
Comparative Analysis of Factor Structure of Sociability in Representatives of Russian, Uighur and Kumandin Nationalities
Kudinov S.S., Vdovina K.Y.
Psychological Features of Self-Discipline Manifestation in Cadets
Kudinov S.S., Andreyeva T.V.
Psychological Self-Actualization Analysis of Chinese People of Different Age Groups
Kudinov S.I., Chzhan T., Kudinov S.S.
Psychological Analysis of Sociability as Predictor of Personality Self-Actualization in Representatives of Various Nationalities
Kudinov S.I., Vdovina K.Y., Kudinov S.S.
Psychological Self-Actualization analysis of the Russian and Foreign Students
Kudinov S.I., Kudinov S.S.
Kudinov S.I., Kudinov S.S., Sedova I.V.
Temperamental Prerequisites of Personality Self-Realization
Kudinov S.I., Aybazova S.R., Arkhipochkina K.V.
Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Students
Chzhan Pan Hao -.
Psychological Features of Perseverance in Students with Different Levels of it Expression
Avdeev N.P.
Gender Features of Manifestation of Motivational-Meaning Characteristics of Inquisitiveness in Students
Kudinova I.B., Bogomazova N.V.
Age Peculiarities of Professional Self-Realization of Personality (by the Example of the Experts in Marketing from the People’s Republic of China)
Chzhan Ten -.
Psychological Features of Self-Realization in Chinese Women
Kudinov S.I., Kudinova I.B., Zhang Teng -.
Self-Actualization of Personality as Precondition of Manifestation of Interethnic Tolerance in the Former Soviet Union
Kudinov S.I., Krupnov A.I., Kudinov S.S.
Comparative Analysis of Inquisitiveness Development Dynamics in Youths and Young Girls
Kudinova I.B., Kudinov S.S., Bogomazova N.V.
Individual and Psychological Aspects of Inquisitiveness Manifestation in Students
Kudinova I.B., Bogomazova N.V.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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