
Natural Language Processing and Fiction Text: Basis for Corpus Research
Gorozhanov A.I., Guseynova I.A., Stepanova D.V.
“Russian Idea” Ideologeme in the Russian Conceptual and Linguistic Pictures of the World
Starodubets S.N., Belugina O.V., Kolegova O.U.
Representativeness of the Phraseological Zones in “The Great Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language”
Zolotykh L.G., Baryshnikova E.N., Kosmacheva O.Y.
Comparative Analysis of Communicative Values in Phraseology on the Material of the English, German and Russian Languages
Yusupova S.M.
Corpus Linguistics: Theory Vs Methodilogy
Chilingaryan K.P.
Morphological Peculiarities of Lexical Units of English Origin in Contemporary Russian Slang: Dictionary and Corpus Analyses
Lacková M.
Colour Terms as Culture Codes. Colour Terms Corpora in Russian, English and French
Novikov F.N.
Differentiated Analysis of the «Insult» Speech Genrebased on Messages from a Social Network Internet Sites
Komalova L.R., Goloshchapova T.I.
To the problem of variability of the Russian lexical system
Bakhtikireeva U.M.
Linguistic Dominants of Grammar and Lexis
Novospasskaya N.V., Lazareva O.V.
Individual Style of Dostoevsky: Dimensions of Investigation
Baranov A.N., Dobrovol’skij D.O., Fateeva N.A.
Semenova S.N.
Ideologeme the “Slavic community” in the modern political discourse
Timofeev S.E.
Thesaurus of Fairy-Tale Genre (the Study of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of The Fisherman and the Golden Fish” and its Translations into English and Armenian)
Semenova S.N.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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