
Ural-Volga Research Contacts and Prospects

Arzamazov A.A.



Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):203-205
pages 203-205 views

Language Processes

Beserman-Turkic Relationships: Based on the Names of Clothing Details

Maksimov S.A.


The Besermans are a small people settled in northern Udmurtia. The unusual combination of the Turkic-Muslim self-designation with the Finno-Ugric language always caused genuine interest in this people. However, scientists still have not reached a consensus regarding the origin of the Besermans. The purpose of this work is to identify and systematize the Turkic names of the details of traditional Beserman clothing, which allows us to study more deeply the Beserman-Turkic relationships, and to obtain new data to unravel the ethnic genesis of the Besermans. In this regard, this work is relevant. The relevance of our work is also due to the possibility of using data in cultural, educational, museum work and in local history courses. The main sources of study are materials of T.I. Teplyashina card catalogue with field records of the Beserman speech. The study was conducted predominantly using a descriptive method. In general, our research confirms the hypothesis about including of the Turkic component in the Beserman ethnos as a result of interethnic marriages. The Chuvash component, which was later replaced by the Tatar superstratum, is quite clearly traced in the ethnogenesis of the Besermans. We have not identified lexical bulgarisms among the studied terminology however they could be replaced by analogous Chuvash word forms as a result of later interaction between ethnic groups.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):206-215
pages 206-215 views

XIX - the Beginning of the XX Century as a Special Stage in the History of the Tatar literary language

Gilemshin F.F.


The study examines one of the important periods in the formation of the Tatar literary language - the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. A detailed picture of the functioning and interaction of language variants is given, the important role of fiction in its formation is determined. The significance of the process of contacting languages, the dialogue of cultures, the coexistence of religious ideas, figurative and symbolic codes is shown on the example of monuments of literature. The special place of Arabic-Persian borrowings in the development of the literary language is emphasized. The question is raised about the intellectual status of the recipient, his potential ability to understand related Turkic languages and functional styles of the Tatar language. The great contribution of the national humanitarian intelligentsia to the enrichment of the literary language is shown, the phenomenon of the Tatar enlightenment is indirectly considered. The paramount importance of literary translation in the functional expansion of the styles of the Tatar language and the strengthening of its aesthetic component is indicated. Special attention is paid to the newspaper “Tarzhiman”.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):216-226
pages 216-226 views

Punctuation in Chuvash Media Language

Gavrilov A.D.


This article raises the question of the need of studying the modern functioning of Chuvash punctuation on the material of the media language. The topic is relevant due to the fact that in the conditions of developing screen culture, journalists influence the mass consciousness intensively, their speech activity makes an impact on the linguistic tastes of society and reflects the main trends in the actual practice of writing. This is clearly seen in the example of such a stylistically and pragmatically significant unit of media speech as an online analytical newspaper headline. Pursuing the intention of persuasion, journalists use expressive punctuation resources in their headline-making, which allows them to enhance the expressiveness of their utterance and encourage Internet users to read the text. The purpose of the work is to identify some common punctuation strategies of network analytical newspaper headlines in Chuvash language. The research material was a card file of analytical materials of the headlines of the online version of The Khypar newspaper for 2017-2021 collected by the author. Relying on an integrated methodology based on the ideas of communicative-pragmatic and psycholinguistic approaches based on the intentional method, the author identified productive punctuation models of the studied titles, revealing the expressive speech-acting potential of Chuvash punctuation. The article presents and characterizes popular punctuation practices of journalists - cases of using a question mark, an exclamation mark, an ellipsis and quotation marks in the header construction. These punctuation tools allow the writer to express an evaluative attitude to the problem being discussed, convey certain emotions, highlight a significant part of the phrase, place semantic accents. The author comes to the conclusion that the study of the functioning of punctuation marks in media texts allows us to shift the focus from the study of punctuation norms to the subject of speech, to his punctuation activity due to specific intentions and communicative situations.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):227-239
pages 227-239 views

Language in System

Some Names of “Bee Houses” in the Udmurt language of the 18th Century

Ivshin L.M.


The study of the terminology of various crafts, including beekeeping, is one of the current trends in modern linguistics. The purpose of the study is to trace the history of the fixation of the words podem ‘bort’ and umorto ‘beehive’ in the Udmurt language, starting from the 18th century - the earliest written monuments - and ending with dictionaries of the modern period, to analyze the development of their semantics, and also to determine the origin. To achieve this goal, the article solves problems focused on identifying and describing the above terms and comparing them with data from other languages. The material of the study was written monuments of the 18th- 19th centuries, modern dictionaries of the Udmurt language, as well as parallels from related and contacting languages. A descriptive method, elements of semantic and etymological analysis are used. The work for the first time traces the history of more than two centuries of fixation of Udmurt words related to beekeeping. The study revealed the expansion of the lexical content of the word umorto in the course of language development. The etymological analysis made it possible to reveal that podem ‘bort’ is a native Udmurt word, and umorto ‘beehive’ was borrowed from Tatar.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):240-248
pages 240-248 views

Determination of the Base of the Tatar Verb by its Infinitive

Kuznetsov M.Y.


