Vol 20, No 1 (2023)


Spelling norms of the Yakut language and speech practice of ulus (district) newspapers

Vasilyeva V.


The aim of the study is to identify and typologize the violations of orthographic norms in the Yakut language in the materials of ulus (district) newspapers. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks are envisaged: 1) selection of ulus (district) Yakut-language newspapers for monitoring; 2) orthographic review of newspaper materials; 3) evaluation of the frequency of use and forms of spelling (in Russian script/fonetized form) of borrowed words in ulus (district) newspapers; 4) analysis of typical violations of Yakut orthography rules in ulus (district) newspapers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it describes typical violations and deviations from orthographic norms of the Yakut language in the materials of ulus (district) newspapers. Particular attention is paid to the spelling of words borrowed from the Russian language. During the analysis we have come to the conclusion that in ulus (district) newspapers the spelling in phonetic form of many widely used borrowed words, whose bases were previously transmitted in the media materials in their original form.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):


Back Translation as a Tool for Achieving Equivalence of Literary Texts in the Conditions of the Lezgin-Russian Bilingualism

Barannikova T.B., Suleimanova F.N.


The topicality of the given article is due to the fact that up to the present there has not been a generally accepted classification in the theory of translation that determines the successfulness of the interlingual recoding of the literary text and the level of its correspondence to the original. In modern domestic research, in achieving the equivalence of the original and translating literary texts, more and more attention is paid to experimental methods, but they have not so far received sufficient development. Our article, carried out within the framework of the problem raised, describes an experiment based on the use of back translation in secondary literary text formation in the conditions of Lezgin-Russian bilingualism. The relevance of such a study is also determined by the fact that the organization and staging of translation experiments in order to analyze translation as a process and as a result can act as a tool to improve the quality of translation and professional training of translators, which is especially important for the preservation of the languages and cultures of indigenous minorities of the Russian Federation. The results of the proposed work may be of interest to researchers in the fields of both particular and general translation studies in their various aspects, as well as be used in the development of the translation direction of research in the Dagestani linguistics. The materials of the study are poems by the Lezgin poet Ibraghim Huseynov, their translations into Russian by a professional translator L. Mil and variants of back translation into the original language performed by students and teachers of the Department of the Lezgin Language and Literature of the Faculty of Dagestani Philology of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, as well as a wider range of people interested in the Lezgin poetry. The work uses a set of methods: methods of comparative analysis, linguistic interviewing, translation experiment.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):7-16
pages 7-16 views

Polylingual Literary Text: Estrangement and Translation

Razumovskaya V.A.


The research is focused on a polylingual literary text and, above all, on its typological and functional parameters. The use of foreign language inclusions and insets creates the estranging effect (In V. Shklovsky’s understanding) and removes the automatism of the reader’s perception of the text information. Special attention is paid to the translation aspect of a polylingual text existence in the multicultural space of the modern world. The issues of the allocation of translation units, as well as the boundaries of translatability and the main reasons of polylingual creative works untranslatability are considered. The hypothesis is put forward that the preservation of the estranging effect resulting from the use of foreign language inclusions and insets in the original text suggests the use of a special estranging strategy by a translator, which, along with the well-known strategies of foreignization and domestication proposed by L. Venuti, can complement the paradigm of culturally-oriented strategies of literary translation.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):17-29
pages 17-29 views

Figurative-aesthetic Understanding of the Phenomenon of the Native Language: Poem by M. Rylsky “Mova” and its Translations into Russian

Zaitseva I.P.


