Vol 28, No 4 (2023): Media and Crisis – Reversible Paradigms
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 23
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1736
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2023-28-4
Full Issue

The role of verbal painting in Leonid Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest”
L.M. Leonov dreamed of becoming an artist and the painter’s talent was embodied in his prose. His landscapes, portraits, portraits against the background of a forest in the tradition of, for example, M.V. Nesterov play an important role in the internal form of his works. The novel “Russian Forest” is indicative in this regard. The purpose of the study is to explain the functions of pictorial allusions and ekphrasis in this novel. The following tasks are solved: identify the most common allusions and ekphrasis in the paintings of Russian artists, which were popular at the time of Leonov painting training, and were subsequently paraphrased in the novel; explain the functions of recognizable paintings by masters of fine art in word painting; argue for the special role of pictorial ekphrasis in the formation of the genre diversity of the novel. As a result, some essential features of the writer’s individual style in the novel under study are clarified: the prose writer’s special attention to the descriptive component of the work makes it possible to assert that his appeal to analogies with fine art is deliberate, since they contribute to the creation of not just a scientific-production or abstract-philosophical novel, but builds a whole series of genre lines, which are supported by recognizable pictorial visualization, on the one hand, and, on the other, forms a deep socio-psychological and lyrical plan of the work. Comparisons of specific paintings transformed into ekphrasis in prose provide scientists with rich material for drawing conclusions about the synthesis of painting and prose.

The ballad genre and its transformation in A. Galich’s song “Queen of the Mainland”
The research aims to trace the functioning of the ballad as a polycode genre in the song poetry of A. Galich. Comparative historical and hermeneutic methods were used, as well as approaches developed to study polycode text. The results show that narrative strategies are typical of resonant poetry precisely in combination with deeply personal experience of the main character of the song lyrics. This determines the productivity of the ballad form. It is shown that in the lyrics of “The Queen of the Mainland” A. Galich relies precisely on the romantic poetic tradition. However, he also introduces realistic elements, which generally correspond to the trends in the development and transformation of the genre that emerged in the 19th century. The double motivation of the fantastic, which is not typical of the traditional ballad, refers to a similar technique in magical prose. Other laws of the genre are also violated: the mystical is deprived of concretization, the text has obvious didactic features, the vocabulary varies from sublime to sharply reduced, and the everyday level of narration contrasts with the metaphysical layer of reasoning. It is concluded that the realistic component forms the epic content of the ballad, while the romantic component, associated with the irrational, brings A. Galich thoughts to the ontological level and gives the work an underlined lyricism.

The functions of Buddhist practices in the works of L. Yuzefovich
The aim of the research is to analyze the features and functions of L. Yuzefovich's appeal to Buddhist religious practices in the book “The Autocrat of the Desert. Baron R.F. Ungern-Sternberg and the World in Which he Lived", the novel “Prince of the Wind”, the story “The Murderer” and the poem “Burkhan”. This topic has not previously been in the spotlight of Russian literary criticism, which determines the scientific novelty of this study. The Buddhist practices in the works of Yuzefovich within the framework of the concept of the “Buddhist text” of modern literature are comprehended. The results showed that the writer uses the practice of visualizing a dokshit, or Buddhist protector, appearing in the plot as one of the ways to characterize characters who outwardly coincide with the frightening deity, but internally diverge from him in terms of motivation. Buddhist meditation on impurity reveals in Yuzefovich the problem of the opposition of creative and religious intentions: the hero of the novel “Prince of the Wind” chooses the path of asceticism, closing for himself the possibility of literary creation, which inherently multiplies samsaric images. Meditation associated with the figure of the Bodhisattva of compassion allows the writer to designate in his works a transcendent reality that enlightens the landscape and transforms the suffering world, bringing harmony to the plot of life's tragedy and catastrophe.

