No 4 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 33
- URL:
Creative education and creative testing
The article is devoted to analysis of content, form of test tasks in the system of creative education, creative testing. Identified scientific approaches to innovation in testing, to the evaluation and development of creativity of thinking. Examines current trends in a course of the test.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):7-12

Innovative approaches and criteria of estimation of programs of professional development of teachers specialists in Russian philology
Teaching Russian as a foreign language in modern terms - conditions of the multiethnic environment - demands from the teacher specialist in Russian philology of new, innovative approaches both to substantial part of training, and to a choice of educational technologies, effective methods of teaching, establishment of diagnostics of level of proficiency in Russian as foreign.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):13-17

Substantial characteristics the subject-developing socialization of a student in system of the higher education
In article structural and substantial expression of semantic reference points of subject-developing socialization of the student of the higher education institution, defining substantial characteristics of a studied phenomenon is given.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):22-27

Innovative teaching: Russian e-resources and tutorials
The article is devoted to analysis of modern situation in teaching Russian with innovative techniques. Identified scientific approaches to innovation in the practical education, creation of electronic textbooks. Examines current trends in modern education in Russia
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):28-37

Innovative approaches in the teaching methodology of preschool education of bilingual children
The article is devoted to analysis of modern provision of preschool education of bilingual children. Identified scientific approaches to innovation in preschool education, to formation of a technique of training of bilingual children. Examines current trends in modern preschool education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):38-43

Russian language in multicultural society: preschool stage of sociocultural educational milieu organization
The article is devoted to the necessity of preschool sociocultural milieu. The article gives an example of creating such milieu in the “Colorful planet” program which offers a bilingual and bicultural interaction between children based on the folk fairy tales in different languages.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):44-47

Society as a “context” of art production and the phenomenon of feature films citation in connection with the notion of national identity
The reason for creating any work of art and above all, “secondary reality” of a film is the lack or excess of something in society, the desire of the masses to realize the primary reality and its transformation [1]. Artistic cinematography, carrying a load specific for the era and culture, implements all the functions of mass communication: informational, educational, institutional, entertaining, communicative. Therefore, the film can become an object of investigation motivating for study and to give knowledge about the living modern Russian language in all its diversity through knowledge about Russian society and culture. Cinematography is unthinkable outside of public consciousness and beingness as well as the social being is unimaginable without magic “blue screen” at the present moment.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):58-66

The concept in a linguocultural conception of the russian language teaching
The article reveals the basic theses of a linguocultural conception of the Russian language teaching in a polyethnic environment. A further development of the project is outlined on the basis of cognitive linguistics and the concept as a unit of students' conception-speech activity-creative ability.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):74-78

Argumentative rhetoric for academic adaptation as a condition for creating the textual-dialogic competence of foreign students
Argumentative rhetoric in terms of academic adaptation is seen as a condition for the development of textual-dialogic competence; the paper provides a classification of the tasks on its formation, and an algorithm on the transformation of the primary text
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):79-86

Functional dominants of emotional and expressive lexicon in the aspect of teaching oral business communication to foreign students
Dominating functions of emotional and expressive lexicon in oral business interaction are considered in the aspect of forming professional and communicative competence of foreign students who study economics at the university. Certain text units of the Soviet and Russian films and tv-series serve as the material to demonstrate the use of the specified lexicon in the sphere and situations of business communication. These sources are characterized as effective means of teaching methods of business communication to students in a university course of Russian as a foreign language.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):87-93

The content of education as didactic worldview (concerns teaching pedagogical rethorics in higher education institutions)
The article concerns optimization of teaching Pedagogical rethorics. The main object of the dicipline is establishment and further development of individual's linguistic worldview based on the “didactic worldview”, developed by specialists and later determening the formation way of scientific worldview.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):109-113

Staging of a belles-lettres text as an extra-curricular resourse of forming russian phonetic culture of foreign students
The article contains some linguistic and didactic results of staging (dramatizing) belles-lettres texts by foreign students. The organization and implementation of this extra-curricular method of teaching helps to form Russian phonological competence.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):114-117

The ethical dimension of verbal communication “doctor-patient” as a key theme of the course “the culture of speech of the doctor”
Article is devoted to topical issues of training medical students professionally-oriented culture of speech. The content of the courses related to the ethical norms of doctor communication with the patient is presented. Concepts of speech culture basic for ethical dimension of doctor speech culture are under analysis.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):118-123

Using МООС in teaching Russian as a foreign language (achievements and opportunities)
In the article was considered different types of MOOCs, and analyzed a advantages and problems in using on-line courses. The special attention is given to the problems concerning using MOOCs resources and tools in teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):124-129

The lingual methodical principles serving as the development foundation for the “Russian as art” RFL distance learning study kit (elementary level)
The article covers lingual methodical principles that were used for the development of the study kit for the Russian as a Foreign Language (elementary level, A1 in the European ALTE testing system) distance learning programme. The authors provide the description of the study kit, as well as the distinguishing features of the study material presentation, the technology of distance control of the students study activities as well as mechanisms of various control methods.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):130-137

Graduates of the CIS countries in the universities of the Russian Federation: sources of information
In article the analysis of sources of reception of the information on high schools of the Russian Federation is lead by graduates of schools of the CIS countries. The author analyses formal both informal sources and channels of information about educational system of the Russian Federation. The rating assessment of information channels is lead. Effective directions of concept of the information on educational system of the Russian Federation are offered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):145-152

The innovative information-educational environment in aspect of formation of electronic disciplines
Article is devoted actual problems of training to subjects in an electronic format, to occurrence of electronic disciplines, innovative didactic and methodical potential of information technology in training to Russian as foreign.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):153-159

Integration of innovative teaching methods in the practice of vocational training and training of specialists with secondary education
The component of vocational education and training is the use of innovative pedagogical methods, in the educational process gical methods, integration of which improves the quality of training specialists with secondary education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):160-167

Marketing policy of the university of the russian federation as a means of attracting graduates from CIS countries
This paper presents an analysis of the marketing policy of higher education institutions of the Russian Federation. Learn how to attract students from the CIS countries in the higher education institutions of the Russian Federation with the use of marketing strategies. Recommendations are made to the content of the websites of educational institutions. Description of the proposed University of Internet marketing.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):179-188

Methodological marathon: the days of the Russian language in the cities of India
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):194-197

About the competence of teachers of the Russian language in Mongolia: the Days of the Russian language and scientific-methodical activities
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):198-201

Balykhin G.A., Bakykhin M.G. Science - education - innovation: a dictionary-guide to innovative education
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):202-205

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(4):206-209