No 3 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 11
- URL:
A Tale as a form of dipicting in works by P.P. Bazhov and S.G. Pisahov
Our scientific work is called “A Tale as a form of dipicting in works by P.P. Bazhov and S.G. Pisahov” and is devoted to the study of a tale form of narration in Russian prose memoir in 1920-1230-ies of XX century. The work examines collections of essays “Ural true stories” by P.P. Bazhov and “I gave the whole of myself to North” by S.G. Pisahov. The article is based on such concepts as “tale”, “autobiography”, “sketch”, “picturesqueness”. We conducted an analysis of individual style of writers, singled out common features that are typical of the style of both authors and the style of ' artistic era” (A.S. Sakulin). The essays are being investigated from the point of view of stylistic devices and features of the artistic language. It is being proved that depiction is one of the most important elements of creating an artistic text in a fantasy form of narration.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):5-12

The search of the verity in Platonov’s works
The article is devoted to the search of the verity in Platonov’s oeuvre. It vents primarily in his works from the late 1920s till the mid-1930s. Being a staunch defender of communism the writer witnesses yet what a tragic life becomes after the state alters human lives, breaks the lifestyle of the people. The village breaks up, people lose their sense of the unity. The party imposes a new ideology that is not to everyone’s liking. The truth seems to be lost, but in fact it is just inconsistent with the Soviet system. Awareness of this is beyond Platonov’s strength. It is expressed in the writer’s ambivalence which he repeatedly pointed himself.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):13-19

Postscript to the Novels of Elif Shafak (on the issue of the creative method)
Two novels of the modern Turkish author Elif Shafak are analyzed in the context of the discussion about its postmodern character in Turkish and Russian literary circles. In particular, the special attention is paid to symbols used by the writer. The question if its interpretation corresponds to postmodern aesthetics or not, is discussed. The specifics of the writer’s creative method is in the focus of study. The postmodern literary techniques (intertextuality, irony, playfulness, temporal distortion, author’s mask) are applied, but not filled with postmodern aesthetic content. In opinion of the author of the article there are not enough arguments in favour of the conclusion about a postmodern nature of the novels. The considered novels demonstrate interpenetration of postmodern techniques and mass culture.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):27-35

“Porque el Amor Manda”: Mexican Culture
The article analyses cultural Mexican specificities on the basis of the popular telenovela “Porque el Amor Manda” which can be translated to English as “Love Rules”. The local traditions and customs are looked upon discussing concrete episodes of the mentioned soap opera. The issues related to the topic include family relationships, religion, cuisine, medicine, the role of woman in the Mexican society, class distinctions as well as friendship.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):36-43

From a Woman Reader to a Woman Writer (“a through Plot” of Contemporary Hindi Prose”)
The article deals with a scope of books, which literary heroes read, and a very often met in Modern Hindi literature plot of a woman reader who becomes a writer, is discussed. Three novels by a prominent Hindi writer Mridula Garg are analysed.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):44-51

Genesis of Communication Advertising in the Context of the New Digital Culture
The article analyzes the advertising communication as a sociocultural phenomenon evolving in the Intt based on the ideology of web 2.0. Differentiation of functions of traditional and new advertisements was the natural result of cultural genesis, give impetus to new forms of communicative culture. Analyzes the impact of online communication force protection, new digital forms both in production and in consumption of cultural objects n and its impact on the new target audience.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):52-58

State of Cultural Policy as an Element of Modern Urban Mediaspace.. 59 reviews, abstracts, etc
This article examines characteristics of the state cultural policy in case of forming mediaenvironment and mass communication in case of modern city, formulates main determinations and characteristics of mediaenvironment in culture sphere.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):59-63

The Structure of a Folklore Image of the Frog
We consider an animalistic image of a frog in fairy tales «The Frog-Tsarevna» and «The Prince-frog». We define the typology of this image. Also we offer the psychological and philosophical interpretation of an image of a frog in fairy tales, considering the frog`s skin is a metaphor of egoism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):64-65

EURAMAL: International Centre for Scientific Cooperation Literary Critics-Arabists
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):66-68

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2014;(3):69-70