between Nastasya Filippovna, Rogozhin and Myshkin. But the ending of Krylov’s text (it is believed that it was Krylov who took the main part in its creation) was full of moralizations and was completely invented by the authors. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the positive decision of the censors. In this article, we will consider censorial acts and try to puzzle out key to success by Krylov and Sutugin.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):9-18
pages 9-18 views

Reception of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Works in Tatar Literature and Literary Criticism

Galimullina A.F., Sharyafetdinov R.K.


The article examines the appeal of Tatar writers to the work of F.M. Dostoevsky, the dialogue with the writer in their works. It also analyzes the translation of the novel Crime and Punishment into the Tatar language. The study of dialogical relations of Tatar writers with the work of F.M. Dostoevsky by modern Kazan literary critics helps to identify the complex and multidimensional history of interaction of Tatar writers of the twentieth century with Russian classics. Having studied the scientific works of V.R. Amineva, L.K. Bayramova, D.R. Moskaleva, K.S. Minnibaev, E.G. Nigmatullina, Yu.G. Nigmatullina, M.M. Khabutdinova, Z.Z. Shagiakhmetov, as well as the translation of the novel Crime and Punishment by R. Dautov, it was concluded that in the works of G. Iskhaki, F. Amirkhan, G. Ibragimov, A. Gilyazov, an appeal to the artistic and philosophical heritage of F.M. Dostoevsky was manifested in the creative and original understanding of the moral and philosophical ideas and deep psychologism of the Russian classic, the desire to reveal the phenomena of modern Tatar reality more fully through the prism of his ideas.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):19-29
pages 19-29 views

Interpretation of the poem by A.A. Akhmatova Muse

Aksenova A.A.


The meaning of the mysterious dialogue between the poet and the Muse in the final part of the poem is revealed in the process of consistent reading. It should be noted that in the human and natural world, the separation of darkness and light, sleep and wakefulness, idle life and devotion, is reflected in the poet’s preference for his Muse to earthly honors, youth and independence. This brings together two poets from different historical epochs in the finale of the poem: the poet who lives now, like the Renaissance poet, continues to serve the Muse. The Muse in this poem has a human-like appearance, body, voice and look. This visual detail of the image of the Muse is important for the poetic persona and the reader because it transforms something important and sublime into an intimate, personal dimension. The personal communication plane is marked by the stylistic opposition of “laurels” and “dear”. Her attribute (αὐλός) corresponds more to Pan than to Apollo-citharoedus. Therefore, the natural state of the world here is not hostile, but representative of human life. In the course of the study, it turns out that the reference to the Divine Comedy is supported not only by the obvious mention of Dante in the finale, but also in the very first stanza.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):30-38
pages 30-38 views

“Technogeneous” Imagery of Alexander Eryomenko’s Poetry in the Context of Evolution of his Romantic World Outlook

Ankudinov K.N.


The article deals with “technogeneous” imagery in the poetry of Alexander Eryomenko. In his texts of the 1984-1986 period technical and scientific images are often compared with natural objects. This topic has been understudied. Various statements have been made by philologists about the ethical dimension of this imagery. The main aim of this article is to disprove these statements. Poetic texts of the later period (1987-1989) are devoted to politics. The purpose of this article is to identify the link between the two periods of his work. The task is to reveal the ideological orientations of these periods. Poet actively opposed his art to Soviet ideology and Russian nationalists. The author of the article suggests the following thesis: the two periods correspond to two stages which show how his romantic world outlook unfolded. Alexander Eryomenko first absolutized the mechanistical nature of the outside world (“Non-I”), and later singled out the “image of the enemy” in it. In the postSoviet period (after 1991) the poet gave up both political and poetic activities. The reason for it is the exhaustion of the romantic conflict and the “image of the enemy”. Philology has studied the issue of the romantic world outlook in contemporary literature insufficiently. The methodology of this article reveals its potential results.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):39-54
pages 39-54 views

Play by A. Arbuzov Old-fashioned comedy in China: Theater and Critical Reception

Wu X., Monisova I.V.