The problem of comprehending the essence of the concept of “native language”, despite the rather long interest in it of both linguists and representatives of a number of other sciences (first of all — “joint” with linguistics), remains very urgent at the present time. This is due, on the one part, to the complexity and multidimensionality of the phenomenon being interpreted; on the other part, the originality of accents placed on various aspects of this definition when interpreting it within the framework of various scientific fields (psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, language teaching methodology, etc.). In this situation, it seems appropriate to pay attention to the figurative and aesthetic understanding of the concept of “native language” when it is included in the verbal and artistic structures, where, in addition to constructive, key for the semantic structure, components, by definition, the components that are potentially present in the semantic scope of the concept are also actualized. In this article, the material for consideration in the stated manner was a poem by the classic of Ukrainian literature M.F. Rylsky’s “Mova” (“Language”), which comprehends the phenomenon of the native language, and two of its translations into Russian. The analysis shows that the figurative-aesthetic interpretation of the category of scientific property allows a more detailed and deep description of not only its semantic, but also its conceptual properties. When translating this poem into another, in this case, a closely related language, the translator’s priority task is to preserve the conceptual and aesthetic significance inherent in the image of the language in the original work.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):30-39
pages 30-39 views


The Crimean Tatar World in the Novels of Recent Years (on the Literary Texts by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Timur Pulatov, Renat Bekkin)

Keshfidinov S.R.


One of the main achievements of multiculturalism researchers is the proof of the need to reject hierarchy and the compelling demonstration of mutual influence and dependency of very different cultural systems. Complex processes of cultural interaction produce new meanings and new cultural codes, even beyond geographical and national boundaries. The article presents the novels by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Timur Pulatov, and Renat Bekkin. These works refer to Crimean Tatars or based directly on this topic. The analysis of the proposed stories allows us to put the Crimean Tatar world into a broad cultural context and speak of the existence of a “Crimean Tatar text’’ in Russian literature. This solution, in turn, allows the addition of a number of patterns (symbols-images) — details of history and everyday life, cultural artifacts and features of the landscape, gastronomy and architecture — which form the concept of “local text’’.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):40-54
pages 40-54 views

Letters, Memory, Language: about Russian Transcultural Literature

Shafranskaya E.F.


The author of the article focuses on the image of letters as a symbol of national historical memory — on the example of Sukhbat Aflatuni’s story “Clay letters, floating apples”, where the letters act not only in their direct meaning, they are the antithesis of the imposed culture, language, historical interpretations. The article substantiates the legitimacy of using the term “transcultural literature” instead of the common and illogical one — “Russian-language literature”, since in this type of creativity the image of a different ethnic picture of the world, other national images of the world is paramount. The novel “Hands-rivers” by the contemporary writer Liana Shahverdyan is analyzed precisely in the categories of transcultural literature: the novel highlights the key themes and problems associated with the restoration of ancestral memory of family and the Armenian people, who, like millions of Soviet citizens, were subjected to Stalinist repressions. The metaphor of the carpet weaving culture, the carpet, the images of the local fauna — birds and snakes became the key ones in the analysis of the plot of the novel “Hands-rivers”. The novel by Liana Shahverdyan, based on archival documents, fills in the lost page of the history of the ХХth century, thus fitting into the current archival vector of the contemporary literary process.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):55-65
pages 55-65 views

Multilingual Communication in Francophone Bandes Dessinées about Russia

Debrenn M.


In this paper we examine how the communication of characters speaking different languages is reflected in French and Belgian graphic novels about Russia. We propose to distinguish the situation of bilingual (plurilingual) communication on one hand and the reflection of this situation on the other hand. We built different schemes in order to describe the character’s choice of the language of communication, taking into account the existence of a common language, the communicant’s level of proficiency in different languages, the environment. The choice of French (correct or not) or Russian (correct or not, Cyrillic or transliterated, translated or not) in the following modules of bilingual communication has been analyzed: 1) a speaker of Russian communicates with native speakers of French, 2) he communicates with other native speakers of Russian in a francophone environment, 3) he speaks to himself (or swears), 4) he communicates with native speakers of other languages, 5) a native speaker of French uses Russian languages in communication with native speakers of Russian. In francophone graphic novels, French language is used when English-speaking and Russian-speaking characters communicate. We analyze whether the text in Russian is correct or not, whether it is written in Cyrillic or Latin alphabet, the presence or absence of translation, its correctness, the means to reflect the accent or character’s poor knowledge of French language. In conclusion we propose to discuss the reasons for the common ignorance of language contact in graphic novels.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):66-76
pages 66-76 views

Language Processes

The Educational Status of the Russian Language in the New Demographic and Linguistic Situation in Kazakhstan

Imambek N.K.


