- Year: 2021
- Articles: 23
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1479
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2021-26-3
Full Issue

“Possible Worlds” and the Meanings of F. Dostoevsky's Providence in the Messianic Receptions of the ХХth Century
The article analyzes the specifics of the receptive impact of the artistic Messianic concept of F. Dostoevsky, which influences providential contexts in the cultural philosophy of the ХХth century. The possibility to identify the features of the artistic embodiment of the Russian Messianic problems in cultural philosophy and literature of the ХХth century determines the relevance of this study. The analysis of the strategy of modeling “possible worlds” in Dostoevsky’s work, which referentially determines the development of Russian utopian / dystopian providence, determines the novelty of the study. The concepts of the Christological axiosphere, which reflects Dostoevsky's Messianic concept, determine the most important coordinates of the providential receptive trends of the ХХth century. They are objects of analysis in the article. It is proved that the semiotics of messianic motifs in Russian literature of the XXth century is connected, first of all, with the Abrahamic religious context, which is built into the most complex providential concept of the anthropological Christology of F. Dostoevsky. According to the principles of fractal logic, the writer generates the Abrahamic canon in the key messianic world-modeling metametaphors. Dostoevsky's messianic pretext is referentially manifested in Russian literature of the twentieth century - in the work of Russian Symbolists, who understand the Messiah as a divine-existential personality, in the works of writers of the late XXth century, who interprete the messiah as a “collective personality” - a substitutionary sacrifice. In our opinion, the chiliastic aspiration of messianic Christology and anthropology is also connected with the influence of Dostoevsky. However, we should talk about the dissipative variability of messianic concepts due to the contextual reference of messianic ideas of eastern origin, in particular, the Zoroastrian, Sufi and Islamic contexts are found. The artistic idea of messianism in Russian literature of the XXth century can also be considered as a semiotic sign system that reveals historiosophical and socio-political meanings, modeling the tendencies of anthropologization and ontologization of the literary process.

Russian Historiosophy of the ХXth Century in the Context of the Tradition of the Moral and Psychological Novel by F. Dostoevsky
The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the receptive influence of the moral and psychological novel by F. Dostoevsky’s on the development of the Russian historiosophical novel of the XXth century. The relevance of the problem is in the identification of an ideological dominant connected with the key problems associated with the moral attitudes of Dostoevsky's novelistics. The novelty of this study lies in considering, taking into account new ideological assessments of the role and status of a historical person, a historical novel about the narodovoltsy of the 50-60s of the ХХth century. The novels about the narodovoltsy of the 50-60s of ХХth century were chosen as an object of research to reflect the ideological concept of F. Dostoevsky in the receptive field of the searches of the XXth century writers and as a determinant of the moral coordinates of modern phenomena of reality. It is proved that the development of the moral and psychological historical novel in the 60-70s takes place under the strongest influence of the tradition of F. Dostoevsky. The receptive correlation of the genre coordinate system, subjective organization, historiosophical ideologism of the XXth century with the traditions of the moral and psychological historiosophy of Dostoevsky’s “contextual field”, on the one hand, forms a new Tynyanov-Forsh tradition, and on the other, develops the traditions of the writer's polyphonic ideological novel on a new level and determines the expansion of the moral polyphonism of the historical novel in its value and psychoanalytic orientation, when the principle of “internal ethics” begins to dominate the ideological and political fields.

The Polyphony of the Silent: The Specifics of Dostoevsky’s Philosophical Discourse
The article describes the phenomenon of silence in Dostoevsky’s later prose. Philosophical, plot-forming and psychological aspects of silence are looked at. A confessional type of monologue is defined as a discursive genre, with specific roles of the speaker and his silent listeners, whose predominance in Dostoevsky’s prose lets the author of the article adjust the notion of polyphony and dialogue within the context of Dostoevsky’s poetics. The conventionality of “the other” in the confessional type of monologue is proved by the absence of the completing functions in listeners. In most cases Dostoevsky’s later works retain some rudimental forms of frantic dialogue while the role of specific monologue discourse, caused and conditioned by silence, is increasing. By semantics and function types of silence in Dostoevsky fall into three groups: 1) the underground silence as expression of human disunity in the epoch of “universal solitude”; 2) “role silence” of listeners in the discursive genre of confessional monologue; 3) sacred silence of Christ indicating transition to a new higher level of communication