Reception of Herzen’s “From the Other Shore” in China: problems and prospects
The history of the reception of Herzen's collection of essays and dialogues “From the Other Shore” (“From Another Shore”) in China from the late 19th century to the present is considered. The objectives of this study are: 1) to identify the timing, background, and mode of the early reception of “From the Other Shore” in China; 2) to analyze the different emphases and factors for its reception in China at different times; 3) to explore the problems, reasons and perspectives in the process of its reception in China. The significance of the research topic lies in the necessity to elucidate the peculiarities of perception of Herzen's work in China, which is closely linked to emerging trends in the Sino-Russian intercivilizational dialogue. The process of reception of the book in China, focusing on translation and counting the socio-cultural transformations that have taken place in China from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the present day, is explored. The evolution of Herzenology (Herzen studies) in China has been characterized by rises and falls, and even the periods of oblivion. This was influenced by both historical changes in Chinese society and the international environment. An important range of issues for modern Herzen studies is highlighted: the basics of the interest of Chinese intellectuals to Herzen's book in the early 20th century; the main directions of Chinese scholars' research on this collection of political essays; the reasons for the prolonged neglect of the book by Chinese academics since the late 1960s; the prerequisites for regained attention among Chinese researchers in the 21st century; the new discoveries of Herzen scholars that enriched the culture of China. This research will be valuable in advancing the understanding of the mechanisms underlying Russian-Chinese literary and cultural dialogue, as well as the impact of Russian classical literature on Chinese literature.

Meng Jinghui’s adaptations of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s plays
Vladimir Mayakovsky’s dramatic heritage has had a great impact on Chinese avant-garde director and playwright Meng Jinghui. The study traces the stages of Mayakovsky’s presence in Chinese theater art to focus on Meng Jinghui’s three productions of “The Bedbug” (2000-2017). The dramatists share the same desire for theatrical innovation and a similar understanding of theater art. However, they have different worldviews and aesthetic approaches. Meng Jinghui modernized the original Russian pretext and turned to some theatrical principles, first stipulated by Vsevolod Meyerhold. His remakes are stylistically original textual interpretations that have gained a prominent place in the modern Chinese avant-garde fringe theater. Meng Jinghui followed Mayakovsky in a number of formal techniques and the overall satirical orientation only to reshape and deconstruct the basic ideas of the original play, thus creating a different temporal and cultural chronotope. Authentic as it may seem, Meng Jinghui creativity results sprouted from a dialogue and polemics with the Soviet poet and playwright.

V. Khlebnikov’s “Bobaobi sang lips...” in Chinese reception
At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in China, the understanding of the modernist trends of the Russian Silver Age deepened and expanded. The perception of futurism is subject to scientific and creative rethinking. The number of representatives of the Russian futurist movement who deserve the attention of Chinese specialists in translation, research, and critical activities is increasing. The reception of V. Khlebnikov’s work, taking into account the comprehension of futurist aesthetics and his poetic theory, determines the problems of modern Chinese studies of Russian futurism. The authors examine the theoretical and practical reception of V. Khlebnikov’s works in China, analyze the perception of V. Khlebnikov’s work by two Chinese specialists - Wang Zonghu (the main expert in the theory of abstruse language) and Zheng Tiwu (the main translator of the poet’s work in China). Identification of the degree of adequacy of the perception of the poet’s language experiments is carried out using the example of a comparative analysis of translations of the poem “Bobeobi lips sang…” into Chinese. The Chinese reader owes the discovery of V. Khlebnikov as the theorist and founder of Russian futurism to the skill of researchers and translators.

Historical figures in “Fate/Grand Order”: adapting Anastasia Romanova
Historical events and figures tend to escape people’s memory as time goes by. In some cases, they are replaced by popular culture adaptations, e.g., video games, fiction, films, etc. Such adaptations may be beneficial to historical memory, preserving their historical models for posterity. Sometimes, adaptation become part of fictional history. “Fate/Grand Order” is a game released by Type-Moon in 2015 (Japan). Its fictional universe makes an active use of various characters of folklore and history, e.g., Joan of Arc, King Arthur, etc. The aim of the study is to examine the adaptation of Anastasia Romanova in the game “Fate/Grand Order”. The adaptation analysis scheme proposed by Linda Hutcheon, as well as the comparative method to cross-reference dialogs, illustrations, skills, craft essence in the game with photographs and biography of the real Anastasia Romanova were used. It is proved that Anastasia the Duchess of the Permafrost Empire from “Fate/Grand Order” is indeed an adaptation of the real Anastasia Romanova, the fourth daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicolas II, although somewhat modified to match the traditional imagery of the Japanese popular culture.