The article discusses the issue of reception of Russian drama of the 20th century in China on the basis of the theatrical and critical reception of A. Arbuzov’s play Old-Fashioned Comedy , which was repeatedly staged in theaters of the country at different cultural and historical stages and in recent years has again been in demand among theatrical figures and audiences. An analysis of the performances of a well-known text, reviews and readers' reactions to it make it possible not only to trace changes in the perception of the play in a foreign cultural space, but also to examine the social processes that cause such changes, as well as to touch upon the theatrical life itself and stage experiments in China. The conclusion is made that the universal human content of the playwright's plays, the timeless values that are affirmed in his work, and the inherent scenicity, the organic nature of the dramatic language help to successfully adapt the author’s works not only to the modern Russian theater, but also for the foreign language ones. An example of a successful dialogue of cultures in the theatrical and dramatic sphere is the stage history of the play Old-Fashioned Comedy in China.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):55-67
pages 55-67 views

Historical and Cultural Processes and Periodization of Arabic Literature

Zarytovskaya V.N.


The article is devoted to the theoretical problem of the periodization of the Arab national literature. The issue of dividing Arabic literature into periods has long been in the focus of both Arab and Western, as well as Russian literary researchers. Undoubtedly, such issues, which have recently acquired relevance in connection with the growing interest in modern Arabic literature, require analysis from such points of view as the multiplicity and variability of existing periodizations, the reasons for the discrepancy between the periodizations of European and Arab national literatures and various approaches to the compilation of periodization by Arab and European specialists. The purpose of this work was designated as an attempt to demonstrate, using analysis and comparison, as well as the method of historicity, the redundancy or, conversely, the insufficiency of some periodizations and the terms used in them, to find different names for the same periods with the same artistic principles and time frames, as well as to establish the factors that had the strongest influence on the development of Arabic literature. In the course of the study, conclusions are drawn about the inexpediency of correlating the periodization of Arabic literature with general European, as well as about the key role of a number of factors in the history of Arabic literature. First, linguistic (minimal changes in the literary language since the codification of the Qur’an in the 7th century), that ensured the continuity and tradition of Arabic literature, which for centuries preserved and cultivated figurative systems and stylistic devices of preIslamic times. Secondly, the factor of national domination - a purely Arab or general Muslim character of the society. Under the conditions of the latter, there was a mutual enrichment of the literatures of the peoples included in the caliphate, which entailed fundamental changes in the genre system and themes of Arabic literature. The author thus holds the idea that the originality of Arab literature is due to the characters of Arab preIslamic culture in general and verbal culture in particular and the historical processes of the Middle Ages in the Middle East, first of all - the rapid formation of the Caliphate as an imperial state and the including of most Arab countries a part in the Ottoman Empire, where Arabic was not the state language, from the XIV century and before the territorial redistribution of the results of the World War I.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):68-85
pages 68-85 views

Feminine Imagery in Chinese Lyrics of the Six Dynasties

Malakhevich D.E.


This article deals with the specifics of female imagery in Chinese poetry of the Six Dynasties period ( Liuchao ). The aim is to characterize female imagery in the works of the poets of this period and find out what changes these images underwent in comparison with previous epochs, and how the structure of these images differs in female and male poetry. The aim is to analyze the “women topic” in the works of the leading poets of the Six Dynasties period. The conclusion is made that in men’s poetry of the mentioned period the female image remains idealized, unified and narcissistic. Male poets used a standard set of artistic means to portray female images. The woman was presented as an object of aesthetic pleasure, and appeared to the reader in an inseparable connection with her surroundings and boudoir objects. In this regard, the thesis of the emergence of the image of a “beautiful lady” in Luchao poetry is put forward. Nevertheless, in both women’s and men’s lyrics more individualized images began to appear and a departure from traditional gender stereotypes is obvious; the main change in Six Dynasties poetry is the development of self-awareness in female and male poems, both in life and poetry, and the increasing understanding of their own subjectivity. The female characters of the Luchao era turn out to be endowed with reflexivity and psychologism. Lyrics on women’s themes developed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Transformation of Artistic Images of the Past in Modern Chinese Children’s Literature

Petrova S.A., Xu H.


