Vol 24, No 3 (2024)

Contemporary society: the urgent issues and prospects for development

Belarusian family in the changing world

Belov A.A., Danilov A.N., Denisov A.Y., Filinskaya L.V.


In 2023, the Center for Sociological and Political Research of the Belarusian State University conducted a longitudinal sociological study “Family Formation, Stable Family Relationships and Fertility in the Changing Social-Economic Conditions” in the framework of the international project “Strengthening the Scientific and Educational Potential of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Collection, Analysis and Use of Demographic Data to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”, implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and funded by the Government of the Russian Federation. The conceptual and methodological basis of the study is the international research program “Generations and Gender” launched in 2001. Based on the methodology of this program, the similar studies were conducted in 26 countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Norway, etc. The article presents the results of the second wave of the study, focusing on the current functional problems of the Belarusian family in the changing social-economic conditions: trends in family formation in the new life circumstances, criteria of stable family relations, and the evolution of social attitudes towards having children. The authors make conclusions about the dominant reproductive attitudes, the planned number of children, and changes in the family intergenerational relations. The results of the study will contribute to the development of additional measures to improve the state socialdemographic policy.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):571-585
pages 571-585 views

The role of the university educational environment in forming family values: Russian students’ assessments

Strelets I.E., Mukhortov D.S., Markova Y.S.


The article shows how Russian students assess the role of the university as a socialization institution in strengthening the value of family and in their preparing for marriage, birth and raising children. Based on the results of the sociological study conducted in 2023, the authors consider issues related to the content of the educational process and make some recommendations for its optimization in the context of the state demographic policy. The empirical basis of the study consists of (1) the data of the survey of the Russian student youth from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Irkutsk, Orenburg, Pskov, Krasnodar, Perm and Stavropol (N=719); (2) the results of a series of focus groups with students of the Perm State National Research University (N=36). The article aims at identifying the ideas of Russian students about the influence of the university environment on the formation of family values. According to the students, the university educational environment still focuses on solving educational problems: transferring knowledge and skills required for successful employment of graduates and creating favorable conditions for learning - providing students with dormitories, forming scholarship funds. The authors argue that the measures taken to strengthen family values in universities are still insufficient: the students rate the lowest such conditions as taking into account the marital status of graduates when distributing them to workplaces, the availability of psychological and medical services, and the use of different formats for discussing family and childbearing issues. At the same time, some universities update and strengthen the guidelines for maintaining a balance between educational and upbringing activities related to family values. The authors make a conclusion that it is necessary to further improve educational-methodological, organizational, infrastructural and other conditions for maintaining a family-friendly environment at the university.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):586-599
pages 586-599 views

Is reliable sociological measurement of social well-being possible? The case of Ghana

Trotsuk I.V., Anamoa-Pokoo S.


The desire to improve living conditions and social well-being has always determined efforts of both researchers and reformers, especially since the last quarter of the 20th century, filled with different types of development ideas. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda implies accelerating the pace of basic human development with “leaving no one behind”, focusing mainly on improving the standard of living. However, in the contemporary world, well-being has become a multidimensional rather than a purely objective-economic concept, which determines the need for relevant approaches and methods for assessing and ensuring social well-being, especially in the non-western, developing countries. The first part of the article presents an overview of conceptual approaches and empirical methods typically applied in the study of well-being as rather a universal and unambiguous phenomenon, which is not relevant for the contemporary social realities. The second part of the article presents a specific case (Ghana) proving the validity of criticism in relation to the objectively ‘biased’ measurements of social well-being. One of the key social-economic challenges in Ghana is the low standard of living, especially in rural areas and northern regions suffering from the “multidimensional poverty”. In Ghana, basic studies of welfare and measurements of poverty (supported or conducted by the state institutions) rely on the monetized consumption and income approaches, following the European Commission’s definition of poverty as a state of economic deprivation, thus missing its subjective and social dimensions crucial for ensuring equity and social justice. The authors suggest an interpretation of social well-being as a combination of personal (overall satisfaction with life), relational (quality of social connections) and societal (social integration, acceptance, contribution, actualization and coherence, institutional trust) measurements, i.e., a combination of economic wellbeing, life satisfaction and societal well-being in the assessment of poverty and inequality at the national level. This interpretation was tested in the sociological survey conducted in 2022 as a basis for such an understanding of social well-being that aims at reducing inequality and improving living standards through better informed policies and programs.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):600-614
pages 600-614 views

“Ethics” of war in the SMO soldiers’ letters to children

Podlesnaia M.A.


