
Towards a Multimodal Hermeneutic Model: The case of Uber-Blog-mediated advertising discourse order of ‘Saudization’
Salama A.H.
Types of headlines in modern french advertising texts
Borissova A.S.
National precedent phenomena in French printed advertising
Firsova N.M., Borissova A.S.
Appellative strategies in modern French printed advertising: intercultural analysis
Borisova A.S., Naydenova N.S.
Gender stereotypes in advertising rhetoric in France and in Russia
Strachova A.V.
Stylistic devices in french advertising texts
Borisova A.S.
Contemporary poetry in the world of advetising: deictic organization of poetical and advertising texts
Sokolova O.V.
Language choice and language contact in print advertisements for Russian-speaking immigrants in Germany
Ritter A.
Shopping as ‘Best Practice’ - Analyzing Walmart’s Debated Sustainability Policies
Abbamonte L., Cavaliere F.
Lexical features of modern French printed advertising trhough lingvocultural analisis
Borissova A.S.
Neologizms and French advertising and its social orientation
Strakhova A.V.
Linguistic tools of MSA and usage of them in advertising
Nemov A.A.
Pragmatics of Emotions in Modern French Advertising
Borisova A.S., Rubinshtein K.E.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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