
Artistic synthesis in the novels of A.A. Kim (genre, style, method)
Assan A.K., Mineralova I.G., Nurgali K.R., Asanov K.D.
Stylization of history in the works of N.V. Kukolnik
Kubasov A.V.
The epistemological aspect of conceptual sphere in the artistic world of A.P. Chekhov
Tuimebayev Z., Joldasbekova B., Tattimbetova K., Shanayev R., Lomova E.A.
Articles problematics and specificity of creative style of Iraqi publicist Raphael Butti
Bakanov R.P., Al-Baidhani W.A.
The role of verbal painting in Leonid Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest”
Shi L., Mineralova I.G.
The Main Lexical Features of the Newspaper-Journalistic Style in Modern Chinese Media Texts
Gao D., Bazanova A.E.
Moshtaq Isfahani and Formation of New Style in Persian Poetry of the XVIII c.
Ardashnikova A.N., Reysner M.L.
Attribution on the example of one poem
Nagiev F.R.
The Role of Rhythm and Metre in the Style and Genre Formation in B. Rachmanin’s Prose
Tsurueva P.S., Mineralova I.G.
Eudora Welty and Anton Chekhov: A Long Intimacy Between Strangers
Spachil O.V.
The Style and Synthesis in Valery Medvedev's Creative Heritage
Chelyukanova O.N.
Portrait and landscape in Boris Zaitsev’s publicistic writings: style and ethos
Abdokova M.B.
Features of Style of A.P. Chechov (on a Material of Stories «Long Tongue» and «The Lady with the Doggie»)
Loskutnikova M.B.
Sergey Dovlatov is the reader of 'New american'
Lastochkina E.V.
Internaliterary synthesis as genre-forming factor in the story of S. Georgievskaya “Love and Cybernetic”
Chelyukanova O.N.
A Tale as a form of dipicting in works by P.P. Bazhov and S.G. Pisahov
Agapova M.A.
Saltikov-Shedrin's traditions in literary creation of Andrey Platonov
Matveeva I.I.
New book on the Russia children literature in Czechia (review of the monography: Kudrjavceva Malenova Eva. The Literary Tale in the Individual Style of Gennadiy Tziferov in the Context of the Czech Reception of Children and Youth Literature in the Second Half of the XX Century. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017. 182 p.)
Chelyukanova O.N.
Features of the development of online journalism in China
Ryazanova A.Y.
Poetics of the philological novel dy A. Siniavsky/A. Tertz
Karpov A.S.
Chelyukanova O.N.
Motivation as an efective instrument of contemporary advertising
Mouzykant V.L.
Genesis of a new content in the interner space: from «word of mouth» to viral marketing
Mouzykant P.V., Kutsenko V.V.
Language and style of modern texts of the sports press of China
Li Hun -.
Style of «Ogonyok» magazine articles during the period of perestroika: between the soviet and democratic discourse
Yesikova E.M.
The terms “Gothic” and “Neogothic” in the context of Literary History
Razumovskaja O.V.
Stylistic features N.N. Zarudin's story «Kolchak and Felpos»
Ovtcharenko A.Y.
Plastic Opportunities of Great National Style of the Russian Literature (on a Material of the Novel Oblomov of I.A. Goncharov)
Loskutnikova M.B.
The question of language and style of the modern french press
Parminskiy N.V.
1 - 29 of 29 Items

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