No 2 (2013)


Mythopoetics in the book of Sergei Gorodetsky “Wild will”

Shcherbakova T.V.


In this article there is an analysis of the mythopoetics of S. Gorodetsky’s book “Wild will” (1907). Analyzing the data, was discovered, that Gorodetsky, who was famous for the poems about Ancient Russia, its customs and folklore in his first book “Yar’” (1906), still pays attention to old times, but development of new legends becomes less important, many motives disappear and some motives have new way of representation. The main attention has been paid for the binary oppositions (life-death, freedom-captivity), for the idea of “wild will” itself, for symbols and for composition of the book. In addition, there is an investigation about conditions of the publishing of the book, about attitude of the critics to “Wild will”.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):5-13
pages 5-13 views

The Trifonov’s code in prose by V.S. Makanin

Selemeneva M.V.


The article is devoted to the origins of V.S. Makanin’s prose, which the author finds in the works of Y.V. Trifonov. In order to identify the presence and influence of Y.V. Trifonov the author considered those components Makanin’s artistic world as the “Moscow text”, poetics of everyday life and the concept of “self-flowing life”, the system of characters, the essence of the conflict between the characters (“lucky man”/”unlucky fellow”), the motif of “runaway”. The study brings to light the general artistic creativity code that reveals the genesis of Trifonov’s ideas and images in Makanin’s prose: the elegiac tone of the descriptions of the old Moscow replaced dispassionate sketching stages of capital’s urbanization, the intelligent person was rethinking as the “middle man”, a situation of moral compromise tapered to embarrassing situations, the motif of “runaway” is deprived of positive content and becomes a kind of escapism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):14-22
pages 14-22 views

Archetype of the hero of Graal in I. Shmelev's story “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Striganova A.O.


We set as the purpose of this article studying of an archetype of the hero of Graal in I. Shmelev's story “Inexhaustible Chalice”. In the work belonging to new time and absolutely to other, Russian culture, the ancient Celtic archetype found the new birth and the new lines which enriched and have deepened history of its literary refractions.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Biblical reception in rock-poetry: Boris Grebenshchikov

Eremin E.M.


The article is devoted to the problem of biblical reception in Russian rock-poetry. Having analyzed Boris Grebenshikov’s interviews and texts, the author highlights his specific strategies for «alien» words interiorization. The article tells about biblical code and mechanisms of biblical text interiorization in Boris Grebenshchikov rock-poetry. The originality of individual creative manner of the rock-poet is revealed through the aspect of poetics under consideration.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Biography and History: The Problem of Correlation and Balance

Polyakov A.N.


The article examines the problem of the correlation between historic and biographic genres by contrasting what historians, biographers, and philosophers have said on the matter. In doing so, the article raises the question: What does Plutarch mean when he states: “We do not write history, but life histories”?
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Features of the spatial part of the trilogy hronotopa M. Peake “Gormenghast”

Tunitskaya E.V.


The peculiarities of space as one of components of chronotop in M. Peake’s trilogy “Gormenghast” are examined in the article. The space is analyzed in three aspects: as stage, narrative and inner space of heroes. The accent is made on revealing the specific peculiarities with respect to traditional gothic chronotop.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Oneiric chronotope in the novel “The hill of dreams” by Arthur Machen

Golovina O.U.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of chronotope in the novel “The Hill of dreams” by Arthur Machen. Special attention is paid to the cause-and-effect relations between the type of catalyst hero’s different altered state of consciousness and qualitative characteristics of the accompanying oneiric chronotope.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):52-58
pages 52-58 views

National stereotypes in author’s artistic world: purpose or means?

Pojhan M.A.


In the article is considered the national stereotype as a means for expressing an artistic idea upon the example of A.P. Chekhov’s story «Daughter of Albion». The key features of stereotype (as a concept which came from sociology and psychology) receive special refraction in the world of a work of art, on the basis of the main character of a stereotype to draw the line between “domestic” and “alien”.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Features of the neotraditionalism in the novel of Gamal Al-Gitani «The message of the love and passion»

Vasilyev V.V.


The task of this article is the identifying of the features of the neotraditionalism in the novel of Egyptian writer Gamal al-Gitani “The message of the love and passion”.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):65-70
pages 65-70 views

Historical fate of Russia in the journal “Syntax”

Denisenko A.V.


The article shows the approach to an important typical problem (particularly for the emigration) of national and historical essence and fate in the journal “Syntax” and ways of solving it.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Features language of advertising as one of the species of mass communication

Bazanova A.E., Kirilenko N.P.


The advertising texts are the main subject of the research. The texts and slogans are examined as a part of mass communication texts. A special interest evokes the translated advertising texts and the linguistic peculiarities of it.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Media: business considerations and social priorities

Fedotova L.V.


The paper describes the relationship between two paradigms: the press and the business and the press as an implementation of social priorities. Modern practice of mass communication gives examples of these paradigms and their interaction.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):83-90
pages 83-90 views

Media image phenomenon: socio-psychological aspect

Hochunskaya L.V.


The article raises questions connected with the idea and the function of media image. Special attention is attended to the role of media image in the creating of the informational picture of the world in the recipient’s perception. Social function of the media image is being uncovered.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):91-95
pages 91-95 views

Features of perception of the parody in television games

Volkova I.I.


The purpose of the article — to establish the reasons of popularity of parody telecasts. The author tries to comprehend features of screen perception of an audiovisual parody image from the point of view of media TV-specifics. As the initial thesis — the concept of doubling of reality as spaces of formation of the parody double. Interactivity of modern TV is considered as a condition of maximizing natural properties of the parody. Eventually the article draws a conclusion about a spiral trajectory of reconsideration process of an initial content in a television parody.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):96-101
pages 96-101 views

Media Egypt and Egyption presidentiel Elections after the revolution

Grabelnikov A.A., Tamouh Mohammed Anass -.


This article reviews recent developments Egyption Presidentiel Elections in terms of Egyptian officials and opposition media and their influence on the development of the event is following the popular revolution in Egypt.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):102-108
pages 102-108 views

Modern types structure of religious periodicals in Russia

Ivanova T.N.


This article presents the results of a study of modern missionary publications of the Russian Orthodox Church. First presented typological analysis missionary press. The author defines signs Orthodox missionary magazines and newspapers, their characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Public television in Russia: priorities of the program policies................... 116 Reviews and comments

Gegelova N.S.


In this article author analyses the concept of public television in Russia in the aspect of the maximum realization of their social and cultural-enlightening mission in our society.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):116-119
pages 116-119 views

Shelemova A.O. Poetic Spase “The Tale of the Armament of Igor”

Zarembo L.I.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):120-123
pages 120-123 views

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RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2013;(2):124-125
pages 124-125 views

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