The special military operation (SMO) has actualized ethical and ideological aspects of war, which led to the corresponding social consequences. One of them is related to the educational-ideological component and manifests itself in the fact that children and schoolchildren began to write letters, send crafts and drawings to soldiers. In turn, these messages gave rise to a response movement in the form of personal and collective letters from soldiers to schoolchildren and “walls of support” made of children’s letters and drawings in dugouts. Thus, there is a kind of correspondence which reflects not only the ideas of civilians on the SMO events but also the soldiers’ “life world” and actualized values - manifested and realized during the SMO and then recorded in its ethical and ideological discourses. The article presents an attempt of an exploratory analysis of ego-documents - letters from soldiers to children - as reflecting ideas about war. The conducted analysis is metatheoretical due to combining discourse analysis (a common refrain), narrative analysis (letters) and biographical analysis (SMO as a kind of a temporary extended epiphany which makes a person rethink one’s life in the context of collective ideals). The main categories of analysis were as follows: attitudes towards enemy; attitudes towards killing; attitudes towards death; moral imperatives for justifying military actions; space of war. The results of the analysis of these categories represent the “ethics of war” typical for today’s Russian soldiers. The conducted study is interdisciplinary due to the theoretical combination of the ideas and approaches of military sociology, theory of values and ethics. In particular, the author mentions features of the so-called “new hybrid” wars, transformations of ethics in the contemporary society, and differences between the ideological and the ethical in collected narratives. The author comes to the conclusion that in terms of values and ethics Russian soldiers are in a certain sense located in the past due to an extremely revived historical memory (feats of grandfathers and great-grandfathers and the connection with them are especially significant), and this is primarily a memory of the Soviet past: the SMO is not only identified with the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 but also borrows its rhetoric, reproducing its ideological and ethical narratives.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):615-631
pages 615-631 views

“Informal” donation in reproduction: Risks and opportunities

Nidergaus E.O., Valeeva M.V., Polyakova I.G.


The article considers motivation of users of the “informal” sperm donation services and the new social phenomenon of ‘co-parenting’ which is defined in the sociological context as a new model of parenting - when a child is raised by two parents who are not in a traditional marriage. This new social phenomenon is associated with the spread of assisted reproductive technologies, in particular gamete donation, which allows infertile couples and single people to realize their reproductive rights. At the same time, ‘third’ parents (donors) can be involved in both giving birth and raising a child. Co-parenting creates new social relations and transforms traditional institutions of family and parenthood, raising questions about the legal status, rights and responsibilities of all participants, and about the impact of such a parenting model on socialization. In the contemporary society, the problem of infertility can be solved with new reproductive technologies: in addition to the traditional search for donors (through reproductive clinics), an alternative method has recently become widespread - the search for a donor of gametes (reproductive cells) on specialized websites. “Informal” gamete donation reflects deep social-cultural shifts in relation to reproductive technologies, which generates changes in parenting models, ethical norms, social attitudes and values. The authors conducted an empirical study, the object of which was the database of one such website (N=2960). This study allowed to present a social-demographic profile of the user of specialized Internet resources for finding a partner for joint childbirth in Russia, and the main motives of male donors and female recipients were identified. The results indicate the need for the improved access to formal donor programs and programs involving third parties in the parenting project, for the development of ethical standards regulating practices of “informal” sperm donation, and for further research to identify social, ethical and psychological consequences of “informal” sperm donation and effective strategies to eliminate negative consequences of this practice.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):632-644
pages 632-644 views

Risks of infection with the HIV: Sociological assessment

Nazarova I.B., Nesterov R.S.