Media conflictology as a field of research: working out theoretical approaches
The authors discuss both the main approaches in existing media and conflict studies that examine the relationship and interaction between media and conflict, and using theoretical mapping construct the media conflictology as a field of knowledge. The conceptual blocks of media conflictology as an integral field of research are defined and its structure is proposed. Thus, media conflictology as an emerging field of research includes the study of groups involved in media conflict, counting various Internet communities and other subjects of media communication; the stages of conflict represented in the media and the influence of media communication on the “life cycle” of conflict; the totality of the causes of media representation of conflict, with political, ideological and ethno-cultural factors; the analysis of the external context of conflict representation in the media, as well as the national media system, politics and regulation, communication culture and axiological aspects of conflict. A key feature of media conflict studies is the focus of academic attention on media representations and media effects of conflicts, rather than on the conflicts themselves.

Digital communicative capitalization in the age of platforms and communicative abundance
The authors deals with the model of digital communicative capitalization, which describes a crucial social-economical process of the age of communicative abundance. People and organizations are considered as investors operating within various digital attention markets. The main hypothesis is that these investors have different abilities to comprehend and take advantage of the opportunities, which attention markets propose to them in terms of accruing and increasing capital. The study was conducted relying on the established notions of different forms of capital coined by P. Bourdieu, as well as on related notions of immaterial capital developed in the wide range of scientific works on digitalization and critical theory of the Internet. Basing the model on them, the authors highlight the lack of transparency in the processes of conversion digital reflections of capitals to their real forms, and, therefore, propose such terms as “digital communicative capital” and “attention double exploitation”. The latter stresses the new layers of digital inequality, where the results of digital labor are being captured and monetized. The analysis of the potential elaboration of the whole model of digital communicative capitalization and outlined empirical prospects of applying its implications are the particular value of the study.

Biometrics in online media: an anti-crisis paradigm shift
Online media is currently grappling with a crisis characterized by diminishing trust, the widespread dissemination of misinformation, and the alarming proliferation of fake news and experiences. The aim of the study - to delve into the challenges plaguing the digital media landscape and to propose the adoption of biometric technology as a potential solution. Biometrics, as a cutting-edge technology, encompasses the intricate process of quantifying and statistically assessing the unique physical and behavioral characteristics that distinguish individuals from one another. Its multifaceted potential extends far beyond mere identification. It is established that biometrics excels in the vital realms of identity verification, content authentication, and countering malicious activities like bots and Sybil attacks. Furthermore, it is applicable for tailoring personalized user experiences, thus offering a comprehensive solution to address the pressing challenges faced by online media today. The usage of these capabilities, makes biometrics a distinctive and promising avenue to not only restore trust but also combat the pervasive issue of misinformation, ultimately fostering a secure and resilient online media ecosystem.

Models and methods of controlled transgression of media in crisis conditions
The creation and transgression of mediaobjects is a complicated process that involves making difficult decisions. Under such conditions, the risk of media crises inevitably increases, for example, inadequate perception by the reader of information released by the media, etc. To avoid such crises, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors, both quantitative and qualitative, characterizing mediaobjects and media in general, as well as precise evaluation methods. The focus of the study is on developing a new approach to decision-making that will aid in the controlled transgression of mediaobjects during crisis situations. The method for making decisions based on a hierarchy of cross-disciplinary criteria that takes into account the concept of crisisology is proposed. Additionally, the authors suggest the use of a decision support software service that utilizes an ontology-based mechanism to adopt the user interface dynamically. The proposed method is universal and can be applied to assess different types of medical objects, reducing the likelihood of crisis situations (caused, among other things, by incorrect assessment of the reliability of information).

Artificial journalism: the reverse of human-machine communication paradigm. Mapping the field of AI critical media studies
The study for the first time endeavours to elucidate the distinct conceptual nuances of AI-driven journalism, exploring how it reshapes the core technological and communicative attributes of the field while influencing societal dynamics. The crisis within AI-driven human-machine interaction in journalism rooted in the essence and processing of information is defined. Despite the paradigm of journalism is rooted in a human-centered approach, its AI-driven paradigm is the same - but in a reversible mode. Journalism involves the translation of personal perspectives and experiences through the filter of memory. Algorithms function without the nuances of personal and social memory, thereby undermining the core principles of the journalistic profession. The loss of genuine, “analog” memory among journalists and their audiences, alongside the digital “memory” of algorithms, jeopardizes the fundamental societal role of journalism-upholding social order. Re-thinking the AI phenomenon as artificial communication, the authors propose the term “artificial journalism”. At the basic technological level it is based on various forms of automation and embedded within digital infrastructures; at the societal level it is designed for the central purpose of journalism and entangled with human practices. Both the levels are reversible. The term could serve as an umbrella term for all the AI-driven journalism activities. Also it removes contradictions not only in human-machine communication but clarify the essence of AI performance in journalism and media studies, and for the users. The emergence of AI-driven media practices opens the basic crisis conceptual contradictions which provokes new realms of research and necessitates the establishment of critical AI media studies.

