No S5 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 40
- URL:
Configurational Mechanism of X-Shaped Figures Recognition
The geometrical model of linear picture recognition made with the use of the multidimensional scaling technique for estimations of the perceptive differences between the selected X-shaped figures is described in the article. We analyzed the constructed space of the configurations by means of the terms of Sokolov and Izmailov’s spherical model of differentiating stimuli. In our research we showed that the process of the X-shaped figures discrimination was realized by the three-channel neuron network detecting two sensory features of the stimuli. Comparing the results of this work with the results of the researches of the different diagrammatic representations discrimination (lines, angles, three-linear figures) demonstrated that the X-shaped figures, recognized by the angular value and orientation, were the basic elements for human visual perception.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):7-18

Sex and Cognitive Style: Research Artefact or Regularity?
The analysis of the results of sex differences in cognitive styles study for the past 60 years is presented in the article. The absence of the unified accepted point of view on the problem is revealed. The assumption that such inconsistent and conflicting results are partly due to the inadequate statistical methods used for these hypotheses verification is substantiated.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):19-28

Rivalry Consequences
The comparative analysis of consequences of different rivalry types (competitiveness, cooperation, altruisticity, individualisticity) has been carried out in the article. The differentiative effect of every type and subtype of rivalry on the group’s effective activity, its social-psychological state, an individual’s well-being and adaptation in the changing conditions of the modern Russia has been specified.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):29-35

Prognostic Function of Thinking in Altered State of Consciousness
The prognostic ability of the personality in the altered state of consciousness is considered in the article. It is shown that in the altered state of consciousness the mind has the ability to reflect the information about the future events. The method of entering an altered state of consciousness is described.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):36-41

Designing Vector Model of Psychological Health Salving Potential of Personality
In the given article the problems of designing the vector model of the psychological health salving potential of the personality are considered and its scientific substantiation is offered for the first time. The authors pay special attention to revealing the correlation between metacognitive abilities, affective self-attribution and valeological attitude which are the basic component-vectors of the psychological health salving potential of the personality.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):42-51

The Problem of Meaning of Neurotic Anxiety in Psychology and Psychiatry
The article states the problem of the necessity of consideration of the neurotic anxiety meaning as there are few researches of anxiety meanings and the influence of value sphere on the expressiveness of the anxiety manifestations under neurotic disorders in modern science. The analysis and awareness of the subjective reasons and meanings of anxiety leads to a deeper and more constructive living through anxiety in the therapy process.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):52-59

Fundamental Ideas of Organization Process
This article is dedicated to the demonstration of organization both as a process and a system having a difficult and mixed nature. The essence of the fundamental idea of the organization theory, connected with “the second human nature”, i.e. culture, is considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):60-66

On the Problem of Evolution of Russian Psychological Thought
The evolutionary approach to the interpretation of the Russian psychological thought includes a wide spectrum of psychological ideas, which were conceived and developed in the Old Russian period in the extrascientific spheres of public consciousness.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):67-71

Psychological Self-Actualization analysis of the Russian and Foreign Students
The article discusses the problem of self-actualization of the personality. It also examines separate components of the author’s approach to self-actualization. The author’s techniques of research of the given phenomenon are described. The comparative analysis of self-actualization of the Russian and foreign students is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):72-78

The Aspects of Students’ Gender and Ethnicity Representation of Conjugal Roles
The article examines the contemporary representation of conjugal roles by Russian and Armenian students. It also reveals the specifics of differences and similarities in gender and ethnicity apprehension of the given ethnic groups’ representatives and characterizes the tendency of alteration in conjugal roles representation.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):87-91

Psychological Self-Actualization Analysis of Chinese People of Different Age Groups
The problem of personality self-actualization is discussed in the article; the separate components of the authorial self-actualization approach are analyzed. The authorial methods of investigation of the given phenomenon are described. The self-actualization comparative analysis of the Chinese representatives of different age groups is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):92-97

Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making
The results of the experimental research of the connection between the efficiency of decision making and emotional intelligence are presented in the article. The empirical data indicate that the ability to regulate emotion is an important indicator of the efficiency of decision making in the conditions of psychological experiment.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):104-109

Individually-Typical Peculiarities of Manifestation and Harmonization of Initiative in Senior Pupils
The article is devoted to studying individually-typical features peculiar to the initiative of senior pupils in the context of the system-functional approach. The ways of harmonization of initiative are defined. The efficiency of the suggested psychological correction program for senior pupils’ initiative has been proved by the example of the low motivated type.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):115-123

Significance and Meanings of Neurotic Level Anxiety
The article presents the results of the research carried out with the purpose of revealing the meanings of the neurotic level anxiety. It defines and describes the meanings of normal anxiety: living through life, confrontation; and also the meanings of pathological anxiety: avoiding, denial of difficulties; the feeling of powerlessness and unfulfillment; low involvement in the process of life.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):124-130

Interrelation of Value-Meaning Characteristics of the Staff with the Types of Organizational Culture in the Period of Crisis at the Enterprise
The basic characteristics of organizational culture such as personal values and meanings acting as internal determinants of the culture of the organization are considered in the work. The correlation analysis of the interrelation of the type of organizational culture with the components of value-meaning sphere of the personality of workers of the enterprise is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):131-135

