Issue Title File
No 4 (2014) Our autors PDF


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No 1 (2014) Folklore tradition and the elements formed to the genre in literature: question statement PDF


Galieva M.A.
No 3 (2014) Our autors PDF


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No 1 (2014) Foreign Country’s Image in Special Issues of Vokrug Sveta Magazine (2006-2008) PDF


Komarova E.V.
No 4 (2014) City under siege - analysis of M. Bulgakov’s short novel “The Fatal Eggs” PDF


Li Na -.
No 2 (2014) Features of promoting print meadia in the inforation market PDF


Astasheva A.E.
No 3 (2014) A Tale as a form of dipicting in works by P.P. Bazhov and S.G. Pisahov PDF


Agapova M.A.
No 1 (2014) About semantics of existential symbolics in creativity of Vyach. Ivanov PDF


Porol O.A.
No 4 (2014) Realizm - Postmodernism in Russun literature yesterday and today PDF


Meskin V.A.
No 1 (2014) Concentration of mass media in the conditions of informational globalization PDF


Markina Y.V.
No 4 (2014) To the question about the stages of communicative competence of participants in the information-analytical programs PDF


Berezin V.M.
No 2 (2014) Features advertising of pharmaceutical products in the press PDF


Volohova E.V.
No 3 (2014) The search of the verity in Platonov’s works PDF


Gerasimova M.A.
No 1 (2014) The category of time in the poetry of O. Mandelstam PDF


Khlystova A.V.
No 4 (2014) Stalin in Vasilii Grossman’s prose PDF


Lanin B.A.
No 2 (2014) A. Blok in the Artistic and Literary Critical Interpretation of Boris Pasternak PDF


Burkov I.A.
No 1 (2014) Multimedia journalism: newsgames PDF


Volkova I.I.
No 4 (2014) Humanism and principles of a journalist in modern conditions of world geopolitical reconstruction PDF


Martynenko E.V.
No 2 (2014) Advertising communication in small and medium-sized businesses PDF


Kim N.N.
No 3 (2014) Development of tradition in the story of Gogol “Diaboliad” M.A. Bulgakov PDF


Li Na -.
No 1 (2014) The artistic conflict in the story by V. Makanin «Manhole (Laz)» PDF


Tokarenko A.A.
No 4 (2014) Faustian theme in the story by T. Tolstaya “Cleen Sheet” (Chistiy List”) in the light of the intertextual approach PDF


Koleva I.P.
No 2 (2014) The Image of Stalin in A. Solzhenitsyn's novel “The First Circle” PDF


Papandopoulou I.
No 1 (2014) Our autors PDF


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No 4 (2014) Representation of national cultural property of the north caucasus in the press: genre aspect PDF


Grabelnikov A.A., Reva E.K.
No 2 (2014) Ambient media as a new form of advertising: to the question of history and its features PDF


Kirilenko N.P., Prangishvily I.G.
No 3 (2014) Postscript to the Novels of Elif Shafak (on the issue of the creative method) PDF


Sofronova L.V.
No 1 (2014) The cultural synthesis in V.S. Solovyov’s poetry PDF


Avdeichic L.L.
No 4 (2014) Characters surnames derived from the Latin roots in the A.N. Ostrovosky’s plays PDF


Isakova I.N.
No 2 (2014) Urban text in V.R. Tsoy’s creations (intermedial aspect) PDF


Petrova S.A.
No 4 (2014) How crowdsourcing can be used in citizen journalizm PDF


Bazanova A.E., Tulisova V.A.
No 2 (2014) Modern condishions and tendencies of the Internet TV in China PDF


Gegelova N.S., Wang Yue -.
No 4 (2013) Professional differentiation in network journalism PDF


Prasolova E.V.
No 3 (2013) The world of childhood in Zahar Prilepin’s novel “Pathologies” PDF


Guseva E.V.
No 2 (2013) Our autors PDF


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No 1 (2013) Becoming publishing ideas editor and journalist MN Katkov in the pre-reform period of the 50-s. nineteenth century PDF