The article discusses the status of the Russian language in modern Kazakhstan and related issues of teaching methods. A review of previously published works devoted to this problem is made. The issues of changing the status of the language are considered in the context of changing the demographic situation in the country. It is noted that it was the change in the population by nationality that determined the transition from Russian-Kazakh to KazakhRussian bilingualism. The review of the ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan by region, made in this work, indicates its unevenness. The work also carried out a sociological survey of the population in the regions about the presence of the Russian-speaking environment. The results of the survey showed that the southern and western regions are characterized predominantly by Kazakh monolingualism, while the Russian-speaking environment exists in the northern and northeastern regions. The work as a whole identifies a significant change in the language situation in Kazakhstan in recent years. In this regard, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop and introduce a new methodological concept of language teaching in the new realities of life into the educational process of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):77-87
pages 77-87 views

Spelling Norms of the Yakut language and Speech Practice of Ulus (District) Newspapers

Vasilyeva N.M.


The aim of the study is to identify and typologize the violations of orthographic norms in the Yakut language in the materials of ulus (district) newspapers. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks are envisaged: 1) selection of ulus (district) Yakut-language newspapers for monitoring; 2) orthographic review of newspaper materials; 3) evaluation of the frequency of use and forms of spelling (In Russian script / fonetized form) of borrowed words in ulus (district) newspapers; 4) analysis of typical violations of Yakut orthography rules in ulus (district) newspapers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it describes typical violations and deviations from orthographic norms of the Yakut language in the materials of ulus (district) newspapers. Particular attention is paid to the spelling of words borrowed from the Russian language. During the analysis we have come to the conclusion that in ulus (district) newspapers the spelling in phonetic form of many widely used borrowed words, whose bases were previously transmitted in the media materials in their original form, has become firmly established.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):88-98
pages 88-98 views

Languages in contact

Spoken Speech and Spontaneous Discourse: Buryat Language

Nimaeva E.Z.


Nowadays spoken speech is of great interest to researchers, because modern linguistics aims not only to describe normative, as a rule, written speech, but also to explain the causes of grammatical deviations appearing in spoken speech. The urgency of the article is due to the absence of the term “oral spontaneous discourse” in the theoretical literature. The purpose of the research is to attempt to get a holistic view of spoken spontaneous discourse as an object of scientific research and to make up a possible version of definition of this concept based on the data of scientific works in the field of neuropsychology by A.R. Luria, in the field of psycholinguistics by A.A. Leontiev and in the field of discourse analysis by A.A. Kibrik. The article explores main features of spoken spontaneous speech and discourse, and special attention is paid to the concept of spontaneity of speech. There is a brief analysis of examples of spoken monologue speech (not spontaneous and spontaneous) in Buryat language, which was made by an auditory voice analysis and with use of computer program “Speech Analizer”, the article formulates a variative and relatively precise definition of spoken spontaneous discourse.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):99-109
pages 99-109 views

Slavic-Turkic Comparisons in the Diachronic Aspect

Dmitryuk N.V., Arynbayeva R.A., Makhanova Z.K.


