Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices
Editor-in-Chief: Uldanai M. Bakhtikireeva, Doctor of Science (Philology), Ph.D., Professor
ISSN: 2618-897X (Print) ISSN: 2618-8988 (Online)
Founded in 2004. Publication frequency: quarterly
Open Access: Open Access APC: no article processing charge
Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English
PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)
Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ERIH PLUS, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, East View, Dimensions, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (PTP) is geared towards publishing the results of interdisciplinary research into indigenous languages, literatures and arts, processes of mass and literary bi- and translingualism, as well as transcultural practices that are invariably revealed in everyday life of a minority community.
The entire world, including the Russian Federation, witnesses emerging language, literature and culture contacts, cultural (hybrid) models, special aesthetic and sociocultural phenomena, code switching, and transcultural communicative practices, which characterize fluidity and mutual adaptability of various linguistic and extralinguistic worldviews in everyday life. These phenomena are now explored by specialists in theoretical and applied linguistics, philosophy, literature, art and culture studies. By uniting scholars of various fields and providing resources to inform the readership about achievements in related areas, we serve as an important platform for exchanging research results and producing new knowledge.
Along with research articles the journal publishes state-of-the-art papers and reviews.
English and Russian are publication languages.
Favorite articles

Reading War and Peace as a Translingual Novel
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
Literature in Solving the Problems of Polycultural Education
Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Worms in the Well, or Protest Realism of Amir Makoev
Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Vol 15, No 3 (2018)
Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 4 (2017)
Vol 14, No 4 (2017)
No 5 (2015)
Cōgitō, ergo sum: Interview with Eduard Mizhit
Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Omnilingual Aspirations: The Case of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Transculturalism and Its Manifestation in the Poetics of Lyric Texts
Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Dolgan Invitation to the Tundra: the Artistic World of Ogdo Aksenova
Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
Post-Colonial “Writing Back”
Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
Translingual Writers: Introductory Notes
Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Language Biographies of the Respondents of Moscow Region Chuvash Diaspora
Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Literary Translingualism: What and Why?
Vol 16, No 3 (2019)
Yone Noguchi’s Impersonation in “The American Diary of a Japanese Girl”
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
Frontierwhorlroamer: Eugene Jolas’s Cosmopoetics
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
Reading War and Peace as a Translingual Novel
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
Literature in Solving the Problems of Polycultural Education
Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Worms in the Well, or Protest Realism of Amir Makoev
Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Vol 15, No 3 (2018)
Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Vol 14, No 4 (2017)
Vol 14, No 4 (2017)
No 5 (2015)
Cōgitō, ergo sum: Interview with Eduard Mizhit
Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Omnilingual Aspirations: The Case of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Transculturalism and Its Manifestation in the Poetics of Lyric Texts
Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Dolgan Invitation to the Tundra: the Artistic World of Ogdo Aksenova
Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
Post-Colonial “Writing Back”
Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
Translingual Writers: Introductory Notes
Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Language Biographies of the Respondents of Moscow Region Chuvash Diaspora
Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Literary Translingualism: What and Why?
Vol 16, No 3 (2019)
Yone Noguchi’s Impersonation in “The American Diary of a Japanese Girl”
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
Frontierwhorlroamer: Eugene Jolas’s Cosmopoetics
Vol 16, No 4 (2019)

Current Issue
Vol 21, No 4 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1834
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2024-21-4
Full Issue
Language in System
Affinity of Saussurean Linguistics, World Englishes Paradigm, and Intercultural Communication Studies
This study traces the change-over from the Saussurean structural linguistics, with its focus on language form, to anthropological Firthian sociolinguistics that branched into the contemporary World Englishes (WE) paradigm, interlocked with the Intercultural Communication Studies launched in the USA. This change-over became possible to the semiotic position of Saussure’s theory. The author analyzes Saussure’s differentiation between langue and parole and how these concepts are applied to the WE paradigm: changes started in speech of educated users modify the norm and alternate the language system. Finally, issues of effective intercultural communication are discussed based on knowledge of World Englishes.