Crisis of political communication: is there a silencing effect in Russian media?
The authors investigate the agenda of the so-called ‘big three’ TV channels and popular online media during the presidential elections 2018 in Russia. In the context of an election campaign, the significance of qualitative public awareness grows exponentially. The given research studies the agenda of those media, the coverage of the election campaign, and also the possible ‘silencing effect’. An unique research design that allowed the content comparison between evening TV news and online media is developed, and also the notion of ‘silencing effect’ is conceptualized. Online media are often considered more qualitative and full-fledged sources of information; nevertheless, the research demonstrates that information concerned the elections was published on the Internet on a smaller scale and irregularly. The study confirmed that television in Russia, first of all, was an assistant to the government, directing its efforts to inform citizens about authorities and their socially significant initiatives. Besides, television covered the presidential elections in a better extent. Online media devoted more attention to scandalous news, attempted to criticize the government; however, they overlooked significant social issues.

Visual aspects of online political communication in Belarus during the political crisis of 2020
An empirical study of the visual political communication via Telegram channels during the political crisis in Belarus in 2020 is introduced. The method of qualitative and quantitative content analysis was applied to 625 images and videos retrieved from competing Belarusian Telegram channels during two weeks before and after the election day of August 9, 2020. The results revealed both the general characteristics of the visual political communication in Belarusian Telegram sector and the way opposing political forces used visual content in the period under analysis. The pro-government channels maintained a value-oriented approach, engaging visuals to broadcast Belarusian values and state power symbols. Their visual content involved prominent public and political figures. The opposition channels applied visuals to denounce the authorities and their supporters, as well as to mobilize the opposition-minded Telegram users. They employed a greater variety of visual forms, relying mostly on user-generated content, e.g., live reports from protest sites. Visuals with protesting crowds, casualties, and opposition symbols were aimed at evoking a sense of involvement: they were meant to become triggers for transiting from online activism to actual offline protests.

Political crisis vs. media crisis: specifics of the genesis of the Hungarian press of the Habsburg period in the 18th century
The early period of the Hungarian press - from the appearance of the first Hungarian newspaper “Mercurius Hungaricus” in 1703, associated with the anti-Habsburg liberation war led by Ferenc Rakosi II, to the beginning of the first Hungarian-language newspaper in 1780, - is studied. The peculiarity of this period is that the periodicals were published in Latin and German. The relevance of the study lies in analysing the historical experience of the genesis of the media in the political system of a multinational state, considering the specifics of the formation of the national press, which had its own political viewpoint, in the conditions of Hungary's subordinate position in the Habsburg monarchy, which initially laid down the crisis aspects of its independent development. The situation in European periodicals and the historical and political contexts of the Habsburg monarchy in the 18th century, in the face of which the Hungarian press was born in Latin and later in German, is considered. In the current realities of the global world and the digital society, it seems appropriate to refer also to the historical experience of counterpropaganda, which can be observed in the opposition of the Hungarian newspaper “Mercurius Veridicus ex Hungaria” to the publication of the monarch's court - the Viennese “Wienerisches Diarium”, and to analyse the information warfare in the Habsburg monarchy.

Emotion vs conflict-generating communication in a hybrid media environment
The research is devoted to the phenomenon of emotional and conflict-generating communication. Pragmatic information was chosen as the object of study, which is based on the intention of implication, the hidden intention of the addresser. The subject of the study is special, provocative speech genres, regarded as tools for presenting pragmatic information, their system and typology. Provocative discourse is considered in the work as a special type of intentional discourse, and provoking is understood as the infection of the interlocutor with the real or imaginary (skillfully imitated) intentional state of the speaker. Provoking, therefore, is a typical example of emotional contagion, emotiogenicity. The material for the analysis was mass communication texts; the body of the study consisted of the headlines of direct mail advertising texts. Two basic provocative genre strategies - confession and concern - are identified, each of which includes, as identifiable elements, the (elementary) provocative genres of confession, presentation, maxim, demonstrative, complaint, advice, notation, reproach, provocative question, propheseme.

