No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 18
- URL:
- DOI:
Types of Conduct under Open and Hidden Impact
The article justifies the inclusion of the manipulative behavior in the classical typology of behavior (passive, aggressive, assertive). It is shown that all the four types of behavior have fundamentally different models of the psychological influences and transactions realizing them.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):5-11

Problem of Moral Decision Making in Foreign Psychology
The article is devoted to the analysis of the foreign moral psychology approach to the problem of moral decision. Such approaches as psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, motivational and evaluative are considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):12-17

Temperamental Prerequisites of Personality Self-Realization
The article discusses the problem of individual and typological conditionality of personality self-realization. The results of an empirical research are submitted, the typological features of temperament properties with the variables of self-realization in teachers are compared.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):18-25

Psychological Resilience of Personality as a Basis of Subject’s Self-Realization
The article presents the psychological approaches in Russia, considering the interaction between man and environment, the question of the ability to resist the negative impact of the external environment and the successful resolution of the vital tasks.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):26-30

Changing the Identity of a Trainee in the Course of Subjectivity Development
The article presents the results of the study, where changing the identity of the student manifested in “self-concept” of an officer is considered as an indicator of the development of subjectivity. It is noted that the education of an officer requires developing the ability to be a subject, to take an adequate subjective position. From the perspective of the ecopsychological approach it is possible only in the conditions of the developing educational environment, including its technological component, which includes the psycho-pedagogical support of the personal development of students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):31-37

Levels of Internal Disease Patterns in Representatives of Different Health Groups
The article presents the results of a pilot empirical research on the assessment of the subjective response to the disease. In particular the dominant levels of the internal disease patterns in the representatives of different health groups are highlighted.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):43-48

Individual Psychological Features and Professional Effectiveness in Bank Employees
The article presents the results of the research on a ratio of professional efficiency in the bank employees with different activities (lawyers, economists, cash department workers) and their individual psychological characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):49-53

Concept of Multilingualism as Strategy of Language Policy and Foreign-Language Education in Europe
In this article the language policy of the European Union (EU) in the field of lobbying the concept of multilingual Europe is considered. In this research the didactic aspects of the policy of multilingualism are accented, and also the results of the approbation of policy of multilingualism in the educational theory and practice of the EU are analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):54-60

Psychological and linguistic features of the Russian language acquisition by international students
The paper presents the results of a full-scale interview with Russian language teachers that teach Russian as a foreign language at the preparatory departments at multinational universities. The research findings identified the basic psychological and linguistic features that are typical for the Russian language acquisition by the students from different regions of the world (Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Arab countries).
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):61-66

Psychological and Pedagogical Bases of Organization of Joint Activity of Universities and Educational Institutions
The paper is devoted to an acute socially-pedagogical problem, i.e. to the cooperation of universities and educational institutions. The purposes and cooperation tasks, the subject-matter of joint activity, methods and forms of its organization are defined. The basic directions of the scientifically-methodical and practical help of scientists, teachers and students of university to the teachers and pupils of educational institutions are allocated.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):71-78

Content-Related Characteristics of the Subject-Developing Socialization of Students in the System of Higher Education
The article submits the structural and content-related expression of the semantic reference points of subject-developing socialization of the students of the higher educational institution, defining the content-related characteristics of a studied phenomenon.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):79-84

The Impact of Reflexive and Empathic Abilities on Developing the Professional Competence of a Teacher
The article presents a study of the effect of reflexive and empathic abilities on the development of the professional competence of a teacher. The concept of models of psychological features of reflection and empathy is considered. The influence of reflection and empathy on the formation of professional competence is revealed. The ways of the development of reflection and empathy are shown.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):85-90

International Conference in Memory of Stanley Milgram “Obedience to Authority: Experimental Obedience-Paradigm Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”
The article provides the information about the international conference “Obedience to Authority: Experimental Obedience-Paradigm yesterday, today, tomorrow”, held in Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities and Social Studies, the main directions of its work and the subject of scientific reports.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):91-95

In Memory of Galina M. Andreeva (1924-2014)
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):96-97

In Memoriam of Scientific Supervisor
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):98-100

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2015;(1):101-103