Destructive Discourse in the Modern Conditionsof Belarusian-Russian Bilingualism
The study presents the findings of a study of Belarusian destructive discourse in the comparative aspect of the language code used (the Belarusian and Russian languages). Destructive discourse in the paper is understood in the legal linguistic aspect as a practice of verbal interaction, the content of which does not correspond to the dispositions of the legal field. In this regard, texts sent by investigative and inquiry bodies and courts for linguistic examination were used as factual research material (in total, 74 units were selected for 2021-2023: 56 Russian-speaking, 18 Belarusian-speaking). The quantitative parameters of the studied texts correlate with statistical data on the preferences of Belarusian citizens in using language as a means of interpersonal and institutional communication. As a result of the analysis, it was established that there are no serious discrepancies in the extralinguistic characteristics of conflict-producing texts. They are subject to active digitalization and gravitate towards small genre forms. At the same time, Belarusian-language texts are less likely to have a creolized form. More differences are found in the sociolinguistic portrait of the subject of the destructive discourse implementation: a Belarusian-speaking delinquent usually has a higher education and is older in age. Male participants dominate in both types of destructive communication.

English in the EU: Before and After Brexit
The study discusses the prospects for maintaining English as the official and working language of the European Union after Brexit. Contrary to the hopes of some member states, the use of English is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is constantly increasing. This is due to the emergence of a new variant of English, Euro-English, which, according to EU leaders, should become the common second language of Europeans, necessary for life in a single global village. Variants of English in the outer circle countries have, like variants from the inner circle countries, their own endonormative features, and lead to the abandonment of the mono-model approach focused on native speakers and to a polymodel concept. This dynamic polymodel also includes variants of English used in Western Europe as second languages by speakers who do not share a common first language. As a result of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, the sociolinguistic space for the European variant(s) has even expanded because Britain is no longer the arbiter of correctness and the source of linguistic norm. Therefore, in post-Brexit Europe, a variant called Euro-English is being recognized. Although the United Kingdom officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, English remains the most used foreign language in the EU, thanks to the fact that over the past 20 years it has become the lingua franca for European institutions and speakers of other languages. Today, English is the official language of only two small EU member states (Ireland and Malta), where it has second language status after Gaelic and Maltese respectively. But these two countries have not declared English as their official language in the European Parliament, so today English has no legal basis to remain an official or working language of the EU. Although English no longer has the status of an official EU language after Brexit, it has strengthened its position by becoming the lingua franca of the European Union. The goal of the supranational European leadership is to make it the second language of all Europeans, essential for competitive life in a single global village.

Congratulation Genre in the Even Language
The study considers the main features of the speech congratulation genre in the Even language. The relevance of the study is due to the need to study and describe the texts of natural written speech of the speakers of the disappearing Even language. At present, congratulation is one of the developing speech genres in the Even language. The study of this linguistic phenomenon will give an idea of the current state of the Even language and reveal various tendencies of written speech of modern speakers. The object of the undertaken research is the speech congratulation genre in the Even language, the subject of the study is the structural, lexical and stylistic features of the genre. The aim of the work is to describe the peculiarities of the Evennish greetings. The main material of the study was the texts of messages from WhatsApp messenger. The descriptive method was applied, the techniques of linguistic observation, generalisation and interpretation were used. The time of new digital technologies, the unified Russian cultural environment have served the development of the speech congratulations genre in the Even language. As a result of the study, three types of congratulations were identified: brief, full, extended. The main semantic dominants of congratulatory speech were identified: well-being, happiness, health. Frequent expressive means of congratulations are personifications, metaphors, lexical repetitions, synonyms. The active influence of the Russian language can be traced in the texts of congratulations: the structure of congratulations is borrowed, and Russian expressions are often used. At the same time, the traditional images associated with the environment are used in congratulations, for example: sun, deer. The functioning of lexemes subjected to the expansion of lexical meanings of words, activation of units of the passive vocabulary fund, formation of neologisms and speech formulas is revealed. The text of congratulations is a sample of expression of the speech personality of a modern speaker of Even language and reflects the degree of mastery of the native language, the ability to handle expressive means.