The Reasons for the “Non-meeting” of F.M. Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy
The well-known historical and literary paradox is considered again: the contemporaries F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy were not personally acquainted, although they had the opportunity to do so more than once. The assumption is substantiated that the main reason for such a “non-meeting” was not only a combination of random circumstances, but also the incredible intuition of both writers: constantly reading each other, feeling the deepest spiritual closeness and understanding the mutual significance for literature and society, both avoided everyday meetings even on literary occasions, because they were afraid that a possible verbal discussion would lead to an involuntary, even temporary profanation of their views.

Married Dostoevsky? The History of Relations between V.V. Rozanov and A.P. Suslova
The article examines in detail the history of the relationship between A.P. Suslova and V.V. Rozanov in connection with the notion existing in the historical and literary science that Rozanov’s marriage to Suslova was based on his deep interest in the work of F.M. Dostoevsky and his desire in such an unusual way to penetrate deeper into the secrets of the life and work of the author of The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov. However, an appeal to various documentary evidence shows that Rozanov’s marriage motives came from the warehouse of his nature and constituted a complex of rather complex reasons, among which the human, and not literary, research principle still dominates. The desire for a benevolently objective study of the life history of A.P. Suslova makes it possible to clarify at the modern scientific level the important facts of the biography of F.M. Dostoevsky and V.V. Rozanov, to free them from the stratifications of legends and myths.

Dostoevsky in Kazakhstan: History of Study, Results, Prospects
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Semipalatinsk and Kuznetsk periods in the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky. The purpose of the study is to reveal the Kazakh-Siberian periods in the fate of the Russian writer, their reflection in the letters and works of art by F.M. Dostoevsky. In the year of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, we cannot talk about the complete study of the indicated periods of the life of the prose writer, which, of course, to one degree or another, were reflected in his prose. This determines the degree of novelty of this article. Dostoevsky is dear to Kazakhstan. He not only served his exile, but also found a friend here, sincere and quivering - the historian, orientalist, ethnographer Ch. Valikhanov. The stories “Uncle's Dream” and “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitant”, the first chapters of Notes from the Dead House were written in Semipalatinsk. The story “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants” (1857-1859) has the author's clarification: “From the notes of the unknown”. Many works of fiction in world literature are the result of travel notes, diaries. Undoubtedly, the restoration of the history of the Kazakh-Siberian period of the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky is of great value, because the greatest Russian writer experienced spiritual revival there, in Kazahstan. The works of F.M. Dostoevsky were included in the literature program of secondary schools in Kazakhstan, translated into Kazakh ( The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov translated by N. Syzdykov). Dostoevsky scholars of Kazakhstan in the XXI century continue to study the writer’s works.

Ontological Motives of Home-Antihome in the Novel Demons by F.M. Dostoevsky
Dostoevsky realizes the motive of home in an inseparable antinomical connection with the motive of homelessness, which is opposite to it, artistically embodied in the idea of familylessness, wandering, Chaos, and Entropy. The relevance of the study of the motives of home and homelessness lies in the gradual reconstruction of the author's concept of the “saving future”. In this article, the motives of home and homelessness are considered in several aspects, including toponymic, functional, archetypal and ontological. We tried to demonstrate the implementation of the stated motives at the level of such categories as faith-unbelief, Heaven and Hell, brotherhood and isolation. In the novel Demons , the idea of national soil and separation from it, the possible salvation of a person and the consequences that await society in the event of the dominance of “demons” and the loss of the primordial “brotherhood” - the intimate connection between people, is consistently developed. From this point of view, the motives of home and homelessness become significant for the novel space. The archetype of home contains the idea of a saving “own” circle, which is opposed to the outside world with its hostility, spontaneity, and disaster. Everything that is located outside this circle are elements belonging to the anti-world, and therefore their effect on the microcosm of home is destructive. Analysis of the text confirms that the archetype of Dostoevsky's home is destabilized. Its tightness is broken; the boundaries protecting the interior are permeable. The motive of the home is typically supplanted by the motive of homelessness, and therefore it is natural to consider this motive couple in its antinomical continuity. In the above study, the motives of home and homelessness are considered as ontological: they are associated with the existential level of the work, due to which it is possible to establish the ontological status of the actants and determine the relationship with the so-called initial idea.

