Vol 17, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1381
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2020-17-4
Full Issue
A Scientist, a Magical Guardian of the Eternal Earthly Law “Chүү-da chүve doluglug” - “The Law of Feedback”

The Cultural Aspect of M.B. Kenin-Lopsan Scientific Work
The article is devoted to some aspects of the scientific work of the outstanding Tuvan writer Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, People’s Writer of the Republic of Tyva, Honored Worker of Culture of the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tuva, Full Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, holder of the international title “Living Treasure of Shamanism”. Being the permanent president of the republican society of shamans “Dungur” and the only connoisseur of the secret knowledge of the ancient religion at the moment, he reveals to the reader its basic ideological concepts, explains the essence of ritual practice and attributes of shamans. The scientific works of M. Kenin-Lopsan are gaining more and more value in connection with the new phenomena of neoshamanism, the inclusion in the traditional system of innovations that distort the understanding of the national religion of Tuvans. A study of his works leads us to the conclusion that the scientist reveals the general features of the ancient culture of the SayanAltai Turks of the pre-Mongol period of Tuva. He recorded the unique stories of the best connoisseurs of folklore and traditions of Tuvans during the Soviet era, when interest in traditional culture was considered as a manifestation of nationalism

New Poetic Methods in the Literary Imagination of the Bilingual Writer Eduard Mizhit (Tuvan Poetry)
In this paper we are trying to coprehend the phenomenon of bilingualism translingual methods of the bilingual poet Eduard Mizhit in modern Tuvan poetry. The research is carried out on the basis of the works of the national writer of Tuva E.B. Mizhit (born in 1961), created by him in his native Tuvan and Russian languages, as well as his self-translation into Russian. E.B. Mizhit has started writing since the “rebuilding” Soviet period, his creative imagination is connected with the new era of Tuvan literature. His works have become a phenomenon in modern literature of Tuva: publications in the Anthology of Russian vers libre (1991), Collections of vers libre in Tuvan and Russian (Buzundular (Oskolki, 1992; Split Moment, 2011), Collection of verses in prose “Kazyrgylig kuduktuӊ kyigyzy” (Call of a Whirling Well, 2002), publications of his Russian-language texts in various magazines and on literary sites, creative comprehension of eternal images and plots of world artistic culture in the context of Tuvan aesthetics allow us to speak about the innovative line of creativity of the bilingual writer E.B. Mizhit.

Style Dominants of Didar Amantay Prose
The intensive development of information technologies, web resources and literature, Internet portals and Internet publications dictate the demand for small-scale prose genres. New literary trends are reflected in Kazakh national prose in the books of the writer, publicist, screenwriter Didar Amantay. The ecology of consciousness, the modern life of the city, the philosophical issues of life are the current topics of his prose and essay writing. As a representative of postmodernism and poststructuralism, Amantay combines elements of different styles and trends of the past in his work, often with an ironic effect, develops a philosophical direction and a critical analysis of culture and society. A characteristic feature of his style of narration is that the writer freely moves from the comparison of images and motives in the national literatures of the world to the analysis of the Kazakh one, addressing his works of art to an exquisite, intellectual reader.

Poetry by Translingual Authors (Karachay-Balkarian Sample)
In this paper we try to comprehend the significant in the XXI century problem of literary transand bilingualism in the context of transcultural paradigm. The subject of the research is the Russian-language texts of Karachay-Balkarian writers. As a part of the study, heterogeneous models of literary expression were revealed: a new poetic trend of young authors with a non-trivial figurative system, often having nothing to do with stable formulaic representations of Karachay-Balkarian folklore. As a result of the analysis, the main trends in the art of translingual poetry are identified. According to our results, the literary work of a new generation of translingual authors gravitates toward the European cultural paradigm. Research methods: an integrated approach, combining elements of comparative-typological, system-holistic and historical-literary analysis. The studied problems contribute to the theory of translingualism in the context of literary bilingualism, typical for North Caucasian literature of the XXI century.

