
Identification of main features of French national character through analysis of French phraseology
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
English national character through the communication values
Dmitrieva E.G., Usmanova Z.A., Migolatieva I.V.
Phraseological units with component-somatism in objectification of process of drinking in the French culture
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Lingvokognitive typology of symbols
Yakushevich I.V.
Cultural linguistics analysis of phraseological units with gastronomic component
Smirnova E.V., Yliynisheva L.V.
Gender Marked Phraseological Units of Phraseosemantic Group Designating Men’s Affectionate Behaviour
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Somatic means of person's characterization in French argot (on the material of the phraseological thematic group «Person's character»)
Sinelnikov Y.G., Androsova S.A.
Intercultural Communication in the Light of Polish and Russian Verbal Etiquette
Korzeniewska-Berczyńska J.
Metaphoric conceptualization of Quantity of Food in French Phraseology
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
The Influence of Zoo- And Phytocomponents in the Phraseology of the Pyrenean Variety of Spanish on Shaping Mexican Phraseological Units
Gishkaeva L.N.
Leontovich O.A., Simonenko N.
Metaphoric conceptualisation of «wine» in french phraseology
Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Social-regulavive concept «fair play» in english linguaculture
Gunina L.A.
English borrowings in the French financial discourse as a feature of national character
Naydenova N.S.
Lexical features of modern French printed advertising trhough lingvocultural analisis
Borissova A.S.
National precedent phenomena in French printed advertising
Firsova N.M., Borissova A.S.
Phraseological units with component-somatism in objectification of process of eating in the french culture
Kurguzenkova Z.V., Nelubova N.Y.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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