Mitrokhina S.A.
No 3 (2013) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2013) About religious sources of V. Khlebnikov’s poem “Angels” PDF


Evdokimova L.V.
No 2 (2013) Features of the neotraditionalism in the novel of Gamal Al-Gitani «The message of the love and passion» PDF


Vasilyev V.V.
No 4 (2013) Advertising war: the specifics of discourse PDF


Miroshnichenko G.A.
No 3 (2013) The images of the sky and the sun in Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago” PDF


Di Xiaoxia -.
No 1 (2013) Principles of creative advertisement on commercial radio station “Radio 7” PDF


Stupakova E.V.
No 4 (2013) “Elusive” Narration in the Novel of Dmitry A. Pirogov “Renat and the Dragon” PDF


Romanovskaya O.E.
No 2 (2013) Historical fate of Russia in the journal “Syntax” PDF


Denisenko A.V.
No 1 (2013) N.V. Gogol’s dramatic art and traditions of classicism PDF


Gafarov R.M.
No 4 (2013) Russian periodicals in the beginning of the XX century and its part in the social-political life of the country PDF


Savastenko R.A.
No 3 (2013) Poetry of N. Minsk: at the sources of the russian decadence PDF


Kuntsevich D.V.
No 1 (2013) Tactics of conducting information war in mass media on Kosovo conflict example. The comparative analysis of publications from «The Russian newspaper» and «Washington Post» PDF


Ulianova N.N.
No 4 (2013) Art reality models in M. Bulgakov's prose of 1920-th years and of their creation the principles PDF


Golubovich N.V.
No 2 (2013) Features language of advertising as one of the species of mass communication PDF


Bazanova A.E., Kirilenko N.P.
No 1 (2013) Vladimir Voinovich’s satirical novel PDF


Alisova E.Y.
No 4 (2013) Peculiarities of realisation of Moscow Government informational policy PDF


Rastorgueva N.E.
No 3 (2013) Emirati novel in the 1990s: features of polystadiality PDF


Suvorov M.N.
No 1 (2013) Children’s audience in the discourse of advertising communication: New Realities PDF


Muzikant V.L.
No 2 (2013) Mythopoetics in the book of Sergei Gorodetsky “Wild will” PDF


Shcherbakova T.V.
No 4 (2013) Carnivalesque of images of children and adults in screenwriting of Ilya Nusinov and Semion Lungin (based on the screenplays “Bez strakha i upreka”, “Vnimaniye, cherepakha!” and “Telegramma”) PDF


Artemyeva E.A.
No 2 (2013) Media: business considerations and social priorities PDF


Fedotova L.V.
No 1 (2013) The Interpretation of the title of Liu Xie’s treatise Wen Xin Diao Long PDF


Stezhenskaya L.V.
No 4 (2013) Pun in context of implicitness PDF


Glagoleva A.V.
No 3 (2013) Illusions in opposition to reality (“The lower depths” by M. Gorcy and “The iceman cometh” by E. O’Neill) PDF


Pinaev S.M.
No 1 (2013) The journalist’s way of Albert Camus PDF


Vakhidova R.A.
No 2 (2013) The Trifonov’s code in prose by V.S. Makanin PDF


Selemeneva M.V.
No 4 (2013) Travestying the ecclesiastical canon and hagiographical pattern in Andrey Platonov’s “Gorod gradov” PDF


Aleinikov O.U.
No 2 (2013) Media image phenomenon: socio-psychological aspect PDF


Hochunskaya L.V.
No 1 (2013) System of the heroes in Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita”: principles of polyvalence and antinomy PDF


Abdourahmane Diallo -.
No 4 (2013) Questions of literature and journalism in the pages of “Bulletin of Surgut State Pedagogical University” (2007—2012) PDF


Razumovskaya O.V.
No 3 (2013) The periodization of history of russian online journalism revisited PDF


Algavy L.O.
No 1 (2013) New Media and advertising support of Media in the Internet age PDF


