No 4 (2012)


On the question of the specificity of aesthetic consciousness in the Age of Romanticism

Stepanova A.A.


The relationship between aesthetic consciousness and reality is investigated in the article. The process of interaction between the aesthetic and artistic consciousness in the Romantic period is analyzed. Thesis that in the nineteenth century aesthetic consciousness as a set of aesthetic views of the era is formed in the literature, creating conditions for the transformation of Romanticism into a particular world view, substantiates in the article. The affect of literary and aesthetic processes of the romantic era on the forming of modernist aesthetics is investigated in the article.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):5-14
pages 5-14 views

The role and place of the gallant discourse in letters of Catherine II in 1762—1774 gg

Akimova T.I.


Letters of Catherine 2 1762—1774 gg. to European correspondents were essential informative channel for the Empress, who came to the Russian throne with the application for enlightened absolutism. One of its components E2 saw gallant discourse is embodied in its epistolyarii in a light and playful tone, which is connected to the mistress of the work 1) on the formation of educational image in Europe, and 2) in the direction of the growing influence of Russia's role in world space, and 3) to demonstrate peace-building functions of the monarch.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):15-21
pages 15-21 views

13 march 1890 in the life and works of Balmont

Taganov L.N.


The article is concerned with one of the key events of K. Balmont’s life — his suicide attempt on the 13 th of March 1890. Balmont had never forgotten that day, he wrote about it in his autobiographical works. The attempt is also mentioned in a variety of memoirs and biographical essays dedicated to him. Nevertheless, this «super-event» hadn’t been thoroughly explored in context of Balmont’s creative life as a key detail of his autobiographical myth. Balmont’s prosaic writings and poetic recollections of the 13 th of March are analyzed in the article from this point of view.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Just one more from stranger. The problems of the “superfluous personal” in Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago”

Golenko Z.A.


In the theoretical article in the context of literature and socioculture traditions through the prism of concrete historical typological relations, mechanics of “vagrant plots” and “unconscious” tradition of self-generation of “symbolical plot” the protagonist’s character of Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago” is caused as character of the romantic hero of «the superfluous personal» ( stranger ), as the next translation of an archetype of the romantic hero-of «the superfluous personal» into socrealism language. The novel is defined as existential.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):28-35
pages 28-35 views

Orientalism in M. Voloshin’s creative work

Pinaev S.M.


The article describes an influence of east philosophy and art upon M. Voloshin’s creative work especially upon his “Kimmerian” poetry.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):36-43
pages 36-43 views

The way to create an image of the city in the novel by A. Bely

Astashchenko E.V.


This article is dedicated to the comprehension of mystical connection ancient myth, symbolist literature, music and silent movie in the trilogy «Moscow» by Andrey Beliy. The allusions have used for the great creation the symbol of Moscow and his general purpose — to paint the way from chaos to harmony.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):44-53
pages 44-53 views

Poetics of the philological novel dy A. Siniavsky/A. Tertz

Karpov A.S.


The article gives us characteristics of the poetics peculiarities of works by A. Siniavsky/A. Tertz belonging to the philological prose where thought development of the researcher goes in the forms related to fiction literature.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):54-66
pages 54-66 views

The concept of personality in the novel by Vladimov “Three minutes of silence”

Chistyakov A.V.


One of the main issues that the author of the novel considers is the problem why his characters who have overcome a lot, who have experienced a good deal, who have mastered profession, remain spiritually immature and are afraid to face reality, which is somewhere beyond their profession life.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):67-74
pages 67-74 views

The same-name works of russian and egyptian writers entitled “Azazel”

Tikaev G.G., Mohamed Nasr el-Din el-Gebaly -.


