
R. Barthes’s Semiotic Approach to Media Reports: Indonesian Сase
Istiyanto B., Putri K.S., Valerii L.M., Adelina M.S., Anter V.K.
Characteristics of Somatic Phraseology in E. Vodolazkin’s Novel “Lavr”: Semantics, Functional Potential, Frequency of Use
Karpinskay N.V., Shkuran O.V., Shkuran S.A.
Polycode Representation of Kinesthetic Phrasemes: Metaphorical and Semiotic Perspectives
Tameryan T.Y., Zyubina I.A., Kislitsyna N.N.
Semantics of the Birth Myth as a Cultural Code
Stepanova E.S.
Phraseological Units with the Word “Bread” in Russian, Frenchand Italian Linguocultures
Kaskova M.E., Ustinova O.V., Bolshakova E.K.
«The word has possessed powers from time immemorial…»
Vladimirova T.E.
The Semantic Space in the Novel of A. Nikolaenko “To kill Bobrykin. The History of one Murder”
Strelnikova N.D.
Latin American real object world in the semiotics
Chesnokova O.S.
Lexico-Semantic Transformations in Translation of Stories by V.M. Shukshin into English
Vekovishcheva S.N., Guseinova M.I., Priorova E.M., Savchenko E.P.
Colour Terms as Structurally Organized, Historically Developing Components of the Cultural Code (the case-study of political symbolism)
Novikov F.N.
SEMIOTIC “STACKING DOLL”: CODING IN HETEROGENEOUS SCREEN TEXTS (case study of a film text “King’s speech” and a videotext “You’re single, you’re such a name”)
Evgrafova Y.A.
Semiotic characteristics of the Internet media-texts
Maksimenko O.I.
Types of Semiotic Similitude in Dramatic Discourse: Transformation of a Play into a Theatrical Performance
Loginova E.G.
Portrayal of Characters in the Author’s Translation of the Bilingual Writer Vladimir Nabokov (V. Nabokov’s “Conclusive Evidence / Другие берега” and “Laughter in the Dark / Камера обскура”)
Krivoshlykova L.V., Chernyakova Y.S.
Colour Terms as Culture Codes. Colour Terms Corpora in Russian, English and French
Novikov F.N.
Semiotics of “San Fermin”
Smirnova E.V.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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