Ludwig Heinrich von Jakob and His Treatise
- Authors: Shevtsov A.V.1
- Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
- Issue: Vol 26, No 4 (2022): PHILOSOPHY OF MIND
- Pages: 835-850
- URL:
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The treatise of the German philosopher Ludwig Heinrich von Jakob (1759-1827), Examination of Mendelssohn’s Morning Hours, or All Speculative Proofs for the Existence of God provides researchers with a good excuse to address captivating subjects related to issues of biographical and historical-philosophical dimension. Of particular interest in this context is the introductory article by I. Kant, which he sent to L.H. von Jakob before the publication of the treatise. The central idea of Jacob’s treatise was to defend Kant’s critical philosophy against the also critical M. Mendelssohn’s position. In the treatise, von Jakob sought to defend Kant’s concept against Mendelssohn’s similar methodological attitude of criticality in his treatment of philosophy. On this basis, Jacob’s treatise contains a serious critique of Mendelssohn’s concept. The treatise indicates an interesting picture of a certain competition between the authors of philosophical concepts of the German Enlightenment. The sides of the “Russian” period in L.H. von Jakob’s biography are also revealed. The treatise scrutinizes Mendelssohn’s methodological positions, as well as an analytical examination of his axioms. To reproduce this analysis accurately, an attempt is made to compare von Jakob’s philosophical ideas with some of Kant’s ideas. L.H. von Jakob’s philosophy can be defined as critical, with some reservations, in the general history of the German Enlightenment. It contributes substantially to comprehending the essence of the philosophical positions of both Kant and Mendelssohn and also clarifies the nature of the difference between the critiques of these two German thinkers.
About the authors
Alexandr V. Shevtsov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0934-6054
Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy; Associate professor at department of Philosophy
4 Volokolamskoye shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russian FederationReferences
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