Muzikant P.V.
No 2 (2013) Archetype of the hero of Graal in I. Shmelev's story “Inexhaustible Chalice” PDF


Striganova A.O.
No 4 (2013) Humanism of the New Era and its reflection in udarniks’ writings of the late 1920 — early 1930s PDF


Zavjalova O.S.
No 2 (2013) Features of perception of the parody in television games PDF


Volkova I.I.
No 1 (2013) Sufi Images and motives in high lak russian literature PDF


Ilyasov K.I.
No 4 (2013) Our autors PDF


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No 3 (2013) Development of gender advertising PDF


Miroshnichenko G.A.
No 1 (2013) Information war in the political crisis in the middle east (for example the satellite channel Al-Jazeera) PDF


Amer Maan -.
No 2 (2013) Biblical reception in rock-poetry: Boris Grebenshchikov PDF


Eremin E.M.
No 4 (2013) Chinese motifs in a poetical cycle “porcelain pavilion” of N. Gumilev PDF


Solntseva E.G.
No 3 (2013) The esthetique of paradoxe in the absurd theatre PDF


Shervashidze V.V.
No 2 (2013) Media Egypt and Egyption presidentiel Elections after the revolution PDF


Grabelnikov A.A., Tamouh Mohammed Anass -.
No 1 (2013) The image of Eugene in the poem by A. Pushkin “The Bronze Horseman” and its comprehension in the national science PDF


Karim B.M.
No 3 (2013) Sociocultural values in news and information programs of regional television (TV «Quartz», Podolsk region) PDF


Shirobokov A.N., Bakhus A.O.
No 1 (2013) Advertising as subculture of global communicative space PDF


Ulyanova M.U.
No 2 (2013) Biography and History: The Problem of Correlation and Balance PDF


Polyakov A.N.
No 4 (2013) Osorgin’s little and great PDF


Gerasimova M.A.
No 3 (2013) Eastern plots in russian magazine prose the second half of XVIII century: texts, genre specificity, the ideological priorities PDF


Shelemova A.O., Faezech Karimian -.
No 2 (2013) Modern types structure of religious periodicals in Russia PDF


Ivanova T.N.
No 1 (2013) «Landowner’s morning» by L.N. Tolstoy and «Landowner’s morning» by V.A. Pyetsukh: to the problem of intertextual space in literature PDF


Pykhtina Y.G.
No 3 (2013) The urgent problems of kazakh-media space PDF


Bolysbayeva K.Z.
No 1 (2013) French feminine press: two hundred years of history PDF


Terebilina M.V.
No 2 (2013) Features of the spatial part of the trilogy hronotopa M. Peake “Gormenghast” PDF


Tunitskaya E.V.
No 4 (2013) The loyalty of the audience of TV Channel Domashny and instruments of branding PDF


Nelikaeva O.Y.
No 3 (2013) Title meaning and moral issue of the story «Ivan’s daugther, Ivan’s mother» by V.G. Rasputin PDF


Makarova A.O.
No 2 (2013) Public television in Russia: priorities of the program policies................... 116 Reviews and comments PDF


Gegelova N.S.
No 1 (2013) The Concept of “the other” and self-perspective in literature works of G. García Márquez in the 1990s PDF


Pluzhnikova K.N.
No 3 (2013) The mirror of Russian social culture PDF


Golenko Z.A.
No 1 (2013) Television advertising as the most efficient form of political advertising. Examples of best technologies in the political TV advertisement PDF


Jorjikia M.V.
No 4 (2013) Intertextuality in the stories by Alexei Varlamov PDF


Meskin V.A., Ratnikova V.V.
No 2 (2013) Oneiric chronotope in the novel “The hill of dreams” by Arthur Machen PDF


Golovina O.U.
No 4 (2013) Mass communication theory as an open system PDF


Berezin V.M.
No 3 (2013) “Epopee of evil” in Jean Ruo’s novel “Fields of honour” PDF


Kosova U.A.
201 - 300 of 601 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> 

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