Russian Language in the Space of Culturein the Former USSR Countries
The humanitarian policy of the Russian Federation prescribes active promotion of the principle of multilingualism in the activities of international universal and regional organizations, including the preservation and expansion of the use of the Russian language. For three years, the Centre for Language Policy and International Education of the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language has been conducting a scientific experiment under copyright, which is complex research aimed at determining the rating of the Russian language in countries near and far. In 2023, the third edition of “The Index of the Position of the Russian Language in the World,” dedicated to the Year of the Russian Language in the CIS, was published. It not only collects and analyses relevant data compared to the previous years, 2020 and 2022, but also introduces new parameters for assessing the position of the Russian language abroad. Among the latter, there is the parameter “Russian language in the space of cultureˮ, designed to reflect the degree of activity of the Russian language in the post-Soviet space in such social institutions as libraries, museums, and theatres, trace the integration processes in the humanitarian sphere in the countries of the former USSR, determine the systems of interaction in these areas of humanitarian knowledge. The demand for the theme of this project overall has been repeatedly confirmed by state and public organizations in Russia and other countries around the world.

In the “Dim” Light of Ethnicity. Poetry of Mari Gennady Sabantsev-Oyar
The study discusses the artistic features of the poetic work of Gennady Oyar, who is one of the most prominent representatives of modern Mari literature. The poems included in the collection “Flashes of the Heart” are analyzed in the context of the realities of the formation and development of Mari literature, taking into account the stage-typological specificity of the Finno-Ugric literatures of Russia. The motive-figurative cluster of Gennady Oyar’s works is examined, and the conclusion is drawn that his creative statements are deeply philosophical, actualizing universal human themes. It has been established that the poet in his poems “misses” a number of promising strategies that are important from the point of view of the implementation of his own creative concept, so the folklore and mythological component, going back to the traditional beliefs of the Mari, is poorly represented in Oyar’s figurative and symbolic system. At the same time, it was revealed that Gennady Oyar in his poetry pays great attention to the process of returning the historical truth of the Mari, without which the truthful construction of ethno-humanitarian intellectual reality is impossible. The work examines ethnically relevant topics and characters (the fate of the native language, the national intelligentsia, the tragedy of the poet and actor Yyvan Kyrli). The quality of the literary translation of Gennady Oyar’s texts into Russian is assessed. It is emphasized that his work corresponds with the main trends in the development of Mari literature at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries.

Contemporary Prose of Karelia in Karelian, Veps, and Finnish
The paper analyzes the literary process in the prose genre in the times of the new border reality. The subject of the study is original stories, novellas, and novels written in Karelian, Veps, and Finnish. The aim is to spot vulnerabilities in the modern prose. The historical literary and comparative-contrastive methods were applied. Common features of Karelia’s ethnic literatures were identified. Ethnic and cultural boundaries often become the topic of autobiographic stories and novellas in modern fiction. Bilingualism is observed among Karelians, who write in Karelian and Finnish. There are ethnic Karelians, Veps, and Finns in each of the three ethnic literatures who chose to write in a non-native (Russian, Finnish) language. As migration processes intensified in the 21st century, the issue of self-identity and classification of the literature of Karelia remained topical for writers. The situation with the development of large genres in the republic corresponds to pan-Russian trends. There is a crisis in this sphere.

The Contemporary British Prose: the Motif of Choice in Elif Shafak’s Novel “10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World”
This study examines current trends in contemporary British multicultural romance. The topic is revealed on the example of the work of the famous British-Turkish writer, feminist, human rights activist and active civic figure Elif Shafak. Her English-language novel “10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World”, which we have taken as a basis for literary analysis, is one of the most inteersting texts in contemporary British literature of the last decade. The purpose of this study is to explore the thematic diversity and issues of the text. The novel touches on topics traditional for this author as women's rights, freedom of speech, the right of various kinds of minorities, the complex relationship between East and West, Istanbul as a city of attraction for many peoples, attitude to power, historical past, traditions and religion. The text, written in a postmodern spirit, raises the philosophical problems of death, faith in man, the saving power of friendship. It is argued that for all the difference in cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual characteristics, people are essentially very similar, basic, spiritual tablets are one, and freedom of choice is one of the most basic values of modern civilization. The relevance of the work is determined by the study of the work of Elif Shafak precisely in the context of British literature and with the focus of the contribution of this author to the history of the contemporary British novel.

