
The concept of creating a nationally oriented linguistic and country studies educational dictionary for Vietnamese citizens
Mamontov A.S., Boguslavskaya V.V., Ratnikova A.G.
Realization of Competent Approach in Pupils' Speech Development in Studying Metaphor
Maximova A.B.
Making up linguistic and cultural comments to filmed russian fairy-tales at lessons of russian as a foreign language
Matveenko V.E.
Specialty Text as the Object of Teaching Foreign Students (Pre-university Stage)
Keyko A.S.
Features of adaptation of foreign students to the Russian linguo-cultural and educational environment
Fedotova N.L., Miller L.V.
Control in modern linguodidactics
Tsareva N.Y., Budiltseva M.B.
Building up linguistic competence of medical students at the lessons of the russian language and speech culture
Orlova E.V.
Use of Feature Films in the Course of Formation Communicative Competence and Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of Foreign Students
Ignatyev О.V.
The unofficial Ekaterinburg urbanonimes as an element of linguistic and cultural competence of a foreign student
Klimenko E.N.
Competent Approach in Teaching Russian Language
Orlova E.V.
On Actual Methodical Research Areas in Russian as a Foreign Language (Based on Dissertation Papers Defended at the Chair of the Russian Language and Methods of Its Teaching)
Deryabina S.A.
Linguapragmatic approach as a methodological basis for professional intercultural competence development
Malyov A.V., Mosalova A.I.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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