“The Critique of Pure Reason” in the Writings of P.D. Lodij
- Authors: Krouglov A.N.1
- Russian State University for the Humanities
- Pages: 957-976
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/37147
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2023-27-4-957-976
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/RTQPPD
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First Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Main Pedagogical Institute and then also St. Petersburg University, Carpatho-Rusyn P. D. Lodij spent a quarter of a century teaching philosophy and law in the Russian Empire in the first third of the 19th century. His knowledge of Kant’s philosophy and his attitude to Kant’s criticism are estimated diametrically opposed in the research literature. An analysis of his main philosophical work, “Logical Precepts which Lead to Cognition and the Distinction of the True from the False” (1815), convincingly proves that Lodij was an excellent scholar of Kant’s philosophy. In Russia, he was the first thinker who spoke about the differences between the first and second editions of the “Critique of Pure Reason”. Lodij also was the first who noted both the revolutionary role of Kant’s Copernican turn, and the importance of Humeʼs causality problem for the formation of critical philosophy. In Russia, Lodij was the first who proposed a detailed description of Kant’s transcendental idealism. At the same time, Lodij’s general attitude to Kant was rather skeptical. In his own logic, he does not follow Kant’s division of logic into pure and applied, but he returns to pre-Kant’s split into theoretical and practical logics. Lodij disputes with the basic conclusions about the space derived from the transcendental aesthetic, denies synthetic judgments a priori and the rooting of the cognizing reason in illusions. Despite his unequivocal claims regarding Kant’s philosophy, “Logical Precepts” and its author were persecuted during the so-called “professorsʼ affair” of the 1820s. As a result, Lodij was suspended from teaching philosophy, and his logic textbook was withdrawn from teaching for both “disgrace” and imaginary Kantianism.
About the authors
Alexei N. Krouglov
Russian State University for the Humanities
Author for correspondence.
Email: akrouglov@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1152-1309
DSc. in Philosophy, Professor, Dean of the Department of Philosophy
6 Miusskaya Sq., 125047, Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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