The article is devoted to a comparative study of the concept man in the linguistic consciousness of the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians) and representatives of the Turkic culture (Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) in a diachronic aspect. The globalization processes of the beginning of the 21st century mark the era of “civilizational breakdown” which is characterized by a change in the usual foundations of life and by obvious transformations of society. Thus, it seems relevant and prognostically valuable to reveal the content of the conceptosphere man in the linguistic consciousness of the ethnic groups under consideration in different periods of their life. The aim of the study is to determine the vector of displacement (or stability) of the axiological component in the choice of assessments and worldview ideas about a man among the informants of different generations. As research material, there were used associative dictionaries compiled on the basis of associative experiments conducted in different periods (Soviet and modern). The associative lexicographic material is recognized as one of the most reliable ways to access a person’s linguistic consciousness, the latter being understood by us as knowledge about the world “externalized” by linguistic signs, and its projections in the mental apparatus of a person, i.e., images of consciousness. This associative method of language consciousness research makes it possible to explain the facts of functioning and transformation of consciousness revealed in psycholinguistic experiments through the connection of these facts with ethnocultural peculiarities of ideas about the world of people as members of certain ethnosocial groups, with their general / universal (basic), and ethnospecific (local) cultural values. The comparative analysis undertaken in the research showed that the process of global civilizational shifts brings afore the interest and desire of the ethnocultural community to search for traditional ethnocultural values that (along with basic universal human values) can unite and strengthen the vitality of the ethnos. The work is being carried out with the prospect of further studies of the linguistic consciousness of ethnic groups, of determining the elements of (in)stability, and identifying conflict zones in the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of Slavic and Turkic ethnic groups.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):110-123
pages 110-123 views

Abkhaz language Ethnocultural Features in the Conservation and Development Vector

Shishlova E.E., Tvanba L.R.


The article deals with the problem of preserving and developing the language as an object of small nations cultural heritage on the example of Abkhazia. The relevance of the work is due to the understanding of transculturalism and translinguism phenomenon as a resource for the possible salvation and development of an endangered language. The purpose of the article is to determine the vector of preservation and development of the Abkhaz language. The subject of the study is the ethno-cultural features of the Abkhaz language, as well as understanding the role and place of the phenomena of translinguism and transculturalism in its preservation and development. The methodological basis of the work is a cultural approach that requires the analysis of social phenomena through the prism of such categories as language, traditions, values. As a result, authors determined linguo- and ethno-cultural features of the Abkhaz language; indicated the vector of its preservation and development, which will determine the worthy place of the national language in the “mixed” socio-cultural discourse. In the conclusions, the authors conclude that the processes of translinguism and transculturalism play a significant role in the preservation of the Abkhaz language and ethnocultural heritage in the era of a clear contradiction between globalism and the desire to express local identity.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):124-134
pages 124-134 views

Polylingual Texts

Filmtext as a Product of Several Cultures: the Problem of Transferring Cultural Concepts (Based on Films about Mulan)

Korovina S.G., Shabelskaya N.K.


The problem of cultural transformations or transference remains a relevant object of research in film discourse. Of particular interest is the study of the representation of cultural concepts in films. It is noted that the film text is a complex linguistic product that can undergo primary, secondary and more transformations through comprehension by representatives of different cultures. There are many recipients have an opportunity for seeing a product of mass culture, therefore filmtext can also generate cultural transfers. There is a special position in the scheme of cultural transfer in the filmtext is occupied by the translator in the status of an intermediary and interpreter of culturally significant components of the original, responsible for the availability and maximally equivalent perception of information. This article examines the stages of cultural transfer and their influence on the final filmtext for the Russian viewer (final recipient); a classification and comparison of linguistic and cultural concepts are carried out based on the material of the films “Mulan” produced by Walt Disney Pictures (2020) and “Hua Mulan” (花木兰) produced by Beijing Film Company (PRC, 2019). The authors came to conclusion that the linguistic and cultural concepts selected in the course of the study have undergone several stages of cultural transformations during the transfer, contain “imprints” of this culture and therefore may not be understood by the final recipient.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):135-145
pages 135-145 views

What’s In A Russian English Username? A Case Study of Social Media Accounts Names

Lebedeva I.L.