VR in promotion of territory in the New Normal: empirical and research approaches in the times of crisis
In the New Normal, the most sought-after tools for territory promotion are digital and immersive, and closely intertwined with virtual reality technologies. This research centers on VR projects in Switzerland and Russia, two countries representing contrasting situations in the current tourist and promotion of territory landscape of 2023. The findings of the prior research on the incorporation of immersive VR technology in territory promotion in Switzerland with analogous research conducted in Russia are compared. By examining both theoretical and empirical data, including data analysis and semi-structured interviews with VR project managers in Switzerland and owners/managers in Russia, differences between Switzerland and Russia are identified. A spreading value-centered qualitative approach in Englishand French-language scientific discourse on VR-driven territory promotion is connected with cultural heritage and sustainable consumption and is novel for Russia. Conceptual frameworks in this scientific field are still in their early stages. In Switzerland, the VR projects are more complex and are used as a part of territory and corporate promotion, despite the not value-centered, but economic motivation. In Russia, VR is viewed as the next stage in the evolution of travel viewing and recreation, and it serves as an advertising tool to attract travelers to territory attractions. The ideas of VR-tours are connected with the past, and historical and cultural heritage. The best projects demonstrate the feasibility of combining on-site visits, VR, and sustainability awareness. VR-project in this case is the instrument of saving today’s territory images and brands, and involve audience in active sustainable consumption.

Building media literacy in Indonesia with the support of international organizations
With the development of social media and the ease of information dissemination, fake news is becoming a serious problem. The role of media literacy as an antidote to misinformation has been widely studied around the world. In this regard, international organizations such as UNESCO and ASEAN, are helping Asian countries to fight fake news by creating conditions for improving media literacy. The work of these organizations in Indonesia is studied. The qualitative methods of analysis were used. By comparing the two approaches, recommendations were made for other Asian countries to optimize their media literacy efforts. The results showed that UNESCO and ASEAN are working effectively with the target groups in Indonesia. UNESCO has been active in promoting critical thinking among the public and working with local media companies, while ASEAN has focused on regional cooperation and developing comprehensive educational programs. Overall, a systematic and multifaceted approach is needed to raise the level of media literacy in the Asian region, which includes new educational programs, strengthening of legal regulation in the field of false information dissemination, cooperation between the government, media companies and the public, development of critical thinking among the population and increased activity of international organizations.

Modeling the media educational potential of the television industry as a post-crisis phenomenon
The modeling of the media educational potential of the television industry as a post-crisis phenomenon is considered. The complex of theoretical and empirical approaches such as modeling, case-study, semi-structured expert interviews was used. According to the results of this research, the fact that the television industry has the media educational potential and employs it in the professional activity is confirmed. There are three models of the media educational potential of the television industry (MEPTI), that are determined by differentiated professional aims: MEPTI in the media training of professionals; MEPTI in the qualification improvement of professionals; MEPTI in improving media literacy of broad audience. The realization of media educational potential is seen in federal and regional segments of the television industry, regardless the type of media companies. However, different forms of media educational potential are applied by the television industry that is seen not only in the collaboration with universities, but also in the autonomisation of media educational practices.


Relevance of Hermann Hesse: a systematic review of different perspectives
During the first decades of the 20th century, many European intellectuals were developing negative responses to modernity. Hermann Hesse was aware of the moral and social difficulties plaguing Europe at that time and dealt with these problems in his writing. Despite being a German author, he is well read even today, and his characters' quests and journeys of self-discovery captivate young people worldwide. This study aims to bring out the relevance of Hesse by analysing the historiography of the studies on Hesse's works and interrogating the significance of different perspectives on him, which will open doors for future studies in health humanities and memory studies. The authors systematically analyse 100 studies on Hesse and his works from journals indexed in the Web of Science. It is concluded that Hesse’s literary world, comprised of novels, poems, and autobiographical reflections, is deeper and bigger than what has been discovered.

“The theory of probability”, or How to reconstruct a true biography: book review: Sokolov, B.V. (2023). “It was white - it became red”. Soviet writers in the ranks of the White Guards. Moscow: Veche Publ. (In Russ.)
The review evaluates the book by literary critic and historian Professor B.V. Sokolov, dedicated to the fate of Soviet writers who associated themselves with the White Movement. The work under review makes an attempt to highlight previously little-known episodes of the participation of writers in the Civil War, who were forced for the time being to hide certain pages of their past. It was found that the restoration of authentic biographies faces methodological difficulties.