No 2 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 24
- URL:
Methodological Aspects of Researching Noohumanistic Worldview
In this article on the basis of the integration of the methodological approaches, for the first time, there has been proven the noohumanistic approach including the structurally-contensive, functionally-processual, didactic, and individually-personal components of the pedagogical model for the formation of the noohumanistic worldview of the future experts' personality.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):5-9

The Environmental Psychology in the Context of the Sustainable Development
The socially-psychological range of problems of the transition to a sustainable development is defined in the article. The modern concepts of the environmental psychology are analysed. The role and possible directions of the ecopsychological research in the interests of the sustainable development are shown.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):10-15

Psychological Nature of Innovativeness in a Personality
The article provides a comparative theoretical analysis of creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurial spirit in a personality. Relying on this analysis, the author points out the principal differences in the concepts stated above and formulates the definition of innovativeness as of one of the factors generating innovative potential in a personality.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):16-22

Scientific Fundamentals of Vector-Contextual Model of Intellectual and Creative Potential of Personality
The article considers the issues of designing a vector-contextual model of intellectual and creative potential of personality and submits its scientific rationale. A special attention is paid to revealing the interrelation of the intellectual and creative and health-creative potentials in the process of perception of music.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):23-30

Geometrical Model of Visible Angle Discrimination
The geometrical model of discrimination of four-line diagrammatic representations, made with the multidimensional scaling method of subjective estimations of perceived pairwise differences between pictures is described in the article. The derived geometrical model of the representations, interpreted in terms of Sokolov and Izmailov's spherical model of differentiating stimuli, is presented as a spherical surface in four-dimensional Euclidean space and is characterized by three spherical coordinates. The discrimination of four-line figures is defined by picture configuration characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):31-39

University Medical Education in Russia: Historical and Pedagogical Analysis
The author of the article has carried out the historical and pedagogical analysis of establishing and developing the university system for training the medical personnel in Russia in the XIX-XXI centuries; the forms of the organization, standards and models of learning are considered, the tendencies of the system development are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):45-49

Peculiarities of Psychological Adaptation of Latin American Students to a New Social-Cultural Environment
This article shows the basic results of the author's empirical studies, which target the different aspects of the psychological adaptation of Latin American students in Russia. The author describes and analyzes the major difficulties, styles, dynamics and gender differences of Latin American students' adaption to a new sociocultural environment. Some special features of the mutual interpersonal perception of Russians and Latin Americans are examined.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):50-59

Integration of a Foreign Student into the Modern System of Education Based on the Network Technologies
This article deals with the main principles and stages of the integration process of a foreign student into the modern system of education based on the network technologies. The author outlines the advantages of using network technologies within the process of integration of a foreign student into the Russian educational system.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):60-64

Forming Ethnic Identity in Primary School Children Through Ethno-Cultural Heritage
The article analyzes the ways of forming ethnic identity at the primary school age through the ethno-cultural heritage of nations. The structural components of the ethnic identity and the study of feasibility of the personality developing potential of the experimental program are considered.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):65-70

Peculiarities and Psychological Structure of Persistence in Teenager Sportspeople
The article submits the results of the system approach to studying the persistence of teen-sportspeople: the expressiveness and correlation of the conceptual-semantic and instrumental-stylistic characteristics, as well as the peculiarities of the correlative and factor structures of the given quality of their personality.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):71-76

Psychological Features of Self-Discipline Manifestation in Cadets
The psychological aspect of manifestation of the cadets' self-discipline is analyzed in the frame of A.I. Krupnov's conceptual approach in this article. The research is focused on the comparative analysis of high and low levels of cadet's self-discipline.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):77-82

Comparative Analysis of Inquisitiveness Development Dynamics in Youths and Young Girls
The empirical results of the longitudinal research of inquisitiveness in youths and young girls during their higher school study are presented in the article. The inquisitiveness research is done in the frame of A.I. Krupnov's conceptual approach. The comparison of the results is based on the factor analysis.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):83-90

Specificity of Relations between Regulatory-Dynamic Variables of Soiability in Latin American and Russian Students
The specificity of the relations between the regulatory-dynamic variables of sociability in the Latin American and Russian students is analyzed in the article. The ethno-psychological peculiarities in the ratios of the dynamic, emotional and regulatory properties of sociability in the two compared groups of students are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):91-94

Meaning Values of Anxiety in Women with Disorders in Reproductive Sphere
The article is dedicated to detecting the meanings of anxiety in women with reproductive disorders, which allows us to determine the «targets» of psychotherapy. The choice of self-actualization direction is important for pregnant women. The anxiety is associated with the refusal of professional realization. The meaning of normal anxiety is the confrontation with life difficulties. The meanings of pathological anxiety are avoiding difficulties, a passive position, the feeling of powerlessness.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):101-105

Self-Education in the System of Specialist Training in the Higher School
The article discloses the problems of functioning and developing self-education in the modern Russian higher school. The importance of self-education as a means of vocational training and self-improvement of the future specialist's personality is determined in the publication.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):106-111

Problem of Formation of Emotional Culture of Musical College Students
The structurally functional model of emotional culture of the personality and the characteristics of the three levels of its development is submitted in the article. The empirical check of the model is described in the course of the implementation of the program of emotional culture formation of musical college students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):112-119

The Structure of the Course on the Concept of Modern Natural Science with the Use of Computer Technologies
The outline of the Concept of Modern Natural Science (CMNS) course is discussed in the article. The course comprises the information on the natural-science cycle and is developed for the students of the economic, sociological and humanitarian trends of training. The structure of the course is suggested. The kinds of activities of the student and the forms of knowledge control are considered.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):124-129

On the Methodical Principles of Developing the System of Tasks in the Context of the Activity Approach to Teaching Mathematics
The article provides a definition of the system of tasks, the main requirements for its content and structure are considered in relation to their properties. The particular attention is given to the most common rules and methods of developing the system of tasks in the context of the activity approach.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):130-136

Providing Continuity of Secondary and Higher Education as Pedagogical Condition of Students' Professional Self-Determination
This paper is dedicated to the analysis of the main approaches to solving the problem of secondary and higher education continuity as well as the conditions of raising the level of students' preparedness for professional self-determination.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):137-141

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(2):147-150