
Methodology and Technique for Assessing the Terminology Consistency in Translations: Based on Latvian and Russian Economic Texts
Komarova V., Koroļova S., Ruža O.
Russian Cognitive Terms as a Result of Integration Processes in Scientific Discourse
Romanova T.V., Kolchina O.N.
Terminological System of Hydraulic Engineering: Diffuseness of Terminological Fields and Polycentricity
Galankina I.I., Perfilieva N.V., Tsibizova O.V.
Reconsidering the Definition of the Term
Grinev-Griniewicz S.V., Sorokina E.A., Molchanova M.M.
Structural Models of English Terms of Automated Processing of Scientific and Technical Texts Corpora
Butenko I.I., Nikolaeva N.S., Kartseva E.Y.
Terminological Aspect of Political Discourse in the German Media
Chigasheva M.A.
Term as a phenomenon of language and of culture (history of words and concepts)
Saprykina O.A.
Comparative and Typological Study of Theoretical Description of Myths and Legends (in Karakalpak Literature of the XIX Century)
Keruyenov T.A.
Specifics of Meaning and Usage of Economic Terms in Mass-Media Texts
Abdullah W.L.
English Career Terms Synonymy
Filyasova Y.A.
Polysemy of the Term “Ecology”
Agranovskaya I.A.
Analysis of Country Specific Terminological Units in Economics from English Sources
Kalugina J.E.
Bank Terminology Specifics in the field ‘Investor Relations’ in Russian and English
Sarangova T.A.
Denisenko V.N., Ke Z.
THE USING OF FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC TERMS IN SPHERE OF TREASURY (on the Material of the Uzbek, the English, the Russian Languages)
Abdullayeva S.N.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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