The article discusses the algorithm for finding the base of the Tatar verb by its infinitive derived by the author working on his own course of the Tatar language as a non-native. Its relevance lies in the fact that previously in Tatar philology no such algorithm was offered in any manual or reference publication, and the goal is to simplify the study of the Tatar language as a non-native providing its learners with a consistent way to get the base from any verb, which is a problem without such an algorithm. The material for the creation of this algorithm was lists of verbs from various sources including from the “Reverse Dictionary of the Tatar language” by M.Kh. Akhtyamov, as well as from Tatar-Russian dictionaries. The spelling of infinitives in disputable cases was checked by numerous dictionaries, including explanatory and translation ones offering examples of the use of verbs in written speech. According to the created algorithm, all verbs of the Tatar language are divided into four groups, and each of the groups has its own subsystem of rules. Determining the base of a verb in the Tatar language is a significant difficulty for a person starting to study it as a non-native, and the algorithm proposed by the author is intended to serve to some extent to solve this problem.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):249-260
pages 249-260 views

National and Cultural Features Representations of the Concept of “War” in the Russian and Chuvash language Pictures of the World

Borisova L.V., Ivanova A.M., Chuyeva E.V.


The article is devoted to a comparative study of the national and cultural features of the representation of the concept of “war” in the Russian and Chuvash pictures of the world. Based on the material of Russian and Chuvash proverbs and sayings selected from lexicographic and folklore sources, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the concept of “war” at the semantic, pragmatic and culturological levels was conducted for the first time, the features of its verbalization were considered. For the first time, the national-cultural features of the representation of the concept of “war” at the cognitive-discursive level are revealed, which determines the relevance of our research. The analysis made it possible to reveal that the concept of “war” is a universal unit included in the spiritual code of the nation, has a dynamic semantic structure and is multidimensional in its content. As a result of a comparative analysis, it was found that the fundamental values of the moral order in the study of the concept of “war” are the same for both peoples. The speech embodiment of this concept in the Russian and Chuvash language pictures of the world is defined as a process that contradicts the human mind.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):261-270
pages 261-270 views

Semantics of Verbs of Rotation in the Khanty language

Solovar V.N.


The article is devoted to the identification of the national specifics of the representation of rotational movement in the Khanty linguoculture, the analysis of the semantics of verbs of rotation, the possibility of their lexical compatibility on the material of the Western dialects of the Khanty language (Kazym, Shuryshkar, Uralic) and one of the eastern (Surgut) by the types of situations described by them. The purpose of our study is to identify the parameters relevant to the lexical rotation zone. The article uses the method of corpus research: a sample of examples with verbs of rotation is analyzed and the boundaries of their compatibility are determined. The method of field research is used. There is a difference between movement along a trajectory close to an ideal circle (rotation in a circle) and movement along a chaotic trajectory, i.e. rotation of a set of homogeneous objects / gaseous particles (deer, snow vortex, smoke). In this case, the second type of rotation is marked. The subject performs multiple or single rotations around its axis or causates a rotational movement. The key parameter for distinguishing verbs of rotation and skating is animateness. Verbs of rotation around a landmark reflect the way of movement. Verbs of rolling and rotation do not reflect the environment of movement, but may reflect the direction of movement, which is regulated by the special compatibility of the subject and the predicate, or the word-formation capabilities of the predicate. The rolling zone reflects rotation in contact with the plane during translational motion and multidirectional rotation (about natural phenomena and about the movement of deer). The selected parameters and values are not lexicalized into separate verbs, but are combined inside lexemes. One lexeme describes situations of rotation in the same plane with and above the landmark, however, skating on the surface and rotation around the landmark is marked in dialects by separate lexemes.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):271-282
pages 271-282 views


Mari National Text in Russian Translations: Based on the Poems of Gennady Oyar

Starygina N.N., Kudryavtseva R.A.