Two Councils by A.N. Maykov in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novel The Brothers Karamazov
The article is devoted to the issue of reception of the poems about Catholic Church written by A.N. Maykov, a close friend of F.M. Dostoevsky, in his novel The Brothers Karamazov and, above all, in “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor”. We are talking about the poems - “The Queen’s Confessions. The Legend of the Spanish Inquisition”, “Sentence. The Legend of the Constance Council” and “The Legend of the Clermont Council”. It is “The Queen’s Confessions” which led Dostoevsky to make Seville the setting for the “Legend of the Grand Inquisitor”. The main character of the “Sentence”, Cardinal Hermit, became the prototype of the Grand Inquisitor in Dostoevsky’s novel, and the main character of “The Legend of Clermont Council”, the Pilgrim Hermit, in many ways became the prototype of the unrecognized Christ from the “Legend of the Grand Inquisitor”. The article presents significant textual parallels between Maykov’s poems and The Brothers Karamazov .

The Problem of Positive and Destructive Freedom: The Interpretation of the Arkady Svidrigailov Image
This article examines the problem of the relationship between freedom and self-will on the example of one of the heroes of Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment . Attention is focused not only on the canonical text of the novel, but also on the preparatory materials for it. The task is to identify the connection between the above named problem and the suicide problem of Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov. The thesis is put forward that for Dostoevsky’s heroes, self-will often becomes a fetter for their own nature and their own passions. With the help of debauchery, Svidrigailov tries to assert himself, giving his soul to the mercy of willfulness. There is a certain pattern in the fact that such a worldview logical chain ends with the tragic act of suicide. Arkady Ivanovich adores comfort, and therefore, in accordance with his own logic, his murder by Dunya, which did not happen, can be considered, among other things, as an attempt of a comfortable method of suicide. In the preparatory materials for the novel, Svidrigailov protests against cowardly meanness and puts suicide above such a humiliating state, although he understands the entire flaw in such a situation. For all the complexities the problem of freedom and self-will - one of the leitmotifs of religious and philosophical themes in the writer’s work - Dostoevsky does not see its formal, external solution.

Oblomov and Myshkin: Some Aspects of the Issue
The article examines one of the possible parallels between the protagonists of the novels Oblomov and The Idiot , which was formulated by Dostoevsky himself. He pointed out both the similarities between Myshkin and Oblomov and the differences between the two. The purpose of the article is to explain the special status of the characters of Dostoevsky and Goncharov, which is linked to their explicit or implicit desire to save the world. The task is to systematize various views of scholars on the issue of Dostoevsky and Goncharov, especially in the light of their relation to the Russian spiritual tradition. The thesis is put forward that the similarity between the two protagonists may be explained by the similarity of the two authors’ views on the problem of secular holiness. In both novels similar versions of the “plot of salvation” are realized, in which the protagonist claims to be the savior of others, although another motif, that of personal salvation, is emphasized by Goncharov in Oblomov and has Dante origins. While in the case of Myshkin his wish to be Christ-alike lead him to a personal catastrophe, and the destruction of his inner circle, in Oblomov’s case there are no such losses, there are even some advantages in the form of the emerging life of Shtolz and Olga, in the form of awakening to a new life of Agafia Matveevna Pshenitsyna. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that both Dostoevsky and Goncharov did not forget about the human nature of their characters, but the former, as Goncharov put it, allowed his Myshkin, “Prince Christ”, to wear a “divine robe” and thus largely predetermined his failure as a savior, while the latter alleviated the traits of holiness in his Oblomov, leaving only traces of them, which attract people to the character making them and their small world better.

