National and cultural peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal means of argumentation in arab official communication

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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal means of argumentation in Arab official communication. The problems of organizing “dialog of cultures” are also presented. We describe and explain some problems of “dialog of cultures” according to business official rules in the Arab world, which could help the specialists in Arab language and culture, diplomats and businessmen. National and cultural peculiarities of Arab society and culture and their role in official communication are described in the article. Factors which help to establish and develop partnership with the Arabs are described in thesis. The author pays attention to moral values, culture and traditional linguistic and behavioral rules that form successful intercultural communication “East—West”.

About the authors

V E Matveenko

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Chair of the Russian language and methods of its teaching Philological faculty




Abstract: 918

PDF (Russian): 434

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