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a complex socially significant disease associated with risks mainly for representatives of groups practicing deviant behavior and requiring special attention from the state and society. The article presents a comprehensive description of representatives of the high-risk group for the HIV infection, including their health status, behavioral characteristics, types, combinations and perceptions of risks, which would allow for a more optimal organization of the work of social and medical services with this group. The article is based on the results of the empirical study conducted in 2022: 3,792 clients of the charitable foundation “Support for Social Initiatives and Public Health” were questioned within the HIV preventive work with representatives of high-risk groups. A significant part of clients are people under 22 years of age (25 %). Their main risks were divided into condition risks and behavioral risks. Condition risks are as follows: current and past illness (29 % were diagnosed with an infection or several ones, including the HIV), unemployment (21 %), difficult financial situation (9 %); and for foreign citizens also lack of citizenship (24 %) and not speaking Russian (5 %). Behavioral risks (actions leading to loss of health or inaction in health protection) are as follows: 15 % of clients use drugs (including with shared equipment for injecting), the majority (76 %) consciously agree to unprotected sex and have multiple sexual partners (the average number is 21 per year). In general, representatives of high-risk groups tend to underestimate their risks, and awareness is not a decisive positive factor, i.e., it does not necessarily change behavior to less risky. Moreover, long-term risk practices together with knowledge of risks and protective measures can negatively affect perceptions of risks; thus, clients with experience of risk behavior consider risks as less dangerous or deny risks in principle, which is an additional risk for both the person and one’s partners.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):645-659
pages 645-659 views

Possibilities of the unfinished sentences technique in the study of cancel culture

Savenkova A.S., Subbotina M.V.


In recent years, the unfinished sentences technique has become increasingly popular, especially for identifying everyday interpretations of concepts with ambiguous connotations (e.g., patriotism, heroism, etc.). The authors applied the unfinished sentences technique to study the phenomenon of cancel culture, which has been included in the scientific discourse relatively recently. The article presents different approaches to the definition and study of cancel culture, focusing on possible consequences of this phenomenon for society, and some concepts that are associated with cancel culture and can provide (albeit partial) explanation for it. The article describes the procedure and results of the exploratory study conducted by the authors and based on the unfinished sentences technique. Thus, respondents tend to define cancel culture as a means of influence used by society in case of unacceptable behavior. Respondents believe that no one is safe from “cancellation”, but decent people are less likely to be among the “cancelled”. Contrary to the media position, respondents more often associate cancellation not with media personalities (as its most likely objects) but with everyday immorality and stupidity; therefore, in general, attempts to cancel someone are perceived negatively based on the belief that cancel culture leads to emotional and social problems. As a rule, respondents consider actors with abnormal behavior (criminals, dishonest people, etc.) as deserving cancellation, thus, considering cancel culture as a means of protecting society from the destructive behavior of its members. If “cancellation” affects their personal interests, respondents would use the following tactics: in case of their “cancelling” respondents would prefer to correct their mistakes; if their loved ones are cancelled, respondents would focus on support and assistance; if the organization whose services respondents use is cancelled, they would rather be indifferent, since this situation does not directly affect their personality or self-perception.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):660-683
pages 660-683 views

Sociology of management

In search for an optimal model of local self-government in the Russian Federation (sociological analysis)

Zlotkovsky V.I.


The search for an optimal model of local self-government that best reflects the interests of local communities has always been a pressing issue for the Russian Federation, since local government is closest to the population and is expected to solve most everyday problems. This issue is considered in the article based on the monitoring sociological studies conducted in the Krasnoyarsk Region as a micro-model of the Russian Federation according to many statistical indicators and sociological data. The results of the surveys allowed the author to make the following conclusions. First, the transition since 2010 to the indirect elections of heads of local government (“city-manager” and “council-commission” models) has not led to an influx of effective managers into power - heads of local government remain insufficiently effective and unpopular but win indirect elections provided the preliminary approval of their candidacies by the regional government. Second, the turnover among the heads of local governments has increased significantly: in half of the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the heads elected in 2015 did not work until the end of the period under consideration from six months to three years; therefore, 2, 3 or even 4 managers held the position of the administration head. Such early resignations were initiated mainly by the law enforcement agencies (every fifth head of local authorities was convicted under a criminal article) and regional authorities. Third, municipal leaders have lost popularity, so the municipal elections turnout has significantly dropped. Fourth, over a ten-year period, the acuteness of social problems that worry citizens has not been eliminated or at least reduced. Fifth, the population’s self-assessments of financial situation and social well-being have deteriorated. All this indicates the risks of losing legitimacy by local authorities in the large Siberian region.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):684-698
pages 684-698 views

Remote social expertise of national projects

Bogdanov V.S., Pochestnev A.A.