How to Translate Dostoevsky from French into French? “L’homme de la nature et de la vérité” and “animaux domestiques” in Notes from Underground
The article deals with the use of French expressions in the text of F. Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground . On the one hand, various semantic nuances of bilingualism and associations with some cultural contexts are revealed. On the other hand, translations and explanations of these expressions given by translators of the novella are analyzed. While “l’homme de lа nature et de la vérité” is a citation which shows that it is impossible to render “French character” into Russian culture, “aux animaux domestiques” carries this idea to the point of absurdity.

Notes from Underground by F.M. Dostoevsky in XXth Century English Criticism
The article is devoted to the issue of the critical reception of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground in the XXth century. Some letters, as well as books on philosophy and literary criticism by such writers as D.H. Lawrence, J.M. Murry, C. Wilson and I. Murdoch are analysed. The reviews by the given authors correspond to two waves of interest in Dostoevsky - the first one took place at the turn of the XXth century followed by the second one in the middle of the century. The writers name the key characteristics of the Underground Man: vanity, egoism, self-division, desire for suffering and inability to act. Some critics of Dostoevsky’s Notes see the Underground Man as recurrent image and note his relevance to the ideas of existentialism, especially the one about inability to apprehend truth in a rational way.

Socialism and/or Christianity: F.M. Dostoevsky’s Influence on S. Lagerlöf's Novel Antichrist’s Miracles
In the 1880s. F.M. Dostoevsky was perceived in Sweden as a revolutionary writer, therefore there was great attention to his political views, which influenced among others S. Lagerlöf, who read Dostoevsky in Swedish, Danish and, possibly, in French. In the novel Antichrist’s Miracles (1897) S. Lagerlöf talks about Italy, a Catholic country where the church has much more power than in Protestant lands. In this regard, Lagerlöf actualizes F.M. Dostoevsky’s reflections on the connection between the state and the church, presented in Brothers Karamazov and other novels. The key question that interests both F.M. Dostoevsky and S. Lagerlöf is whether people can build the kingdom of Christ on earth when Christ said: “My kingdom is not of this world”. F.M. Dostoevsky examines this problem in most detail in the unfinished article Socialism and Christianity , which S. Lagerlöf could not read, but she was undoubtedly familiar with Dostoevsky’s thoughts on this matter put into the mouths of Zosima and Prince Myshkin. In S. Lagerlöf's novel Antichrist’s Miracles , the main character becomes a socialist, though he dreamed of becoming a priest in childhood, like Alyosha Karamazov. A fake image of Christ with the words “My kingdom is only on earth” becomes a banner of socialism in Lagerlöf's novel. This image works wonders but only related to earthly goods. At the end of the novel, Lagerlöf comes to the conclusion (put into the mouth of the Pope) that this image should not be destroyed, but “the earth should be reconciled with heaven”. This conclusion is consistent with Dostoevsky’s ideas about the “universal church realized on earth”.

Conflict as a Category of Literary Studies: Analytical Research Strategies
The substantiation of the methodological viability and hermeneutic potential of the category “conflict” is given. The role of conflict as a category of world modeling in fiction is pointed out. Consideration of the conflict in the aspect of dialogism is suggested. Conflict in fiction is a special kind of communicative act arising from the antagonism of “misunderstanding” of the opposing sides, but providing a new level of understanding to the perceiving consciousness of the reader, making it “intellectually armed” (R. Jacobson) in the face of conflicting structures. Analytical strategies for the study of conflict are presented in the semantic aspect (conflict as an object of artistic depiction) and the aspect of structure (conflict as a fundamental structural principle). It is proved that the dual nature of the conflict presupposes taking into account in research practice the possibilities of textocentric and anthropological approaches to the study of conflict, understood as antagonistic relations of oppositional units. The development of epistemology, axiology and poetics of conflict in fiction is seen in the way of studying all levels of “conflict dialogue”.