Forming Information Competence of Technical Students in Context-Based Teaching
The article considers the concept of information competence of technical students. The description of stages of forming structural components of information competence in context-based training is submitted. The results of the experiment on forming information competence of future metallurgists are given.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):136-142

Specificity of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Teaching the Course in Probability Theory to Students of the Correspondence Education Department
The differences between the contingent of students of day and correspondence departments and the specificity of training by correspondence are analyzed in the article. The problems of teaching methods for more effective material mastering are considered. The points in question are considered with reference to the course in “Probability theory”.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):143-150

Modelling the Process of Forming Economic Competence in Students of Polytechnic College in the Situation of Informatization of Education
The model of forming the economic competence of the students of polytechnic college is described in the article. The attention is focused on the use of the information and communication technologies in teaching economics. The results of the experimental work on enhancing the level of forming economic competence of students of professional education are given.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):158-164

Structure of the Students’ Professional Subject Position in Governorate College
The article describes the aspects and the structure of professional subject position of the students of a provincial college; the technological and qualitative changes in training middle managers to work in agricultural production; value-professional component as a basis for the formation of professional subject position.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):172-177

Developing Interest in Studying in Low Performing College Students: Analysis of Modern Teaching Practice
The results of the survey conducted among the teachers of colleges are analyzed and the interpretation of the statistical data on the problem of developing the interest in studying in low performing students of college is submitted in the article.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):178-181

Overcoming Pedagogical Conservatism in the Course of Innovative Educational Process in Educational Institutions
In the article the problem of overcoming the conservatism and implementing the innovation process in the educational institution is revealed; the historical concepts of “conservatism”, “innovation” are analyzed; the principles, the operational component and the organizational-pedagogical conditions of overcoming conservatism are defined.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):182-187

Reflection of the System of Teaching Orthography in «The Russian Language Teaching Methods» by A.V. Popov
This article examines the history of teaching the Russian language, particularly highlighting the question of teaching orthography. The special emphasis is given to the system of orthography teaching presented in a pre-revolutionary book by A. Popov, reprinted in the 1920s.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):188-192

The Historical Analysis of Features of Teaching the Fairy Tale at Elementary School
The historical analysis of working with fairy-tale material at the lessons of Reading and Literary Reading at elementary school is given in the article. The analytical review of the dissertation themes formulations containing the word «fairy tale» in their title is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):193-197

The Peculiarities of Working with “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (Skazka o Rybake i Rybke) by Alexander Pushkin on The Basis of its Folklore Source
The article deals with a new methodological approach to the literary fairy tale of the first half of the XIX century in comparison with its folklore sources within the frame of its international fairy-tale plot at the lessons of Literary Reading at elementary school.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):205-209

Educational Communications of the Participants of Distance Heuristic Olympiads
The article studies the communications of the distance heuristic Olympiad participants both in terms of their network contacts while solving educational tasks and in terms of the content aspect of the suggested tasks; it considers the educational potential of the popular network resources such as forums and social networks and describes the experience of organizing distance Olympiads in social networks.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):210-214

The Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics and Psychological Structures of Sociability, Self-Discipline and Responsibility of StudentsFuture Managers and Specialists in the Field of People Management
The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of systematic study of sociability, self-discipline and responsibility of students-future managers and specialists in the field of people management: similarities and differences in the manifestation of the conceptual-semantic and instrumental-stylistic characteristics, as well as correlation and factor structures.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):215-223

The Role of Social Intelligence in Professional Self-Realization (by the Example of Future Specialists-Linguists)
The results of the research of the role of social intelligence in the professional self-realization of the personality in students-linguists are brought to light in the article. The results of the factorial analysis of the data are submitted and the connection between the level of self-realization and social intelligence of the students-linguists is established.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):224-229

System-Functional Approach to the Study of Aggression in Serbian and Albanian Students
The article analyzes the results of the study of Serbian and Albanian students, reflecting the particular peculiarities of aggressiveness of the students of these ethnic groups in the vein of the principles of A.I. Krupnov.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):230-233

Estimation of Manifestation of Aggression and Temperament in the Russian and Chinese Students
The article is devoted to the analysis and revealing the specificity of the relations between the aggression considered within the framework of the system-functional model, and the parameters of temperament of the Russian and Chinese students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):234-239

Hardiness as a Factor of Intercultural Adaptation of Foreign Students from Different Regions
The correlation between the parameters of hardiness and the intercultural adaptation of foreign students of PFUR from Africa and Haiti is analyzed in the article. The sample included 52 students: 25 French-speaking students from Haiti and 27 French-speaking students from Africa.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):240-244

4 th International conference on Pharmaceutical Life Cycle: Development, Uses and Environment
A brief review of the 4 th International conference on Pharmaceutical Life Cycle: Development, uses and environment, that took place on 1—3 September 2011 at the University of Paris 8 (France) is submitted in the publication.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):245-247

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):250-254

Pamyati Chingiza Abil'fazovicha Izmaylova 26.03.1944—28.09.2011
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2011;(S5):255-256