When implementing national projects, the Russian government aims at monitoring their achievement of national development goals, identifying changes in different ways. Thus, there is a need for social expertise that would allow to assess social effects of projects and to obtain feedback necessary for ‘smart’ management. The article presents some results of testing the methodology of remote social expertise developed by the Center for Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This methodology was designed to verify the fulfillment of the ‘social contract’ between society and the state in the framework of project decisions and to assess the extent to which these decisions refer to the interests, requests and needs of the population. This type of expertise allows to increase the reliability of data, since it implies questioning direct participants and beneficiaries of project decisions. The study aimed at testing the developed methodology of remote social expertise and obtaining objective information on the status of national projects, including problems accumulated in them. The expertise focused on 12 national projects. The methodology was tested in four regions of Russia with different levels of social-cultural modernization. The analysis of the data obtained proved the heuristic potential of the developed methodology as expanding the diagnostic, analytical and prognostic capabilities of assessing large projects.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):699-714
pages 699-714 views

The practices of managerial assessment of the resources of the university academic staff

Zborovsky G.E., Ambarova P.A.


The basis for the effective use and mobilization of the resources of the scientificpedagogical staff (SPS) of Russian universities in the interests of their development are adequate approaches to assessment. The practices of the SPS assessment are a part of university management activities, and today these practices require critical analysis for identifying directions for their improvement. The relevance of this research task is determined by the lack of comprehensive knowledge about the resource potential of the academic staff of Russian universities and about the possibilities of this potential productive realization under the current resource constraints of the higher education. The article aims at presenting management approaches to assessing the SPS resources applied in regional universities and at identifying ways for their improvement. The empirical basis of the article is the sociological study conducted in 2023-2024 using semi-structured interviews with representatives of academic community (N = 40) and university management (N = 25) in the Ural Federal District. The authors focus on the shortcomings of the formalized approach to assessing the resources of the academic staff, which is mainly used in programs for the university development and is based on quantitative metrics and limited information base (reports, statistical data, HR department certificates). The comparative analysis of the opinions of the academic and administrative staff showed a critical discrepancy between their ideas not only about the qualities and resources of the SPS but also about the efficiency of approaches used to assess them. The practical significance of the study lies in the explanation of the need for the integrated qualitativequantitative approach to assess resources of the academic staff based on the principle of “necessary and sufficient”. This approach allows to reveal all critical points in the academic staff state and development and to ensure the speed and validity of decisions in the university HR management.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):715-733
pages 715-733 views

Algorithmic management in the focus of sociology of technology

Yudina M.A.


This article considers the managerial aspect of digital transformation - various programs and infrastructure that have recently received the general name “algorithmic management”. The boom in the use of such tools occurred during the covid-19 pandemic as a unique set of circumstances for the digitalization of human life. The authorities of several countries monitored their citizens’ behavior, including with the QR-code systems that limited their rights, in the fight against the spread of the covid-19, which has caused discussions and even protests. Businesses accelerated their digital transformation in HR management due to government restrictions and lockdown measures and to production needs in the new conditions. Quarantines are over, but the active development of algorithmic management continues; it extends beyond the platform economy and plays an integral role in Industry 4.0, which makes the study of algorithmic management relevant and timely. A significant contribution to understanding algorithmic management was made by the report of the experts from the European Commission and International Labor Organization. Based on the relevant publications up to 2022, they suggested giving up the narrow understanding of algorithmic management as a platform economy issue; however, most studies are still based on this interpretation. The article presents a broader definition to identify additional social contradictions and challenges of digital transformation. The author considers algorithmic management in the perspective of sociology of management and sociology of technology, in particular the works of A. Feenberg and P. Edwards. The approach of sociology of technologies studies (STS) allowed the author not only to analyze the events of the recent pandemic but also to consider the future of such technologies under the transition towards Industry 4.0. The article identifies three elements of algorithmic management together with hidden social-managerial biases and contradictions related to their implementation and shows how the new approach integrates direct and indirect control in management.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):734-746
pages 734-746 views

Technological discourse in the Russian media: Main strategies for representing artificial intelligence

Puzanova Z.V., Tertyshnikova A.G., Pavlova U.O.