A.N. Veselovsky’s Theory of Motive and Plot in the Reflection of a Folk Tale
The article deals with the main provisions of the theory of motive and plot of the outstanding Russian philologist A.N. Veselovsky (1838-1906) in the light of a folk tale. At the archaic stage, as the scientist believed, the composition of the fairy tale obeyed the laws of syncretic consciousness and dualistic worldview, which determined the specifics of not only its existence, but also the logical and semantic basis of the fairy-tale model. With the transition to the religious-historical paradigm of public consciousness, there is a semiotic and morphological reorganization of the plot of the fairy tale. The task is to find out how the scientific method of differentiated study of motive and plot allowed Veselovsky to prove that the operating system of the motive is strongly connected with apperception and suggestion, and the plot - with combination and discourse, that the motive is directly related to fiction, and the plot - to the idea, but at the same time their commonality is expressed by the ideological and artistic concept.

Positivism in the Mirror of Carnival: The Rabelaisian Chronotope in the Works of E. Zola
This paper deals with using the Rabelaisian “cultural code”, which the author of the article suggests to be applied to the reading and interpreting of some novels by E. Zola. From the author’s point of view, such an experiment allows us to look at French naturalism from a new point of view, as a variant of a typologically recurring phenomenon in the history of literature. For the French naturalistic novel Rabelaisianism is considered as a kind of meaning-generating model, as “appropriated communication” or as an element of traditional literary discourse. The latter is actualized in a period when the cultural conditions and the nature of the main ideological and aesthetic conflicts became similar to the time of the French Renaissance. The author attempts to apply the theory of the “carnival chronotope”, which is developed by M.M. Bakhtin, to the interpretation of some of E. Zola’s texts. Meanwhile, the concept of the chronotope is considered more widely than that of M.M. Bakhtin: it is proposed to understand the chronotope as a universal model of space-time relations in the novel. The author also views the poetics of the “real” in the naturalistic novel through the prism of the carnival (i. e. extremely detailed material world); as examples, the motives of food and wine, as well as the motive of rebellion and war as a variant of the “war for food” and the carnival battle of Shrovetide (pancake week) and Lent are analyzed in the article. The main material used for the analysis is taken from the novels Le Ventre de Paris , 1873 ( The Belly of Paris ), L’Assommoir , 1877 ( The Trap ), and Germinal , 1885, by E. Zola.

Chinese Text in a Poem by N. Gumilyov
The article considers N. Gumilev’s poem “The Moon at Sea” from the cycle “Porcelain Pavilion”. New in the work is the interpretation of the poem, the identification and explanation of the Chinese realities of N. Gumilev’s poetic text. Revealed the original texts, which became the basis for the creation of N. Gumilev’s poem “The Moon on the Sea”, considered a version of the poem, preserved in the poet’s manuscript. The author’s reasoning and conclusions are based on critical research, which compares two cultures. The analysis of N. Gumilev’s poem is carried out in the semantic aspect using the search for textual parallels. Interpretation of N. Gumilev’s poem “The Moon on the Sea” allows, on the other hand, to approach the world outlook of the Silver Age culture, explains the genesis of the image of China in N. Gumilev’s poetry.

Intertextual Connections between the Novels The Goat in MILK by Yu. Polyakov and The Joke of the Patron by A. Averchenko
This article is devoted to the analysis of the links between the novels The Joke of the Patron by A. Averchenko and The Goat in Milk by Yu. Polyakov. The purpose of the article is to explain the aspects that bring the two works together, as well as to reveal the characteristics that distinguish Yu. Polyakov from his predecessor. The task is to clarify the traditions of Russian literature and novelty in the novel The Goat in Milk by Yu. Polyakov. In the article, the author examines the similarity of the two works on the plot level, finds similar artistic techniques and motives for the actions of the characters. In addition, the article focuses on the gallery of Soviet writers created by Yu. Polyakov, as well as the important role of the historical event-the collapse of the USSR - in the life of the main characters. In his novel The Goat in Milk , Yu. Polyakov reflects the late Soviet and post-Soviet life in the literary circle. Attention to social phenomena and the development of history in the work of Yu. Polyakov is of great social and historical significance. We can say that Yu. Polyakov did not just borrow the plot of Averchenko, but on its basis he improved the original and gave a peculiar interpretation of the era of change from the point of view of the writer from the Soviet Union.

