
Features of professional adaptation of the post-graduate student depending on education form
Moiseyeva O.A.
Level of the food and psychophisiological condition of students in the conditions of the big city
Glebov V.V.
Joint influence of ecological factors on psychophysical development of children preschool age in the capital megalopolis
Ryazantseva M.A.
Psychological and physiological aspects of the stressful condition of students
Kuryasev I.A.
Levels of brainwork workers’ professional adaptation and some approaches on their improvement
Dmitrieva N.Y.
The stressresistance level and the functional condition of cardio vascular system of first-year students in the period of examinations
Pitkevich M.Y.
Dynamics of information loadings at school and psychofunctional development of children of the capital megalopolis
Nazarov V.A., Glebov V.V., Maryanovskiy A.A.
Environmental safety and Russian central non-chernozem area agricultural adaptation to the changing weather condition problems
Kovalev V.V., Khomenko N.D., Rykov S.V., Ryasanova N.E., Sokolov V.V.
Level of professional health of the staff higher education institution in the conditions of the capital megalopolis
Dmitrieva N.Y.
State of health of schoolboys in the conditions of the megacity and village
Glebov V.V., Soshnikov E.A., Sidelnikova N.Y., Danacheva M.N., Ryazantceva M.A., Nazarov V.A., Mihailichenko K.Y., Chizhov A.Y.
Ecological culture as the basis of the process of adaptation of regional students in the capital city
Kuzmina Y.V.
Comparative analysis of professional adaptation of staff of higher education institution in the conditions of the big and small city
Dmitrieva N.Y.
Level of psychophysiological adaptation of students at the initial stage of training in system of the higher education
Glebov V.V.
Influens megapolis on adaptive reaction of first year students
Kirichuk A.A., Chizhov A.Y., Radysh I.V.
Processes of the academic adaptation foreign students to high school formation of Russia
Glebov V.V.
Level of health and physical development of schoolboys in the different ecological condition of the territory of Moscow
Laver B.I., Glebov V.V.
Specificity of adaptation South-East Asia to conditions capital megapolis
Soshnikov Е.А.
Some adaptive opportunities of the saiga of the european population
Kokshunova L.E., Ostapenko V.A.
Condition of adaptation process of the student to training in building university
Sidelnikov A.Y.
Stress and resistance to stress of students
Kuryasev I.A.
Level of complex adaptation of the young expert building specialities' to professional work in the conditions of the capital megacity
Sidelnikov A.U.
Kulyukina E.V., Kartashov A.G., Denisov T.V.
Change strategy breeding in the saiga antelope european populations — adaptation to the environment subspecies
Kokshunova L.E.
Features of social and psychological adaptation nonresident students to conditions of the capital megalopolis
Kuzmina Y.V.
Isaev A.V.
Functional possibilities of students in special medical group on pfisical education ltssons
Milashechkina E.A., Rezenkova O.V.
Use of natural adaptogens for regulation of hormonal and functional systems in skiers during adaptation to physical loads
Levando V.A., Rostovtzev V.L., Grushin A.A., Aranson M.V.
Ways of the assessment and increase of stress resistance level
Pitkevich M.Y.
The comparative analysis of adaptation level and psychosomatic health of schoolboys of Moscow and Moscow suburbs at combination influence of environment factors
Nazarov V.A.
Study of adaptivity of children living in metropolis to physical activity
Martyshov A.V.
Features of adaptation, psychological and functional state of the human in the north
Bagnetova E.A.
Respiratory and meditative exercises in human adaptive processes
Tseng Tian -.
1 - 32 of 32 Items

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