Public perception of artificial intelligence may not coincide with its actual capabilities, but it plays the key role in how algorithms are developed, implemented, used and regulated. Mass media are not bystanders to this perception but shape public opinion: they influence attitudes towards technologies by setting the agenda and framing news. Given the fact that the issues of artificial intelligence have become increasingly requested in search engines and discussed on news resources in 2023-2024, we need to focus on the dominants of technological discourse and control over the transformation of society under the influence of new technological forms/orders. The sociological study conducted by the authors aimed at identifying representations and strategies for constructing the image of artificial intelligence in the Russian media under the active implementation and routinization of algorithmic technologies. The study was based on the discourse analysis as developed by sociology of knowledge - to understand how social actors form and use discursive strategies to realize their own interests. The article presents the results of the analysis, showing how the media represent artificial intelligence, which actors participate in the discussion and what meta-frames for the technology the media use. Thus, the authors mention that the news discourse at the time of the study was not sensitive to the potential risks of algorithms: possible negative consequences were considered less often than advantages, and the list of threats was usually incomplete and rather hyperbolic. The authors focus on the tendency to perceive artificial intelligence systems as superior to human capabilities, which can lead to the anthropomorphization of technical progress, and, therefore, to new ethical and social challenges.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):747-763
pages 747-763 views

Sociological lectures

Language and space as identification values

Tsvyk V.A., Radkevich K.V., Shabaga A.V.


The 21st century has created new societies, states and communities that defend their uniqueness and difference. This phenomenon is not new, its age is comparable and may be equal to the age of humanity. The greatest instrumental opportunities for studying the phenomenon of identity are provided by the theory of values, in particular of the Baden school of neo-Kantianism. The transfer of basic values from one generation to another is extremely important for preserving social identity which is manifested in the feeling of a value connection with the past and other generations not only by history and culture, but also by ethics and teleology. Values are transferred through language, everyday practices and space organization. The values of space, along with ethnic, religious and linguistic ones, predetermine social identity; interrelation and mutual influence of values act as the identification basis of society. Using examples from France, Germany and Russia, the authors show the mutual influence of values, space and language, and the attempts to change social space and values through targeted linguistic policy, describing the impact of spatial structures on social identity and the effect of reverse influence under changes in social space due to the transformation of the field formed by the structured positions of actors. Thus, the article presents differences in the value bases of the space perception in the French, German and Russian sociological and geopolitical schools. The authors pay special attention to the axiological features of Eurasianism as focused on the traditional values of Russia’s peoples and on partnerships with those countries of the Eurasian space that reject globalism and radical liberalism in favor of multipolarity and national traditions.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):764-776
pages 764-776 views

Sociology of education in Russia: trends and risks of the last decade

Osipov A.M., Babintsev V.P., Matveeva N.A.


The article presents an overview of the development of the Russian sociology of education over the decade since the previous review (2013). The article maintains conceptual continuity with previous reviews in understanding the subject field, theoretical constructs and tasks of sociology of education, is based on the analysis of different sources and describes the state, a qualitatively new situation, the most significant achievements and key tasks of this scientific branch. Sociology of education in Russia remains at the initial stage of institutionalization due to being developed mainly by enthusiasts from different regions and still lacking mechanisms for self-organization and coordination; moreover, its position in university programs, publications and educational policy has worsened. These negative trends are determined by the unstable systemic position and bureaucratic management of research, publications and education; therefore, such negative trends can be overcome under the current turn towards the priority of national interests. The new situation in the Russian sociology of education is expressed in the development of its methodology and basic concepts, and in publication of educational and methodological works which form the basis of professional training and scientific activity. The authors see the key achievements of sociology of education in its theoretical integration and turn to assessing the social efficiency of education, preventing systemic bureaupathologies and introducing scientifically based approaches to the development of education. Urgent risks for the Russian sociology of education are determined by the initial stage of its institutionalization and systemic weaknesses (lack of proper coordination of research on the national scale, disorganization of the scientific community, underestimation of theoretical integration under the increasing thematic differentiation and hyper-passion for empirical research beyond basic concepts, a certain arbitrariness in the editorial policy of some scientific journals). The article concludes with current tasks for the theory and organization of the Russian sociology of education.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):777-794
pages 777-794 views

Contemporary magical practices: Historical bases for typology

Trotsuk I.V., Tsymbal M.V.


