Back Translation as a Tool for Achieving Equivalence of Literary Texts in the Conditions of the Lezgin-Russian Bilingualism
- Authors: Barannikova T.B.1,2, Suleimanova F.N.3
- Dagestan State Pedagogical University
- Dagestan State University
- Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 7-16
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The topicality of the given article is due to the fact that up to the present there has not been a generally accepted classification in the theory of translation that determines the successfulness of the interlingual recoding of the literary text and the level of its correspondence to the original. In modern domestic research, in achieving the equivalence of the original and translating literary texts, more and more attention is paid to experimental methods, but they have not so far received sufficient development. Our article, carried out within the framework of the problem raised, describes an experiment based on the use of back translation in secondary literary text formation in the conditions of Lezgin-Russian bilingualism. The relevance of such a study is also determined by the fact that the organization and staging of translation experiments in order to analyze translation as a process and as a result can act as a tool to improve the quality of translation and professional training of translators, which is especially important for the preservation of the languages and cultures of indigenous minorities of the Russian Federation. The results of the proposed work may be of interest to researchers in the fields of both particular and general translation studies in their various aspects, as well as be used in the development of the translation direction of research in the Dagestani linguistics. The materials of the study are poems by the Lezgin poet Ibraghim Huseynov, their translations into Russian by a professional translator L. Mil and variants of back translation into the original language performed by students and teachers of the Department of the Lezgin Language and Literature of the Faculty of Dagestani Philology of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, as well as a wider range of people interested in the Lezgin poetry. The work uses a set of methods: methods of comparative analysis, linguistic interviewing, translation experiment.
About the authors
Tatyana B. Barannikova
Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Dagestan State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Chair of the English Language at the Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Professor of the Chair of the English Philology at the Dagestan State University 57, st. M. Yaragsky, Makhachkala, 367003, Russian Federation; 43-a, st. M. Hajiyeva, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation
Fatimat N. Suleimanova
Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Institute of Language, Literature and Arts n.a. G. Tsadas 45, st. M. Hajiyeva, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation
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