On the basis of the translation from Arabic of the novel “Azazel” of the Egyptian writer Yusef Zeidan, the analysis of similarity of its substantial elements with the same-name work of famous Russian writer Boris Akunin is carried out by the authors in the article. Besides, the deep analysis and estimation of reflected in the novels reasons of appearance of both local social problems within the Russian and Egyptian societies, and global ones connected with religious fanaticism and political extremism, is held.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):75-84
pages 75-84 views

Reception Oriental motifs in the works of A.N. Radishchev and I.A. Krylov

Shelemova A.O., Faezekh Karimian -.


The comparative analysis of two images of Eastern rulers and their court elite — in the story «Kaib» of Krylov and in the chapter «Spasskaya Polest» of Radishchev’s book «Journey from Petersburg to Moscow» presented in the article. The stories are analysed in the aspect of allegorical using of the genre «oriental story» as a literary-political utopia.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Publishing Course newspaper “Moscow News” with editor M.N. Katkov (1851—1856 gg.)

Mitrokhina S.A.


The article discusses the concept of publishing Michael Nikiforovich Katkov, implemented them in the newspaper “Moscow News” in 1851—1856 gg. He believed that the newspapers — a “living bodies of literature”, artistic perception valued above all else, and the “literary composition” of newspapers considered as a field for the spread of “sensible ideas”, “excitement in the minds of the positive power”, the formation of public opinion.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Global and national aspects of world information environment

Fedotova L.N.


The paper discusses main aspects of the global information environment in the “global-national” paradigm. The features of the process such as global information channels existence, intercultural communication importance in the modern world are the main in this case.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):98-107
pages 98-107 views

Development trends of modern brazilian media market

Rastorgueva N.E.


The article discusses the issues concerning to the Brazilian mass media functioning of the media in Brazil at the present stage.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):108-114
pages 108-114 views

Content analysis for evaluation informational policy of american media concerning Iran

Deilamy F., Poplavskaya N.V.


The main principles and fields of using of content analysis are represented in the paper. On the basis of content analysis the main aspects of psychological warfare of American broadcasting companies CNN and Fox News against Iran are identified.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):115-123
pages 115-123 views

Problem situation in media content

Hochunskaya L.V.


The article is devoted to the mechanism of influence of problem situation reflected in a media text, on the audience and the role of media image in transmission of valuable information.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):124-133
pages 124-133 views

Training game “Journalist-Manager”: Technology for preparation and conduct

Volkova I.I.


This article is devoted to the author's experience in the training of future journalists and public relations at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. It shows actual situations of the three-step preparation and conduct of training communicative game developed by the author, contains rules, features, and, in fact, the script, contains the supporting documents, excerpts from student records.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):134-139
pages 134-139 views

The Blogosphere as a platform for training Internet-journalist

Grigoryan S.V.


This article investigates the phenomenon of the blogosphere as its educational features. The hypothesis, which examines the educational features of blogs as a structure-forming. The hypothesis is supported by an analysis of some blogs. It is also seen signs of distance learning in the blogosphere, revealing their characteristic features.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):140-145
pages 140-145 views

Modern advertizing typology

Miroshnichenko G.A.


In article various types of advertizing which function in modern mass communication are considered. The typical signs are allocated, allowing to structure advertizing. The diskursivnyj analysis of various samples of advertizing messages allows to explain existing distinctions in is art-visual and verbal receptions of the organization of the advertizing material, means of achievement of understanding of advertizing idea the consumer. In article convincing components of a semantic field of the advertizing are considered, allowing to understand specificity of an advertizing product.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):146-153
pages 146-153 views

Thematic features of publications dealing with culture in print media

Sanaz Hossenzadeh -.


In the article the author regards the common and peculiar features of modern publications dealing with culture in the Russian print media (“Moskovsky Komsomolez”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Rossiyskaya gazeta”, “Izvestiya”, “Vedomosty”, “Trud”). On the basis of the analysis of the case of publications for 2011 (apprx. 450) the author comes to the conclusion that the tendency to individualization and expansion of a cultural perspective has its place.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):154-159
pages 154-159 views


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RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(4):160-161
pages 160-161 views

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