Despite the claims of the contemporary society to progressive scientific rationality, it is difficult not to notice in our everyday life increasingly more manifestations of the “magic” in quite standardized forms, typical for the “consumer society”. The absence of an established sociological tradition for conceptualizing the magic and of the systematized empirical data for the study of its current forms explains the need for the reconstruction of the general logic of the revival of the magical/esoteric as a sociocultural phenomenon. The authors identify four conditional periods of the “magical renaissance”, which allowed the esoteric movement to acquire its features of a countercultural movement, criticizing the social order and providing space for experimental construction of identity and non-conformist self-expression (this is not a stereotypical secret community, closed to the uninitiated and hidden from the public, but rather open, internally differentiated systems of diverse structures and holistic ideas about the world order, which combine intuitive and spiritual beliefs with religious and scientific elements). In the Russian history, there are relatively synchronous waves of popularity of esoteric practices (with the exception of the second stage of the magical renaissance), so the authors identify common features of esoteric movements: a high level of commercialization, relative institutionalization, the predominance of people with higher education among members and followers, countercultural orientation, visual aestheticization, the private nature of practices, etc. Thus, the form, content and symbolic load of magical rituals of current esoteric movements can be considered in a structural-functional context - through collective problems, requests and needs reflected in ritualized actions (esoteric practices) which only look like manifestations of the archaic magical thinking.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):795-810
pages 795-810 views

Single-parent families: A discourse analysis of PhD theses

Rostovskaya T.K., Natsak O.D.


The study of social-economic and other aspects of the life of single-parent families and of the influence of family structure on the success of children socialization remains relevant. The article aims at the analysis of the scientific discourse on single-parent families and social practices of single motherhood and fatherhood based on the Russian PhD theses defended from 2003 to 2023. The authors also used their PhD research data for a ten-year period (since 2012). The source of data was the Dissertation Fund of the Russian State Library (RSL). A total of 12 PhD theses in sociology, with the object and/or issues directly related to singleparent families, were identified and analyzed. Theses were classified according to the following parameters: specialty code (according to the Higher Attestation Commission List), year, city and organization of defense, methods and directions of research. The authors note that the issues under study turned out to be quite peripheral for sociology, since the number of defenses has decreased after 2013, and no doctoral theses have been defended for twenty years. Most theses were prepared in the specialty “Social structure, social institutions and processes” and defended in universities (not scientific organizations). As a rule, theses are based on traditional sociological methods to collect and analyze data and rarely use the capabilities of digital platforms and technologies. Most theses emphasize social risks and vulnerabilities of singleparent families. The authors believe that special longitudinal studies are needed to study the life chances, social mobility and economic success of children from families of different structural types and to analyze the lives of single mothers and fathers. Moreover, Russian theses do not sufficiently study the issues of mental and physical health of single mothers and fathers, parentchild relationships and economic status of single-parent families.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):811-823
pages 811-823 views

Cinematic sociology: Narrative assessments of the audience practices

Andrianova E.V., Davydenko V.A.


The relevance of the issue under consideration is determined by at least two circumstances: first, leading representatives of cinematic sociology point to a sharp reduction in the number of empirical studies of films due to the “lack of proper informational and sociological support for the Russian cinema” [3. P. 74; 22. P. 152]; second, the narrative turn continues, “emphasizing the textual nature of all social practices” [24. P. 48] and the temporal characteristics of films. The authors, having conducted surveys of Tyumen moviegoers, which were ordered by the cinema owners in the spring of 2024 (N = 2502), use narrative analysis to explain moviegoers’ practices based on the rhetorical-functionalist theory of narrativity [19] and other relevant scientific approaches. Three groups of respondents were questionned: two target samples structured by gender, age, income and place of residence (582 people in cinemas using personal interviews; 438 people from the cinemas’ customer base using telephone interviews), and 1462 residents of Tyumen, and this sample was stratified by gender and age taking into account the characteristics of the cinemas’ target audience. The comparative historical method of narrative analysis was also used - the collected data were compared with materials on similar issues obtained by E. Altenloh 110 years ago [11; 12]. The article presents some empirical data with the results of analysis which included both formal procedures and those based on systematization of specialized literature and media discourses. The authors make the following conclusions: first, films that refer to famous plots, favorite characters and current narratives become especially popular with the mass audience; second, new interpretations of old stories have become key factors in the development of the contemporary film industry which largely sacrifices the semantic content for new aesthetic technologies.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):824-839
pages 824-839 views


Religious diversity and new religious movements in the contemporary society

Danilov A.N.