The Transformation of the Idea of Internet Freedom in the XXIst Century
The article analyzes the theoretical approaches that have developed in relation to the issues of control and freedom of the Internet space, including copyright regulation and its gradual transformation as the digital environment develops and changes. Special attention is given to the values underpinning the principles of regulation are determined. If initially the dominant notion was that the Internet would ensure humanity a new free world, then later the discourse shifted to much less optimistic views and topics the issue of network regulation, technical and legal restrictions, censorship and data protection. Most recent academic literature is devoted to the practical side of the issue, and the issue of values has faded into the background. As a result, the discussion has lost significant context: issues of freedom and human rights in the Internet environment, discussion of what is really important for society - security or the absence of restrictions, the problem of users’ trust in the state and platforms.

Bibliographic Information in the Theatre Magazine Artist
The theatre magazine “Artist” has repeatedly become an object of scientific research. However, despite the wealth of works with a focus on structure of the magazine, the bibliographic section of “Artist” remains insufficiently studied. The bibliographic information of the journal has not yet become an object of subject-specific research. The empirical basis of the study is a complete set of publications of the theater magazine “Artist” for the entire period of its existence. Primary attention is paid to the bibliographic section of the journal and the appendix. Research methods are theoretical and historical analysis, generalization and systematization of the results obtained. In the proposed article, the author describes and comprehends the main forms of latent bibliographic information in the theatrical magazine “Artist”, first of all, the independent section “Bibliography”. The study defines main thematic areas of the section, its structure and main genres. The author also analyzes the types of bibliographic advertising in the journal: alphabetical directories of plays allowed to be performed, index of plays suitable for amateur shows, announcements on subscription from magazine editors, advertising of new books, ads for subscriptions to other print media. The author comes to the conclusion that along with educational intentions, the magazine staff solved specific selling tasks (sale of the magazine and books distributed through the publisher’s office). The latent bibliographic information of “Artist” can be useful for specialists interested in history of literature, journalism and theatre.

Causes of the Infodemic Outbreak: Media Coverage of the SARS Epidemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic Comparative Analysis
The article raises the problem of the destructive impact of the infodemic phenomenon on the life of the society. In order to understand the today’s infodemic the author suggests conducting a comparative analysis of the media coverage of the SARS epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic to identify common features in the work of editorial teams during such global challenges as an outbreak of a new dangerous disease. After having analyzed all relevant aspects the author arrives to conclusion that the key features and characteristics of the process, which in 2020 was called “infodemic”, also took place during the SARS in 2003. Given the fact that the media have been following the same concept of coverage for years, it can be assumed that during a new pandemic, journalists will make the same mistakes and let infodemic get in the way of spreading truthful information again. Having analyzed in detail the algorithms of media coverage of the two mentioned pandemics, the author raises the following questions: increasing responsibility of media towards their target audiences for publishing fake news; deeper fact-checking of information that could pose a threat to the society.

Gaming Slang Terms in Russian Online Media: A Case Study of News Articles
The goal of this study is to identify gaming slang terms in the news articles of highly rated Russian media. Three online newspapers of various types were used as an empirical material: Kommersant (the first private business newspaper in Russia), RBC (a socio-political analytical newspaper) and Rossiyskaya Gazeta (agency of the Russian Federation government). With help of the content analysis of the media texts, all cases of using the slang gaming terms such as “achievement”, “noob”, “easter eggs” etc. have been discovered and described. The results of the study show that over the past five years the popularity of the gaming terms usage in the media has been growing; this increase can be described as a linear progressive growth: gaming slang is becoming an integral part of the Runet online resources and is gradually entering common vocabulary. It can be assumed that with the increase in the number of media managers from the generation of digital natives and their transition to the category of “decision makers”, the growth of gaming slang terms in online media will become exponential.