The relevance of the article is connected with the drastic changes that are taking place now in People’s Republic of China and the ideas about the role of a child in Chinese society. The novelty and scientific value of the proposed research lies in the content analysis of a number of Chinese literary sources, which has not been conducted before. Today, an active polemic has unfolded in the scientific community between those who claim that the Europeanization of Asian culture and its transformation is taking place contrary to ancient philosophical views, and those who defend the position of preserving its national cultural values as opposed to globalization. The authors express their point of view on this problem, based on the Jungian analysis of literary images, and suggest considering several archetypes of the past, which are used by writers in modern Chinese children’s literature. As a result of the study, they conclude that the distinctive feature of archetypal images is Chinese children’s literature is their positive movement from Confucian and neo-Confucian ideas to modern views with an inevitable regression during the Maoist period, however, throughout the history of the existence of children’s literature, the basic archetypes inherent in ancient legends and myths, both European and Asian, are preserved.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):94-101
pages 94-101 views

Travelling with Quichotte: Reading Rushdie’s Quixotic Reinvention of Cervantes’ Don

Chakraborty A.


Salman Rushdie’s latest novel Quichotte , inspired by Cervantes’ Don Quixote , revolves around the journey of a fictional character named Ismail Smile who adopts the name Quichotte as he embarks on a fantastic quest across America to win the heart of celebrated actor and talk-show host Salma R, since his perception of reality has been muddled by incessant immersion in television shows, just as the mind of Cervantes’ don had been addled by his preoccupation with chivalric romances. While Cervantes’ protagonist, through his various misadventures, ironically exposed the many maladies of contemporary society, Quichotte’s journey across America, accompanied by his son Sancho, whom he miraculously imagines into existence, also operates as a picaresque narrative that methodically dissects the alarming aberrations of contemporary world order. Taking Quixote’s inability to distinguish between the real and the fictional as his starting point, Rushdie’s text eclectically foregrounds the menacing fissures of a social order where a rampant disregard for facts also becomes a platform for widespread regression into atavistic atrocities. The proposed paper will focus on such issues and more in order to highlight how the famed Man of La Mancha continues to operate as a relevant figure even within the fractious contradictions of our times.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):102-108
pages 102-108 views


Factors Transgressing Journalism’s Contemporary Mission and Role

Simons G., Strovsky D.L.


This discussion article envisages five different contemporary challenges and pays special attention to the arguments as to why contemporary journalism losses its professional priorities and gets mixed in with other types of mass communication, particularly with public relations (PR) and propaganda. This clarification is of great importance not only for purely professional purposes, but also for broad social priorities. Arguments concerning the role and mission of journalism place it anywhere between watchdog and lapdog which makes the process of studying journalism uncertain and even contradictory as it is caught between the binds of historical values and the traps of contemporary practice.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):109-121
pages 109-121 views

The evolution of Media in New Normal: Creating bridges between the Latin American and the European research tradition. Аn interview with Professor Carlos A. Scolari

Shilina M.G., Scolari C.A.



RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Quantitative Analysis of the Word Spread Dynamics as a Factor in Identifying of the Youth Mass Media Significance

Murzina O.V.


This study examines the role and place of youth media in changing the vocabulary of the Russian language. For a comparative analysis, three words were used, the factors of popularity of which are political propaganda, the frequent use of the word in a certain youth magazine and the widespread prevalence of the word on the Internet. A wave-like dynamics of an increase in the frequency of the word, which has become popular thanks to publications in the youth media, has been revealed: matured readers of the magazine, after 20-25 years, begin to actively use the word introduced into their vocabulary by the authors of the publications. The question is raised about the significance of the mass media for the dynamics of changes in the vocabulary of the language. A method has been developed to prove the influence of the mass media on the dynamics of changes in the vocabulary using the tools of quantitative linguistics. The history of the frequency of use of the analyzed words in the Russian language allows us to speak about the importance of youth mass media as determining the worldview and linguistic picture of the world of the text. Moreover, for other words in which the frequency correlates with the historical setting, the contexts of use themselves indicate the connection of the increased frequency with the personality of a particular publicist or writer and with the texts he generates.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):126-136
pages 126-136 views

Guy Fawkes and the Antinomies of the Digital Age

Pronina E.E.


