Ontology of Semantics in Information Technologies
- Authors: Kolychev P.M.1
- Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
- Issue: Vol 24, No 2 (2020): HISTORY OF RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY
- Pages: 262-275
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/23680
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2020-24-2-262-275
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The article analyzes ontological possibilities of the meaning of information setting. For this, a modern approach of information technologies is considered in relation to setting the meaning of textual information. At the same time, the problem of setting the meaning of number and the meaning of word (text) is formulated, which is discussed from the perspective of an ontological approach based on the solution of the problem of being, where the ontology of semantics is the result of such a solution. As the ontology itself, a relational ontology is chosen, the initial position of which is the thesis: “to be” means “to be distinctive”. Based on this, information is defined as the result of ontological distinction, which allows mathematical formalization through the operation of subtraction, which expresses the essence of ontological distinction. This in turn allows to build constantly a numerical order of the meanings of any information, including textual, while the meaning of the information is its place in such a numerical range. Such a method, called Relational method, leads to an exact numerical specification of the meaning of any information, and by dignity of this numerical form, the meanings of any information can be easily input into a computer with subsequent processing and operation of these senses.
About the authors
P. M. Kolychev
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Author for correspondence.
Email: piter55spb@gmail.com
Doctor of philosophical science, Assistant Professor, Professor
190000, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, RussiaReferences
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