The article is a review of the book Social Identification of New Religious Movements in the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, 2024. 664 p.) by V.A. Martinovich. This book presents a littlestudied aspect of culture - diverse new religious movements (NRM), peculiarities of their attitudes to society and public reactions to their activities. Based on the examples from the history of sociology of religion, the author argues that there is a gap between the typology of religious movements and the analysis of the diverse confessional space, including the empirical testing of its methods: identification of religious organizations with some types of religious movements is often replaced by the study of religiosity in its various dimensions and influences. Martinovich created a specialized archive with more than 600,000 units and developed an information-analytical mechanism for the data description, systematization and analysis - register of religious organizations, which allowed to identify information sources, differentiate them by the developed indicators, taking into account all representatives of the confessional space, and introduce the systematized data about NRM into scientific circulation. Thus, the quantitative indicators of actors in the confessional space and the degree of relevance of the content of NRM became an object of social construction. The study of the social identification of religious organizations shows considerable heuristic potential, making a substantial contribution to the conceptual apparatus of public discourse regarding NRM - their development and transformation, stigmatization, and moral and ethical problems associated with their activities.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):840-847
pages 840-847 views

Theory of “small deeds” as a populist practice of the middle class

Nikulin A.M., Nikulina E.S.


The article is a review of the book by V.V. Zverev Essays on the Intellectual Heritage of Ya.V. Abramov (Moscow: RUDN University Press, 2024. 157 p.). Although, as the author argues, an extensive and fundamental book on the life and work of Yakov Vasilyevich Abramov (1858-1906), a remarkable Russian publicist and ideologist of the moderate populist movement, has not yet been written, the monograph under review is a valuable, historically and sociologically sound and thorough work about the creator of the so-called “Abramovshchina”, or, according to the more traditional scientific-publicist discourse, the “theory of those small deeds” that “make up the lives of millions” (P. 28).

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):848-855
pages 848-855 views

Many-faced global suburbanization

Ovchintseva L.A.


The article is a review of the book by A.S. Breslavsky Suburbanization and the Future of Russian Cities: An Introduction (Moscow: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives; 2024. 170 p.). The author briefly presents an overview and interesting examples of regional forms and various ways of suburbanization, since the book is an introduction to this subject field. The author focuses not on details (figures and illustrations) but on the systematization of knowledge and data - the book includes an extensive reference list, allowing all interested readers to continue studies of suburbanization.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):856-862
pages 856-862 views

Museum management: Sociological aspects

Bigvava A.S.


The article is a review of the book by three Czech museum experts - M.J. Půček, M. Plaček and F. Ochrana Museum Management: Opportunities and Threats for Successful Museums (Springer International Publishing; 2021. 176 p.). The authors consider museums as the most important institutions for preserving and transmitting information about the past, emphasizing their important social role confirmed by the huge number of museums (according to UNESCO data for 2020 - 95 thousand) and their visitors (annually from 10 thousand in the smallest museums to 10 million in the largest and most famous ones). The book will be useful and interesting for the sociologist, since it shows that the museum functions are not limited to aesthetic experience or educational impact. Museums provide essential information about the development of society and its subsystems in the form of “collections of the past”, i.e. museums help us to consider current problems and phenomena retrospectively - through exhibitions creatively organized, systematically selected and “adapted” to different perceptions. To perform such diverse functions, the museum should be perceived as a special organization that requires clear strategic management, especially of opportunities and risks, and the authors outline those management paths that can make a museum popular and successful.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):863-867
pages 863-867 views

Compendium of types of the “typological” in sociology

Trotsuk I.V.


The article presents an attempt to review the collective monograph Typological Analysis in Sociology as a Diagnostic Procedure (G.G. Tatarova, N.S. Babich, G.P. Bessokirnaya, A.V. Kuchenkova; ed. by G.G. Tatarova, A.V. Kuchenkova. Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2023, 358 p.), which summarizes many years of searches and findings of G.G. Tatarova with her students and colleagues in the subject field of typological analysis as a sociological method, meta-methodology, diagnostic procedure and a special direction in the development of sociological methodology. The book reconstructs the general logic of the evolution of the typological method, once again confirming the interdisciplinary status of the sociological discipline as successfully borrowing and adapting philosophical conceptualizations, psychological approaches and tools of mathematical formalization to its own tasks. The authors provide examples to demonstrate the possibilities of typological analysis as a diagnostic procedure and a tool for working with “big data”, clarifying both the heuristic possibilities of its methodological solutions and inevitable “methodological traps”.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):868-877
pages 868-877 views


G.G. Tatarova

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RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2024;24(3):878-879
pages 878-879 views

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