“Non-Russian in Russian”: Notes on Translingual Literature and Poetry by I. Khugaev
This article is devoted to the comprehension of Russian-language literature problem, which is an organic part of translingual literature, relevant for modern philology. Works created in Russian by ethnically non-Russian authors are characterized by their ethnic substrate - an “internal form of culture”, which is actualized both at the level of individual lexical elements and at the level of microand macro-plots, script implications, mythologemes and culture codes. The study was based on selected poems by the outstanding North Ossetian poet I.S. Khugaev. The selection of works was carried out taking into account the presence of “opaque” ethno-cultural elements that represent important information about the original culture transmitted in the poetic text, as well as the reconstruction of fragments of the national “model of the world” in them, recreated in poems.

North Africa in Russian Travelers Perception: Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt in Russian Travelogues
The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian travelers’ ideas about North African countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt) in the period from the end of the XIX century to the beginning of the XX century. The paper considers the perception of this geographical area by Russian travelers in literary travelogues. North Africa in the designated period of time was considered not only as the cradle of ancient and great civilization, but also as a Europeanized, modernized territory of the Arab area. The travelogues analyzed in the article make it possible to distinguish in them two different cultural pictures of the world - North Africa and the picture of the world of Western Europe reflected in it.

Languages in contact
Results of a Survey of Schoolchildren and Students of Professional Educational Organizations on the State, Preservation and Development of Native Languages of the Peoples of Russia
The problem of language continuity in modern conditions has become particularly relevant for Russia, where the number of languages and dialects is directly related to ethnic diversity and is more than 270. Activities aimed at increasing the motivation and interest of the younger generation in learning their native language and national culture are becoming more relevant. To implement these measures, it is necessary to understand the real needs of students for language education. The purpose of the research was to identify the opinions of schoolchildren and professional educational organizations on the state, preservation and development of the languages of the peoples of Russia.

Formation Specifics of Language Personality in a Multicultural Environment
The article considers the specificity of modern linguistic personality formation in KabardinoBalkaria, a social space of which develops as a multidimensional and multifaceted multicultural environment characterized by the expansion of the boundaries of cultural communication; updating the cultural significance of belonging to “the Russian world”; the intensification of tendencies towards the assertion of national identity; the proliferation of ideas and views faith communities; expansion of the modern media discourse, activation of the processes of information intensity and mass digital accessibility, which generally forms the media culture of society, etc. It is noted that in the multicultural space of the Republic, the culture of Russian society with the basic culture of the Russian people, the national cultures of the titular peoples (Kabardins and Balkars), and religious (mainly Islamic) culture occupy dominant positions that determine the cultural preferences of the modern language personality, the formation and development of which is significantly influenced by social, ethnic and psychological factors.

Teaching Russian Culture via English: Implications, Objectives and Challenges

Principles and Techniques for Competence Formation in Russian Dialogical Speech among Iraqi University of Baghdad Students
The article has an attempt to name the principles and techniques for competence formation in Russian dialogical speech among Iraqi University of Baghdad students. The notion of competence in dialogic speech is defined as the ability to successfully implement spoken foreign language activities in a dialogic form in accordance with the situation of communication. It is established that the competence in dialogical speech is based on the acquired knowledge (declarative and procedural), skills (phonetic, lexical and grammatical) and skills (speech, training, intellectual and compensatory). It is reported that the implementation of every of the above components of competence in the dialogical speech for Iraqi University of Baghdad students occurs through the implementation of certain principles (activity principle, visibility principle, situationality principle, the principle of advanced professional orientation of educational material, novelty principle, functionality principle), and methods or technologies (work in pairs, work in triples, work in small groups, carousel, aquarium), which will enable to achieve high results in training Russian as a foreign language for the Iraqi University of Baghdad students.

Adapted Fiction in Teaching Russian to Foreign and Bilingual Students
The article is devoted to the problems of adaptation of literary texts, reading of which helps foreign and bilingual students to develop linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, and communicative competence at the Russian language lessons. The authors give examples of techniques and analyze methods of adaptation which were used by the teachers of the Russian language Department at MGIMO-University working with texts by A.Pushkin and M.Lermontov.

Esse est

Book Review: Valentinova O.I., Denisenko V.N., Preobrazhenskij S.Yu., Rybakov M.A. Sistemnyj vzglyad kak osnova filologicheskoj mysli. M.: YaSK, 2016. 440 s. (Yazyk. Semiotika. Kul’tura)