The article examines the phenomenon of the transformation of the image of Guy Fawkes into a meme - a universally significant symbol. The history of the formation of the symbol, which combined the events of the Gunpowder Conspiracy of the early XVII century and the social movements of the early XXI century, is considered as a kind of natural longitudinal experiment that sheds light on the process of personality evolution and the key problems of the digital era. The hypothesis put forward deals with the initially ambivalent nature of “Guy Fawkes Night” celebration viewed as a symbolic realization of intentions tabooed by the social hierarchy. The article analyzes allusions to the topic of the Gunpowder Conspiracy in popular culture, the peculiarities of using the name and mask of Guy Fawkes as elements of self-identification. The author concludes that the symbolic identification with Guy Fawkes indicates the increasing need of society for independence and self-organization and a sharp aggravation of the antinomic relations between official and unofficial culture, first described by M. Bakhtin on the example of a medieval carnival. The role played by the ancient Celtic mysteries, as well as modern digital technologies, in the evolution of the symbol is also outlined. The article discusses how archaic rituals contributed to the rethinking process of the image of Guy Fawkes in the context of binary oppositions of the collective psyche. The specifics of the development of the “Guy Fawkes phenomenon” in digital society are considered as a predictor of the next stage in the evolution of society and personality.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):137-146
pages 137-146 views

Waves of Media Education Development: Synchronous and Diachronic Aspects

Pugachev M.A.


In the context of the increasing influence of the products of the Internet field (social media, blogging) on social everyday life, media education is becoming especially relevant. The symbolic status of the audience is changing, which becomes not only a consumer, but also a producer of media content. The current stage in the development of media communications can be considered unique with some reservations. However, in the history of the XIX-XX centuries, there was a precedent, since in society periodically there were periods of a large-scale surge of interest in media literacy as the main category of media education, depending on a number of socio-cultural factors. This increase in the importance of media literacy is wave-like. The subject of this article is the waves of media education, which are considered from the standpoint of synchronicity and diachrony. A complex of methods is used: historical and cultural analysis; structural analysis; contextual analysis; secondary analysis of sociological and statistical data. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the modern media communication conditions in which the “new media” develop are similar to those that were in the formation of the audience of cinema and television. The Internet and, in particular, social media are no less rapidly conquering the audience. At the same time, the modern mediated world requires a high level of media competence and the development of critical thinking from society.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):147-157
pages 147-157 views

Peer Learning and Edutainment Technologies in the Development of Professional Competencies of Media Students

Ilyicheva V.V., Kuzmenkova K.E., Gromova E.B.


The article describes and analyzes the educational and training project of the Department of Mass Communications of the Peoples” Friendship University of Russia “Day of Specialties: Journalism, Television, Advertising and Public Relations”. Also presented is the experience of organizing and conducting the festival of educational films and training “MediaEnvironment” at the branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Sevastopol. These special educational and cognitive events are considered as elements of internal and external communications of universities, developing the professional competences of participants and demonstrating the possibilities of using the concept of peer learning and edutainment technologies for practical emotional-motivated learning of students of media specialties. The authors describe the methodology of event preparation in relation to educational standards, linking the organizational stages with the formation of specific student competencies. The authors conclude not only about the effectiveness of such forms of educational communication, but also about the prospects of their use in the conditions of online education. Representation model of special events is universal and can be used not only in universities with such directions like “journalism”, “television”, “advertising and public relations”.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):158-170
pages 158-170 views

Formational Features of the Image of Russia on the Serbian Media Platforms

Kunich Z., Muzykant V.L., Panasenko N.


