No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 22
- URL:
Cognitive and pragmatic mechanisms of indirect nomination
Particular attention is paid to the processes of author’s linguistic creative thinking, which generates reflexive signs of indirect nomination using the language material in accordance with the rules of common semantic derivation. The dependence of indirect nomination on background information is shown. The study is extremely important for linguistic and cognitive pragmatics, linguistic culturology and psycholinguistics.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):5-13

Bilingual education as linguodidactic version of forming linguistic personality
The problem of linguistic personality formation in bilingual education and the prospects for reproducing Russian — speaking personality with the help of European training system for personnel in foreign educational establishments where the Russian language is one of the instructional languages has been examined in the article.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):14-20

Ethnocultural adaptation of foreign students to living and studying conditions in Russia
The article deals with the problems of ethnocultural adaptation of foreign pupils to living and studying conditions in Russia. The phenomenon of cultural shock is analyzed, its reasons, symptoms and stages are described, ways of overcoming cultural shock are offered.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):21-27

The structure of the cultural concept «City» and its linguistic representation in Brusov’s poems
The article is devoted to the structure of the cultural concept «City» in poetic texts. The author describes different cognitive layers and semantic fields of this concept in Brusov’s poems. The concept «City» is analyzed as a complex cognitive structure including different conceptual models, signs, signatures that reveal the peculiarity of the author’s idiostyle.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):28-35

Metaphors of kinship in representing the concept «soul» in russian linguistic culture
The specific features of kinship metaphors and their role in characterizing the concept “soul” are considered in the article. The author concludes that these metaphors can represent spiritual affinity, emotional and religious life of a person. The productivity of such metaphors is stipulated by the peculiarities of Russian linguistic culture.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):36-43

Linguistic, structural and compositional peculiarities of an international contract (on the material of russian and bulgarian diplomatic documents)
The article is devoted to structural, compositional and linguistic peculiarities of the texts of international contracts. The means and ways of reaching interlinguistic lexical, semantic and pragmatic equivalence of contracts are compared, the material of the research being bilateral diplomatic documents signed between Russia and Bulgaria over the last twenty years.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):62-70

Argumentative semantics in the information field of an artistic text
The article describes the main features of the argumentative semantics, its functional significance and ways of its representation in the text structure of the text as the basic unit of communication. On the material of Russian writers’ artistic works the author identifies and characterizes various ways of expressing comparative, evaluation, illustrative, etc. kinds of argumentation at the stages of speech generating and percepting, as well as the elements of linguistic analysis of text components.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):71-76

National and cultural peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal means of argumentation in arab official communication
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal means of argumentation in Arab official communication. The problems of organizing “dialog of cultures” are also presented. We describe and explain some problems of “dialog of cultures” according to business official rules in the Arab world, which could help the specialists in Arab language and culture, diplomats and businessmen. National and cultural peculiarities of Arab society and culture and their role in official communication are described in the article. Factors which help to establish and develop partnership with the Arabs are described in thesis. The author pays attention to moral values, culture and traditional linguistic and behavioral rules that form successful intercultural communication “East—West”.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):85-90

Logical competence of speaker as factor in argumentation: history and modern state
The article touches upon logical culture as a factor in argumentation. The paper traces interaction of two ancient disciplines — rhetoric and logic, which are regarded as the basis for the development of ancient and modern theories of language and style. The author believes that logical and rhetoric methods have a universal character. The examples of using the deductive techniques taken from the works of G. Galileo, the creator of experimental physics, and N.M. Gersevanov, the Russian scientist of the 20th century and the founder of the Russian school of building mechanics are given in this paper.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):91-97

Argued problems of national security in jordan mass media
The article characterizes modern mass media and their influence on national security of a state. The article is devoted to modern mass media of an Arab state in globalization process (on the example of Jordan). It also contains a detailed description of the concept “national security”. The author bases upon works of Arab scientists on the problems of mass media and its role in state security. The article analyzes modern Jordan mass media. State problems of Jordan which could be solved with the help of mass media are studied in the article.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):98-105

“The deductive method” of poetic and philosophic argumentation in the details of “Dostoevsky’s” Text (to the problem of teaching russian literature as non-native)
The article checks the functioning of details of «the biographic author» in the united space of an artistic, namely “Dostoevsky’s” text is by a deductive method. This technique expresses an original idea about the essential role of a biographic method in literary criticism as the “basis” for deductive search of the key poetic and psychological features. These features define both substantial and formal components of a certain literary text as a complete spiritual and cultural phenomenon. Interdisciplinary synthesis of rhetoric, literary criticisms, psychology, to some extent medicine, and methods of teaching Russian literature to foreigners with different cultural orientation is embodied in the article.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):106-113

Teaching foreign students argumentation on the example of A.V. Vampilov’s “The elder son”
The article concerns ways of teaching argumentation to foreign students learning Russian as a foreign language. The author characterizes extracts of A.V. Vampilov's “The Elder Son” where different verbal persuasive means showing menthality, specifiс way of thinking and world perception of the Russians are presented.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):123-127

The role of argumentation in teaching the theme “Polite refusal” at school
The article is devoted to the ways of using argumentation in teaching pupils speech culture. We cannot deny somebody’s request politely without persuasive arguments. The author describes methodical means and different kinds of exercises aimed at achieving the objective of the lesson.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):128-132

Intellectual game as a component of educational technologies in the course of foreign language teaching in technical universities
The paper deals with methodological and educational potential of the gaming technologies in the process of foreign language teaching in a technical higher educational establishment. It is stated that an intellectual game combining with role and business games components is an effective stimuli for foreign language studying. Moreover, it is an indicator of knowledge and skills development.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):133-139

Confessional education of german colonists in southern parts of the Russian Empire in XIXth century
The specifics of educational and pedagogic activity of German colonists of different confessions (the Lutherans, Catholics and Mennonites) in the southern regions of the Russian Empire in the XIX th century was in preserving moral principles and traditions in the community and in the professional orientation of education. This orientation helped in training professionals who contributed much in the development of economics, science and culture despite the unstable political situation. In such a way, the pedagogic heritage of different peoples in the development of modern system of education will always remain actual.
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):140-149

Our authors
Russian Language Studies. 2012;(4):150-151