
Theoretical Bases for Designing a Methodology of Training Teachers for Intercultural Interaction
Dzhurinsky A.N., Zhukova T.A., Bogoslovskiy V.I., Andreeva E.Y.
Content of Pedagogical Education in the Modern World: Meanings, Problems, Practices and Development Prospects
Bermus A.G., Serikov V.V., Altynikova N.V.
Training course «Higher school psychology and pedagogics» for post-graduate students of Peoples` friendship university of Russia
Gagarin A.V.
Forming Professional Competence of Future Mathematics Teachers in the Course of Research Activity
Bagachuk A.V., Shashkina M.B.
Joint activity of higher school teachers from psychological and pedagogical aspects
Viktorenkova S.V.
Designing a Teacher's Horizontal Career based on Additional Types of Pedagogical Activities and Professional Achievements: Russian and International Experiences
Kuznetsova A.G., Yarovaya E.B.
The Teacher and Scientific Mum: Dedicated to the Memory of Tatiana G. Stefanenkо
Kupavskaya A.S.
Contradictions of subjective evaluations in a teacher «self image»
Kuzmenkova O.V.
Plugina M.I.
Research of Emotional Burning out in Teachers with Different Levels of Responsibility
Kudinov S.I., Sedova I.V.
Formation of Professional Competences of Future Mathematics Teacher in the Process of Studying Integrated Optional Course
Bagachuk A.V., Shashkina M.B.
Features of Organization and Development of Creative Technical Activities of Students by Teachers of Technology
Musaiev K.F.
Role of Teacher in Forming Experience of Intercultural Interaction in Students
Kazarenkov V.I., Rangelova Emiliya Milenkova -., Kazarenkova T.B.
The Theoretical Foundations of Psychological and Pedagogical Subjects Integration in the system of Teacher Training Education at the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries
Kondratenko E.V.
Conditions of Efficiency of Psychological Assistance to Higher School Teachers at the Stage of Professional Adaptation
Plugina M.I., Shvedenko J.V.
Theoretical Aspects of Bilingual Education of Foreign Students in Russia
Gagarin A.V., Smirnova Z.M.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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