Discursive Characteristics of 21st Century Poetryas a Communicative Practice

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The study examines the following discursive characteristics of 21st century poetry: art therapy, eschatologism, intertextuality, olfactory, transculturality. An attempt was made to identify which linguistic and speech means in the structure of a poem enhance its attractiveness and accessibility for a modern reader. If we imagine a poetic text in place of a message in R. Jakobson’s functional model, the success of a message is realized depending on the context available to the addressee. If the message and context do not match, the message of the poem cannot be decoded correctly. From the point of view of contemporary discourse, poetry of the 21st century is characterized by a vast blurring of the boundaries of literary norms. Authors with a large heterogeneous audience often neglect the normative aspect of speech in favor of the communicative aspect, due to which their poems are as close as possible to colloquial language and understandable to everyone. As a result, poetry gives way to art-therapeutic conversations, which the modern reader really lacks in the world of information overload, clip thinking and total digitalization. The eschatological tendency allows realizing in the plane of the text the worst-case scenario of events happening to the lyrical hero instead of the author. Intertextuality is a characteristic feature of centonic culture and the postmodern world, providing an opportunity for dialogue and polylogue with literary predecessors. Olfactory quality has the most pronounced influentiality of all the presented discursive practices:a modern reader, reading the name of a fragrance in a poem, recreates it in memory, adding a personal context, and the effect of the work is multiplied. And finally, in the era of internationalization and ameroglobalization, as well as the corresponding situation in the Russian political arena, there isa tendency to “return to the roots” and the aesthetics of small ethnic groups living on the territory of Russia. These trends allow the author to find the shortest path to a mass recipient.

About the authors

Stefania A. Konkova

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Email: poetryaccelerator@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-0563-1818
SPIN-code: 8412-3961

Master of Philology, applicant for RUDN University, teacher at the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., 117198, Moscow


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