Any network media platform, as an integral multifunctional multimedia system, a priori has a set of technological advantages for broadcasting socially significant information, at the same time, media text is a key element of Internet communications. In this regard, the media platform can be considered as one of the most effective means of state image formation. The authors test this hypothesis on the empirical material of specific media platforms in Serbia: they study media texts for the period of 2020-2021 highlighting Russia (its politics, culture, history). The research question consists in the formational features identification and promotion of the image of Russia on the «digital territory» of the kindred peoples. There is both an interdisciplinary theoretical and practical need to study media text of network platforms as a phenomenon that actively assimilates the multimedia format and various distribution channels. The authors use a linguistic analysis of texts about Russia, revealing the stereotypes inherent in the inhabitants of the Balkans in relation to Russians. It was found out that the modern image of the Russian Federation in this region is influenced by stereotypes reflected in the texts posted on Serbian media platforms. Special attention is paid to media texts reflecting the period of strengthening of the international authority of Russia as an independent state that consistently implements its foreign policy. Our research is relevant for an objective assessment of the attitude of the Balkans to Russia in the context of age-old interstate relations and traditions of the Slavic world. The texts of the Serbian online media demonstrate the authors’ understanding of the value of the common national cultural heritage, linguocultural basics of Russian and Serbian peoples. The functioning of modern media in the Balkan Peninsula, published in the Serbo-Croatian language, is considered in relation to the formation of a national civil society interested not only in the native language, but also in integration into Slavic culture in general, in the development of effective cooperation with Russia. Having used the technological capabilities of media platforms, it was established that the image of Russia in Serbian media modelling in the period of 2020-2021 is an element of the complex multimedia controlled impact on their audience. The results of our research show that the representation of the image of Russia was carried out systematically - taking into account the values, needs and preferences of the South Slavic peoples.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):171-188
pages 171-188 views

The Process of Adapting Content of the Online Newspaper Lenta.ru Towards the Social Media Space

Grabelnikov A.A., Ye Z.


Currently, online newspapers whose activities meet journalistic standards are forced to adapt quite quickly to the rapidly developing digital environment. This is primarily due to the transition of the majority of the readership to the space of social networks and messengers, acting today as “news providers”. In the current situation, media editors have to master new, unusual strategies and technologies for presenting news content. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the process of transformation of the communication structure of the mass media to the space of social networks and messengers in a changing information environment, using the example of an online newspaper Lenta.ru . This article describes the characteristics of a social network and messenger as platforms for the activities of the online publication. The article examines the ways of presenting the material and the strategies used by the editorial staff on these Internet resources, taking into account the process of merging journalism and marketing, which is characteristic of the media activities in social networks.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):189-199
pages 189-199 views

News Media Trust and Sources of Political Information in West Africa: Mainstream vs. New Media in Ghana and Nigeria

Mustapha J.M., Shilina M.G., Agyei O.S., Ocansey C.R.


Like many other developed democracies, most democratic countries in West Africa are facing challenges of trust in news media for political information, particularly with the emergence of the non-mainstream media - new social media. Previous research revealed that alternative news media trust is correlated with lower levels of trust in news in Africa and that the presence of private media have failed to offer alternative sources to government media. This paper for the first time seeks to investigate reasons for the increase in distrust in news media among the mainstream and non-mainstream media in West African Ghana and Nigeria, which is the main source for political information in the region. We conducted the study through online surveys for the audience of news media in Ghana and Nigeria who are interested in political news and are frequent users of both mainstream media and new social media for political information. We found out that even though people in these two countries use social media as an alternative source of obtaining political information, yet, they largely still trust mainstream media news for political information rather than social media.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):200-208
pages 200-208 views


New Book about Bulgakov. Book Review: Urupin, I.S. (2020). M.A. Bulgakov’s Works in the National-Cultural Context of the Epoch. Moscow: Flinta. 572 p. (In Russ.)

Sokolov B.V.



RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):209-212
pages 209-212 views

Ecology of Media Space as a Strategy of Modern Life. Book Review: Urazova, S.L. (Ed.). (2021). Ecosystem of Media: Digital Modifications. Chelyabinsk: SUSU Publ. 252 р. (In Russ.)

Shesterina A.M.



RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):213-217
pages 213-217 views

The Scope of Meanings and the Unity of the World. On the Academic Work of Vera Vakhtangovna Shervashidze

Litvinenko N.A., Pakhsaryan N.T., Shevyakova E.N.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2022;27(1):218-222
pages 218-222 views

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