The Semantic Space in the Novel of A. Nikolaenko “To kill Bobrykin. The History of one Murder”
- Authors: Strelnikova N.D.1
- Saint-Petersburg State Electrotecnical University “LETI”
- Issue: Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Linguistic Semantics and Semiotics. Literary Text Studies
- Pages: 1088-1105
- URL:
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In the article the novel “To kill Bobrykin. The history of one murder” by A. Nikolaenko, the 2017 “Russian Buker” prize-winner, is considered as heterogeneous text. The text, semeiotically complicated, is being analyzed through the prism of cultural codes. Different definitions for the concept “cultural code” are given. The semantic space of the novel is various. Iconic works of XX century, to which the author is drawn by the author, -literary texts and screen texts, - are considered as cultural codes. This approach of looking allows to read Nikolaenko novel on other semeiotic level: to trace numerous references, including implicit - to symbolist novel of The Silver Age. In the focus of attention - the interaction and intersection of symbols and meanings.
About the authors
Nataliia D. Strelnikova
Saint-Petersburg State Electrotecnical University “LETI”
Author for correspondence.
The head of the Russian language Department of State Electrotecnical University “LETI”, Ph. D. (Philology).
Professor Popov Str., 5, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376References
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