No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 12
- URL:

Myth of Orpheus in Boris Poplavskii's Creative Works
This article is devoted to the reconstruction of the myth of Orpheus in Boris Poplavskii's creative works which helps to determine poet's aesthetic attitude in the literary polemics showed in the criticism of Russia Abroad in 1920-1930s and testifies that for Poplavskii the aesthetic programs of Adamovich and Khodasevich aren't exhaustive. In his own creative works the poet founded a unique imaginary world that allows us to speak about not only a potential opportunity of the creation in exile but also the fact of its existence.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):11-18

French «New Novel» of the 1950-s
The article is dedicated to the characterizing of the striking tendency in French literature of the second half of the XXth century called «New Novel». The author's attention is focused on such literary works of the 1950-s as: «Jealousy» by A. Robbie-Grillet, «Planetarium» by N. Sarraute, «Changing» by M. Butor, «Moderato Cantabile» by M. Duras, «The Wind» by C. Simon.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):19-27

Mythopoetical System of the Novel by M. A. Sholohov «And Quiet Flows the Don»: Specifics of the Structure and Evolution
The article is dedicated to mythopoetical structure of M.A. Sholohov's novel «And Quiet Flows the Don». Mythopoetical motives, characters, images taken both from pagan as well as Christian tradition come together into a single artistic system. The system serves to uncover the uniqueness of commonplace perception of the Revolution and also bring to fruition the author's appeal for national peace and overcoming the hostility and animosity.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):28-34

Easter stories by Yury Slezkin
The article explores the Easter story genre in the work of Russian writer Yury Slezkin (1885-1947). Slezkin remains within the framework of this popular genre, however, modifying it. He made use of all Eater story variations: from fables with directly stated moral to parodies. Slezkin's Easter stories show his artistic individuality expressed in the elegant transformation of traditional themes and motifs and the writer's ironic tone.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):35-42

The perception of Dostoevsky in contemporary russian prose: basic tendencies and types
The article presents influence of Dostoevsky's legacy on development Russian literature process ending XX - beginning XXI century, analyzed basic tendencies and directions, in which the perception of Dostoevsky is realized and also characterized the specific of realistic, modern and postmodern perception.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):43-48

The theme of death and immortality in the book of Tsvetaeva «Lebediny stan»
The article deals with the theme of death and immortality, which is one of the main themes in the context of all Tsvetaeva's creature. The author is investigating this theme by example of the book «Lebediny stan». Besides that, the article deals with the attitude of Tsvetaeva to the events of the Civil War and the revolution, harving the influence on the poet`s outlook and creative work of this period. The attention is drawn to the appearance of new symbolism and images, corresponding to political realias of that time.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):49-55

Internet Portal as a new corporate mass media
In this article author considers the place and the role of a network information portal in system of corporate mass-media and its advantages in comparison with traditional media. Features of functioning and genre originality of the enterprise information portal are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):56-63

The question of language and style of the modern french press
Article is devoted to the basic characteristics of language and style of a modern French press, allocation of common features of the French journalese. Language and stylistic features of publications of the French central press are shown on a rich illustrative material.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):64-73

Journalism and public opinion
The article deals with the relations веtween these practices. The modern polls were born during the democratic tendencies in societies, when the large role of the mass became clear. Journalism, also, appeared as a neediness to reflect the complex demand of these mass, demand to know public opinion.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):74-85

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(1):93-93