No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):5-7

The Principle of Observability, the Stage of Empirical Weightlessness of a Theory (SEWT) and Constructive Empiricism (CE)
This work aims at analyzing the principle of observability (PO) from the formal point of view, making use of its explicit (ontological and epistemological) definitions. It will be made clear that our contemporary interpretation of PO is directly associated with the so called stage of empirical weightlessness of a theory (SEWT).
It will be made clear, too, that it is SEWT exactly that offers ample opportunities in both substantiation of PO and substantiation of van Fraassen's thesis: Emp Ad (L) → (Real (X) → ¬Obs (X)).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):8-21

The Interrogative Model of Inquiry as a Logic of Scientific Reasoning
Questioning has been understood as a general method for knowledge seeking in philosophy for thousands of years. The first systematic questioning approach in the (written) history of philosophy is the Socratic Method of Questioning (elenchus). The strategy of questioning is the central part of the Socratic Method of Questioning. Hintikka has developed a logico-philosophical model called the Interrogative Model of Inquiry, in which he systematizes the questioning method. The notion of strategy plays central role in the systematization. The deductive logic offers a strategic ideal for all human rational reasoning.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):22-30

Sense Problem in Analytical Philosophy
Object of research in the article are the basic concepts of the sense which has developed in analytical philosophy. Recognizing that the bases of an analytical paradigm of sense are put by G. Frege, the author gives primary attention to the analysis of a problem of sense in G. Frege's interpretation. It is underlined in the article the value of ideas of G. Frege not only for artificial, but also for a natural language. It's not casually that G. Frege is carry to number of founders of modern philosophy of language. In the article it is also shown that the analytical philosophy doesn't represent a homogeneous current. In this connection are allocated concepts frege-russel's type and concepts of sense of S. Kripke, K. Donnelan, H. Patnem as alternative to them.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):31-40

On Ontological and Pragmatic Aspects of Logic
Three aspects of the modern logical investigations are considered. First of all we discuss aims and the subject of logic as it appears today. Secondly, we pay a certain attention to ontological conditions which make logical activity possible. And in a third place, we discuss the idea of the logical topology, which is defined by an appropriate (non)contradiction operator. The specifics of this operator are provided by the formal notion of the contradiction, defined directly without appealing to the concept of the truth.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):41-53

Methodological Problems of the Linguistic Philosophy of Consciousness
Methodological issues of modern linguistic philosophy of consciousness are discussed in the article. A number of points of modern analytic philosophy of consciousness are considered and one can understand the whole complexity of the issue of correlation of mental and physical processes concerning the linguistic aspect. We pay much attention to the linguistic nature of intentionality and to the problem of reference; and we also describe intentional ambivalence of semiotisation of sensory experience.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):66-74

Methodologic Strategies in the Modern Cosmology and their Foundations
The article is dedicated to ontological foundations (or their elements) in cosmology. A detailed analysis of one of the modern cosmology main problems, the problem of dark energy is represented. It's demonstrated that in spite of a sufficient quantity of the empirical facts which may be interpreted as an accelerated expanding of the Universe and also the dark energy as a cause of this expanding the nature of the latter may be understood differently. It's impossible to choose a mode of understanding empirically but necessary to consider according methodology tied with ontological principles.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):75-85

To What Extent Contemporary Mathematical Science is Reliable
The crisis in foundation of mathematics at the end of 19th beginning of 20th centuries initiated a number of axiomatic set theoretical systems during the first half of the 20th century. These systems were the result of different philosophical approaches (in view of second Godel's Theorem) aimed at overcoming of the above crisis. But the way out of this situation has never been found.
In my article I offer a new approach to solve this problem using a basic axiomatic system of the set theory with intuitionistic logic. I will present a lot of mathematical results having been obtained during the last forty years. We will survey the development of the set theory with the intuitionistic logic underlining the main points and formulating unsolved problems and describe the basic system of the intuitionistic set theory.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):86-96

Combined Paraconsistent Logics and their (Co)Exponentials
Combined logics of sentences and events consist of two parts: the external logic depending on epistemological assumptions and the internal logic depending on ontological ones. They were introduced by V.A. Smirnov following some G. Frege's and N. Vasiliev's ideas. An analysis of the structure of combined logics shows that, in fact, they employs the links between two logical systems postulating in the role of ontological part algebras which serve as the models of respective logics. It prompts us to consider systems which describe the direct interplay of two logics on syntactic level where we have an access to these logics without mediation of their models. In the role of those systems might be used the so-called coexponential and exponential ones which were introduced in [15]. In the paper the case of two paraconsistent combined logics (having paraconsistent algebras as their ontological part) is considered.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):97-110

Analysis of Semantics, Ontology and Syntax of the Sentential Logic
The analysis of the necessary preconditions of classical sentential logic shows that there is a possibility of clarification associated with the construction of the syntactic analogues of semantic rules of sentential logic, with a modification of Frege's semantics for sentential logic and the formalization of the concepts of truth and falsity.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):111-119

Science - what is It?
A phenomenon of science is considered from a logical-semiotic angle. Existing research methods and definitions of science are analyzed too. Furthermore a place of science in the universe of sign systems is determined. Finally, science is put as a an evidential or inference knowledge. Different imitative means of pseudo-scientific reasoning is exposed and specific examples of such included.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):120-130

One of the Universal Approaches to the Study of Civilizational Phenomena
The paper presents an attempt to describe the history of European civilization in terms of sequential process of changing of the astronomic, or cosmological, world picture. The author's aim is to demonstrate that a set of astronomic world models may be used as a basis of periodization of history. In the author's thought, astronomic world models, dealing with the concepts: 'Human being - Earth - Heavenly bodies - Universe', can be understood as a key element of both collective and individual world outlook. A conjecture is made that this model should be determined as a primary one. In its turn, it generates a lot of derivatives, which, in the aggregate, make up the whole context of both personal and collective consciousness.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):131-141

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2011;(3):142-143