Ecphrasis as a Transcultural Marker
The study draws the attention of philologists (literary scholars and linguists) and cultural scientists to the technique of ekphrastic description, which was actualized in literary works of the 20th - 21st centuries, and which, in the context of multi- and transcultural discourse, appears as a foreign ethnocultural case (in relation to the language of description). In addition to a brief description of the varieties of ekphrasis, the authors of the article dwell in more detail on the ritual, pictorial and gastronomic, in which not so much the object of description itself is revealed, but rather the metatextual connotations associated with it are revealed: either in history or in the philosophical understanding of the situation. The object of pictorial ekphrasis is Petrov-Vodkin’s painting “Bathing of a Red Horse” in the story “Penuel” by Sukhbat Aflatuni; ritual ekphrasis is a funeral in the story “Stationary Terrain” (from the collection “Another South”) by Shamshad Abdullaev, as well asa Muslim rite - an analogue of a “lie detector” described in the story “Pump” by Safar Kattabaev; the object of gastronomic ekphrasis is the preparation of gefilte fish from the novel “′A... The Beginning of the Novel” by Mikhail Kaganovich. All the authors are representatives of modern contemporary literature. Ekphrasis created by Andrei Platonov and Gabriel Marquez are used as literary parallels. The authors conclude that ekphrasis, being a pattern of a foreign ethnocultural text, becomes a cultural conductor, expanding the field of Russian literature to transcultural.

Discursive Characteristics of 21st Century Poetryas a Communicative Practice
The study examines the following discursive characteristics of 21st century poetry: art therapy, eschatologism, intertextuality, olfactory, transculturality. An attempt was made to identify which linguistic and speech means in the structure of a poem enhance its attractiveness and accessibility for a modern reader. If we imagine a poetic text in place of a message in R. Jakobson’s functional model, the success of a message is realized depending on the context available to the addressee. If the message and context do not match, the message of the poem cannot be decoded correctly. From the point of view of contemporary discourse, poetry of the 21st century is characterized by a vast blurring of the boundaries of literary norms. Authors with a large heterogeneous audience often neglect the normative aspect of speech in favor of the communicative aspect, due to which their poems are as close as possible to colloquial language and understandable to everyone. As a result, poetry gives way to art-therapeutic conversations, which the modern reader really lacks in the world of information overload, clip thinking and total digitalization. The eschatological tendency allows realizing in the plane of the text the worst-case scenario of events happening to the lyrical hero instead of the author. Intertextuality is a characteristic feature of centonic culture and the postmodern world, providing an opportunity for dialogue and polylogue with literary predecessors. Olfactory quality has the most pronounced influentiality of all the presented discursive practices:a modern reader, reading the name of a fragrance in a poem, recreates it in memory, adding a personal context, and the effect of the work is multiplied. And finally, in the era of internationalization and ameroglobalization, as well as the corresponding situation in the Russian political arena, there isa tendency to “return to the roots” and the aesthetics of small ethnic groups living on the territory of Russia. These trends allow the author to find the shortest path to a mass recipient.

