
High-ranking officials of Russia’s social ministries: Recruitment channels and careers
Tev D.B.
Competencies-Based Approach as a Factor Contributing to Social Innovations in Managing Staff Education for Public and Business Administration (PA&BA)
Ignatskaya M.A., Kulikovskaya G.A., Kulikovskaya N.A.
Analysis of the use of personnel reserves in the public administration system
Maslennikova E.V., Sheburakov I.B., Tatarinova L.N.
Methodological approaches to the assessment of state control and inspection system by the citizens as its beneficiaries
Yuzhakov V.N., Dobrolyubova E.I., Spiridonov A.A.
Comparative analysis of verbal and non-verbal methods to obtain managerial information
Lobanova E.N.
Rules of political communication in the pre-war Soviet countryside
Merl S.
The Slavic ideas of Yuriy Krizhanich
Golenkova Z.T.
Real and nominal collisions in the arsenal of public administration
Kiselev A.G., Kirichek P.N.
Government, Management and Administration: The Problem of Concepts
Lebedev S.N.
Few words on the high level of social distrust among the Russian youth: Civil servants’ social image
Trotsuk I.V., Ivlev E.A.
Management Specialists' Training Social Schemes: World Experience and Russian Specificity
Ignatskaya М.А., Kulikovskaya G.А.
The Analysis of Non-Verbal Information as a Determining Factor in Managerial Behaviour
Lobanova E.N.
The Implementation of the Competencies-Based Approach in Training Personnel for Public and Business Administration (PA&BA)
Ignatskaya M.A., Kulikovskaya G.A., Kulikovskaya N.A.
The idea of civil control in the European political and legal thought
Sokolova T.D.
Social media potential for developing participatory governance
Vasilenko L.A., Zotov V.V., Zakharova S.A.
Government Modernization: the Basic Directions and Innovations
Potekhin V.A.
Budget expenditures: less or more?
Zalevskaia T.D.
Resources of modernization of the local social infrastructure in the Russian Federation
Frolova E.V.
0 - 0 of 18 Items

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