This research work has been done in the field of the current literary direction related to the study of local texts, the variety of which is the national text. The national literary text is considered by the authors of the article as a text containing information for the reconstruction by the reader / researcher of the nationally specific socio-cultural space of the people. The studies of the national text in literary translations, namely, the philological analysis of the Mari national text in Russian translations is given in the article. The research materials are the poems of Gennady Oyar, translated into Russian mainly by Gennady Smirnov. The methods of contextual, conceptual and structural-semantic analysis of local texts are used in the work. The article considers the literary techniques and means relevant for the formation of the national text (extra-textual elements, toponyms and anthroponyms, elements of the national landscape, portrait, interior, signs of national life, material and spiritual culture, linguistic inclusions, folklore and mythological images and motifs, etc.). The national text in Russian translations gives a fairly complete picture of the Mari as an ancient people, which has a unique culture, carefully preserves its native language, spiritual traditions, feels a blood connection with distant ancestors, paganism, making up the cultural core of the nation as a society, seeks to preserve spiritual purity and aspiration to the ideals of goodness and beauty.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):283-297
pages 283-297 views

Bilingualism in the Author’s Translation of the National Epic: on the Material of “Mastorava”

Sharonov A.M., Sharonova E.A.


In 1994, the Erzya epic “Mastorava” was published in the Erzya language. The success of this work made us think about the need for its translation into Russian. It was decided to entrust the translation to the author of “Mastorava” - Alexander Markovich Sharonov, who is equally fluent in Erzya and Russian. The relevance of the study is determined by the enduring interest in the phenomenon of bilingualism in the author’s translation of the national epic. A bilingual poet translating his own text is in a more difficult situation than a poet translating interlinear. For the former, hearing the music of both languages, seeks to harmonize it, to make its sounding adequate in the spaces of these languages. He is faced with the task of synchronizing the work of figurative and semantic series, preserving the authenticity of Erzya mythological and folklore images, moving them into the space of Russian images and meanings that instantly begin to appear with the first sounds of the Russian word, and arrange everything so that the national retains its uniqueness. This work is given to a bilingual translator with great effort precisely because he hears and feels both languages, he is aware of the nuances of meanings and semantic nuances. While the interlinear translator exists in the sound and semantic spaces of only one language and does not see the details. The translation of the text of a work of art is complicated by its metaphorical figurativeness, which allows for a variety of perceptions, and hence the difficulty in conveying its meaning, assumed by the author. However, high-quality translation moves a work from one language to another language, from one literature to another literature, expanding, enriching and complicating the scope of its existence. Research methods: descriptive, genetic, comparative.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):298-311
pages 298-311 views


How to Write the Histories of National Literatures?

Ibraghimov M.I.


The aim of the paper is to accentuate the problem of theoretical-and-metidological basis for writing the histories of national literatures of peoples of Russia. The main objectives imply the generalization of the experience on national literatires’ histories writing, mainly on the material of the Volga Region literatures) and to represent the concept of “The History of Tatar Literature” in Russian. Because of the lack of attention to national literatures in Russia various types of histories of national literatures such as academic, popular, educational, are in demand. The D.S. Likhachyov’ idea of theoretical history of literature is chosen as a concept for academic five-volume “History of Tatar Literature” (the project is being realized by the G. Ibraghimov’s Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan). At the same time the concept is to be corrected according to the so-called “expectation horizon” of a Russian reader, not being aware of Tatar literature well enough.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):312-321
pages 312-321 views

“Ozyn shigyr” in Modern Tatar Poetry

Zagidullina D.F.


The article for the first time considers the most active form of modern Tatar poetry - “ozyn shigyr”. It is noted that this form is not identical to the “long poem”, it has oriental roots. In Tatar literature, “ozyn shigyr” with its unique thematic and aesthetic features was formed in the 1920s and 1930s in the era of experiments to create “new poetry of the revolutionary time”. The revealed features of the genre “ozyn shigyr” of this period are a contextual background for studying the functioning of this form in modern Tatar poetry. The focus is on the work of the young poet Lilia Gibadullina, the author of three poetry collections. In her work, “ozyn shigyr” occupies a leading place, the analysis of her most famous poems to the modern Tatar reader allows us to determine the structural, figurative and motivational features, aesthetic attitudes, artistic preferences of the genre. So, in “ozyn shigyr” by L. Gibadullina, the main place is occupied by existential-evaluative motives. The lyrical heroine analyzes the events of her life, and repeated symbols or symbolic images turn them into the history of the people, the country, humanity in general. Among the identified techniques, the flickering of motives and intertextual dialogue are important, with the help of which a multiplicity of contexts and meanings is created. Thus, it is established that the genre of “ozyn shigyr” in modern Tatar poetry has its own characteristics that arise in dialogue with the traditions of Tatar poetry and make its form different from the “long poem”.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):322-333
pages 322-333 views

“We Post and Post, and Others Will Come to Like Us...”, or Translingual Practices in B. Anfinogenov’s Poetry

Kondratieva N.V., Ilina N.V.