The present paper examines social media account usernames of Russian speakers of English. It aims to classify over a hundred Russian English usernames (collected between 2016–2021) in terms of their structure, typical linguistic features as well as translingual and transcultural patterns that underpin their creation. This paper argues that Russian speakers of English consciously and / or subconsciously creating their usernames employ a number of translingual and transcultural strategies and practices that are aimed at retaining and transmitting Russian linguacultural identity within such global multicultural English-dominated domain as international social media. Apart from signalling Russian identity of their owners, the analyzed usernames demonstrate that Russian social media users being bilingual en masse (at least, at a graphic level), do draw on Russian English for communication within the landscape of this social media thus facilitating further formation of the social media Russian English.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):146-156
pages 146-156 views

The Concept “Soul” and its Translingual Background (a Close Reading of Mourner’s Kaddish and Aleinu Prayer)

Talalova L.N., Ser G.


Aleinu, a prayer that initially left us with questions, contains interesting qualities. It comprises the text that has changed its tone over generations. Having become more peaceful and perhaps accepting, Aleinu has kept its power to bind Jewish people together as a reminder to praise God collectively. Co-existence of both particularistic and universalistic themes in such a short piece of liturgy is quite a powerful thing. While preserving the very kernel of Jewish theology (oneness of God and His connection with Jewish people) the text of Aleinu goes further and suggests a very brave idea which signifies an ability of all to understand universal ethics. The historic association of Aleinu with stoicism of Jewish people in the face of tragedy creates an additional dimension for understanding of the meaning of the prayer as a source of hope and comfort. When S. Sulzer created his light melody the most communities know today, he realized the re-assuring spiritual potential of Aleinu.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):157-167
pages 157-167 views

The Semiosphere of Argumentation as Speech and Thought Activity

Kostyushkina G.M., Sverdlova N.A., Mariasova E.P.


The systemic nature of semiosphere organization correlates with the systemic nature of argumentation as human speech and thought activity. Argumentation is a part of semiotic continuum of human speech and thinking, forming complex subsystems of semiosphere. The paper aims at constructing the semiosphere of argumentation by identifying different approaches to its study. The authors conclude that argumentation as a logical-communicative process can be reviewed most clearly when analyzed in terms of S. Toulmin’s classification from logical, dialectical, rhetorical research perspectives. The functions of persuasion and the significance of the addressee are in this case prioritized. The pragma-dialectical approach used by the authors and its integrated nature of studying of argumentation as a speechthought activity, made it possible to transfer from logics and dialectics to cognitive-oriented research. Axioms (12), underlying approaches to the study of argumentation, were analyzed and classified according to the principles of action, practice, and activity, as applied to language, which has a speech-thought-activity character. Argumentation as a component of human thinking semiosphere is the most complex phenomenon given its multidimensional and multisystemic nature.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):168-178
pages 168-178 views


Integrated Training Based on Information and Communication Technologies in the Practice of Teaching Russian language, Literature and Cultural Studies to Foreign Bilingual Students of Non-philological Specialties

Bereznyatskaya M.A., Denisenko A.V., Kalinina J.M.


The article presents an innovative method of teaching foreign bilingual students of nonphilological specialties (engineering, physics and mathematics, and natural science profiles of the RUDN University). The authors develop a teaching manual “Russian Literature on the Screen” which follows the principle of integrated learning (involving focusing students’ attention on interdisciplinary connections and replenishing their knowledge of Russian literature, culture, and history in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language) and allows using information and communication technologies in the educational process.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):179-187
pages 179-187 views

Communicative Behaviour Stereotypes of the Future Teacher of the Russian Language — Bilingual in the Context of Pedagogical Discourse

Medvedeva N.V.


The research has linguistic and methodological focus and concerns the development of theory and practice of methods of teaching Russian (non-mother tongue) language to national Russian bilinguals. Substantiation of ‘stereotype’ concept in relation to the key concepts of the research is provided in the article: ‘bilingual personality’, ‘ethno-linguistic consciousness’, ‘sociocultural position’, ‘cognitive-communicative activity’, ‘communicative behaviour’, ‘teacher of the Russian language — bilingual’. The purpose of the research is to establish the reasons and analyze stereotypes of communicative behaviour that are revealed in linguistic and methodological activity of the future teacher of Russian and native languages — Komi-Permyak bilingual in the context of pedagogical discourse.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2023;20(1):188-196
pages 188-196 views

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