Features of the Grammatical (Aspectual) Meaning of Verbal Phraseological Units


The complexity of the semantic structure of verbal phraseological units, the allocation of grammatical meaning, determining the degree of influence of context on the actualization of the real meaning of individual morphemes in the structure of the basic, verbal component of phraseological units allows consider the study of their particular specific meanings relevant and debatable. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the specific specific meanings of verbal phraseological units of the modern Belarusian language. The object of the study is the unambiguous verbal phraseological units of the modern Belarusian language, correlating with different models of simple or complex phrases, the supporting component of which is frozen in the form of only a perfect or only an imperfect form. The subject of the study is the specific meanings of these phraseological units. The main method used in the study was descriptive, the method of dictionary definitions, the method of component and contextual analysis was also used. As a result of the study, it was possible to establish that among the particular grammatical meanings of verbal phraseological units, the core component of which has the form of only a perfect form, the specific actual and potential meanings (possibility or impossibility) of action prevail. The contextual environment of the verbal phraseology (modal verbs, predicative adjectives with modal meaning, predicatives are possible, necessary, impossible), as well as (in the absence of formal indicators) the possibility of replacing the used form of the verbal phraseology with a predicative in combination with its infinitive form indicate the predominance of potential meaning in comparison with the concrete actual one. Verbal phraseological units, the supporting component of which has only an imperfect form, in most cases give a qualitative characteristic of the subject. This may explain the advantage of phraseological units with potentially qualitative and permanently continuous meanings of action. The results obtained can be used in the theory and practice of phraseology of Slavic languages.

About the authors

Valiantsina V. Marsheuskaya

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Author for correspondence.
Email: tina-2010@bk.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0006-4621-4620
SPIN-code: 7073-4875

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Belarussian Language of Faculty of Philology

22, Ozheshko str., Grodno, Republic of Belarus, 230023


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