The article deals with the study of translingual practices in the works by the Udmurt poet B.V. Anfinogenov. The interest to the questions of transcultural literature is due to the importance of research in cultural diversity of multilingual regions of Russia. The methodological basis of the article is the linguistic analysis of a literary text, synthesis-generalization of the achievements of modern literary criticism, structural analysis of a poetic text, etc. The collection of poetic texts by B. Anfinogenov “Dz’ikya Promo” (2023) is used as the material for analysis. Based on the analysis, the peculiarities of translingual practices representation in the works by B. Anfinogenov are revealed, extra-textual (ethnic and cultural self-identification of the author, themes, foreign language inclusions) and intra-textual (hybrid cultural canons and codes) levels of representation of translingualism are outlined. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the role of graphic determination as well as the use of interlanguage homophony and intertextuality in transcultural literature.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):334-345
pages 334-345 views

Erzya Poetry in the Ural Region: the Artistic World of Dmitry Taganov

Arzamazov A.A.


The article deals with the problematic and thematic contexts of the work of Dmitry Taganov, one of the most prominent representatives of modern Mordovian (Erzian) literature. D. Taganov, who was born and lives in the Ural region, personifies the literary diaspora of the Mordovians with his biography and poems. In the course of the study, it was found out that his poetic world is distinguished by an ascetic figurative system and a stable set of figurative and symbolic elements, which almost does not change from collection to collection. The study included not only original texts in the Erzya language but also Russian interlinear translations made by the author, which allow interpreting artistic features and stylistic details in two linguopoetical “projections” at once. It has been established that in his poems D. Taganov mostly avoids the actualization of the ethno-cultural component, prefers ethnically neutral lyrical plots, and pays increased attention to the psychological realities of love existence. Some motif-figurative elements connected with the poet’s professional activity in medicine are shown. An important aspect of this study is the analysis of literary translations of D. Taganov’s poems into Russian. Difficulty in understanding the original works by the translator and facts of inattentive attitude to the core parameters of the original text are demonstrated on the example of texts.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):346-357
pages 346-357 views

Bilingualism of A. Pudin’s Dramaturgy

Antonov Y.G., Kabanova J.V.


The article deals with the artistic originality of bilingualism of one of the leading modern Mordovian playwrights Alexander Pudin. The most productive types of it in the work of the playwright are defined, and the reasons for the use of two languages in the writing process are identified. The importance of the transition from one language to another is emphasized in order to expand the aesthetic boundaries of the author’s worldview and to accurately convey ethnic nuances to the foreign-language reader and viewer. The author reveals the artistic and aesthetic specificity of the author’s translation, which allowed to reveal more deeply both the conflict collisions of plays and the individual characters of carriers of national character traits. A special place is given to plays in Russian, in which the playwright immerses us in a diverse ethnic palette of perception of the surrounding reality and recreates a bright national flavor through mythological context.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):358-367
pages 358-367 views

Sun vs Moon in the Mythopoetic Picture of the World of the Udmurt Bilingual Poet Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi

Panteleeva E.V.


The Russian-language creativity of national authors is one of the most relevant topics of modern research. The issue of the preserving their identity in a different language field is complex and is ambiguously covered in the scientific literature. The matter of manifestation of ethno-cultural markers in their Russian creativity is no less important. Based on the questions posed, the aim of the article was to study the imagery (on the material of Russian poetry by the Udmurt writer Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi). The analysis of his creative works is carried out on the examples of the imagines of the Sun and the Moon, which more accurately indicate the uniqueness of the religious and mythological thinking of the ethnos, as well as the level of interpenetration of different literary layers. We have found out that the dominate place is occupied by the imagine of the Sun personifying the Supreme God - Inmar in the Udmurt picture of the world. The Sun is often opposed to the Moon in Udmurt mythology. The comparative analysis has shown that the images of heavenly bodies are differently presented in the Russian-language works of V. Ar-Sergi. We have established that the Sun personifies life, rebirth, and the Moon becomes the embodiment of the mental state of lyrical subjects. Our research confirms that, in his Russian-language poetry, V. Ar-Sergi continues to broadcast intraethnic plots correlated with the narratives of world literature, mythology, culture.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):368-378
pages 368-378 views


Literary Life and Literary Brands of Yekaterinburg: the late 2010s - early 2020s

Podlubnova Y.S.


The article attempts to describe the literary space of Yekaterinburg in the late 2010s - early 2020s within the framework of the paradigm of Russian-language literature existing over the borders but structured around the center referred to as “conditional Moscow”. The research methodology combines the analysis of literary life, the socio-literary approach and the theory of place marketing. We are talking not just about agents of literary fields and actors within a literary situation but also about literary brands that help attract symbolic capital to a particular territory. The phenomena of genius loci of A.B. Salnikov, E.V. Simonova, the functioning of cultural institutions that form the literary space of the city, the work of a number of independent projects and initiatives are considered. Particular attention is paid to the levels of interaction between the literature of the city and the center “conditional Moscow”.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):379-393
pages 379-393 views


The Phenomenon of Ural Literature

Arzamazov A.A., Sozina E.K.



Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(2):394-400
pages 394-400 views

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