Translating Translingual Writings into Authors’ Native and Non-Native Languages: a Study of Novels by Gary Shteyngart and Aleksandar Hemon and Their Russian Translations
Translingual fiction i.e. works by those writers who have chosen to write in a language other than their native one has been extremely popular in the academic community. Domestic and foreign linguists and literary scholars have already identified certain features of translingual literature (for example, a particular worldview of a translingual author, certain stylistic devices that help to convey translingualism). However, not only academic community, but also the book market respond to the phenomenon of translingual writers with a need to translate this literature into different languages. Unfortunately, modern translation theory and practice lack full and comprehensive description of the translation strategies to be applied when translating literary translingualism. The objective of the present study is to identify the strategies used by translatorsto preserve and convey the writer’s transcultural identity, as well as to answer the question: howto preserve otherness that an English-language reader of translingual literature experiences, and which can be lost when it is translated into the writer's native language. This paper aims to study the strategies used by translators of novels by Russian-American and American-Bosnian authors. “Super Sad True Love Story” by Gary Shteyngart and “The Lazarus Project” by Aleksandar Hemon were selected as research material. As a result of the research based on the comparative method, linguacultural, contextual and syntactic analysis, it was possible to form a list of techniques for conveying the author’s translingualism when translating into the author’s native and non-native languages and also to draw a conclusion about the cases in which the main feature of translingual works (the feeling of otherness) is preserved and lost when translating foreign inclusions and other examples of translingual creativity into Russian.

Some Areas of Teaching Staff Training in Teaching RFL: the Impact and Effectiveness of Digitalization
The authors consider the forms of the influence of digitalization on the processes of training future teachers of Russian as a foreign language, analyze changes in the education system. Based on the analysis of the results of teaching RFL, special attention is paid to those trends that have introduced effective technologies and tools into the system of university education and created conditions for the organization of appropriate adaptation of students. At the same time, studies of the problems and transformations of university education under the influence of digitalization are considered.

Teaching of the Russian Language to Indian Studentsin a Multilingual Environment
This study is devoted to the problems of teaching the Russian language in India. The relevance of this work is to analyze the development of relations between India and Russian Federation and the recommendations for the ethno-methodic nature of teaching of the Russian language in the context of multilingualism. Research methods: the study of open-source literary sources, the study of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) in India. In order to better understand the changes taking place in the field of teaching RFL, the authors briefly outline the history of the development of Russian studies from the moment of decolonization to the present time. The article notes that the history of the development of Russian studies in India has several stages. The first stage begins with the signing of the agreement “On cultural, scientific and technical cooperation” in 1960. The second stage, which began with the signing of the agreement “Creation of Russian Studies Institute in New Delhi”, characterized by the inclusion of curriculum of the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the beginning of teaching in a number of schools in India. The third one is the stage of decreasing interest in learning Russian, associated with related to the collapse of the USSR and the recall of a large number of Russian teachers to their homeland. related to the collapse of the USSR and the recall of a large number of Russian teachers to their homeland. Recently, there has been a revival of interest in learning Russian in India. In this regard, the authors of the article recommend that in the process of teaching RFL: to rely on the intermediary language; to use the principles of a nationally oriented methodology (ethnomethodics), which allows taking into account the ethnopsychological characteristics of Indian students and ethnos when teaching the Russian language; to create textbooks and teaching aids that meet not only the modern requirements of the teaching methodology of the RFL, but also the interests of a specific category of students. These principles of ethnometrics contribute both to improving the effectiveness and quality of teaching the Russian language outside the language environment, and to increasing motivation to study the Russian language.

The Emotional Component of Teaching RFL to Iranian Studentsas a Goal and Means of Achieving Optimal Results
The study analyzes the methods of motivation for teaching Russian to Iranian students; methodological approaches to using them in teaching technology are presented. The active methods of teaching, their features, and effectiveness for improving the quality of mastering the subject are considered, taking into account the opinions of Western and Russian scientists and teachers.In accordance with the task, the study is based on the results obtained in a survey concerning assessments and opinions about “emotional” methods of influencing the process of language acquisition. This inclusive concept applies to all pedagogical methods concerning students’ emotions. 114 undergraduate students in Russian at Iranian state universities took part in the survey. The survey was conducted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on 1) determining the preferences given by students when choosing full-time or distance learning; 2) evaluating game tech-nologies (Role-playing), watching films, conducting discussions, staging performances by students; 3) evaluating the feasibility of using social networks and training programs, as well as the use of an interactive hybrid learning method. According to the survey results, 85.9% of students expressed dissatisfaction with the virtual learning process. 53% positively assessed the combined use of the above-mentioned methods.