No S5 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 18
- URL:
The psycho-social factors of the environment in professional activity of workers of brainwork
Results of research of environment psychosocial factors which influence on professional activity of brainwork workers are given in article. In science work are submitted data the comparative analysis between the staff of information and technical services and teaching structure of university. It is shown that uneasiness formation at workers of brainwork the important role is played by personal features and working conditions
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):5-7

Processes of the academic adaptation foreign students to high school formation of Russia
Importance of search of new approaches to a problem of the academic adaptation of foreign students in higher education institution in integration of Russian education into system of world educational movement forces to use actively various information technologies and innovative techniques. In article it is considered possibilities of information technologies and innovative techniques in the course of the academic adaptation of foreign students on PFUR example.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):8-10

Training and adaptable processes of the african students in the russian higher education institution (on example pfur)
In article are brought these own researches on features of the organization of the African students in the Russian university. The analysis of the received results revealed dependence between efficiency of process of training of foreign students with their success of adaptable process in new conditions of activity. Some factors which are significant and possible to management in adaptive process of the African students in the conditions of higher education institution are noted.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):11-13

Ecological culture as the basis of the process of adaptation of regional students in the capital city
In scientific work results of own empirical researches on studying of vital values of nonresident first-year students of ecological faculty of the Russian university of friendship of the people are presented. Communication of level of ecological culture of the personality and success of process of adaptation in the conditions of the capital megalopolis is revealed. Proceeding from ecological and sociocultural features of nonresident students recommendations are offered conducting educational process for visitors of pupils.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):14-17

Environment’s complex factors and condition of the chinese students adaptation in the conditions of the Moscow higher education institution
In article results of own empirical researches on influence of the environment complex factors on a condition of course of adaptable processes of the Chinese students in the conditions of capital higher education institution are yielded. The analysis of the received results shows dependence between environment factors (a complex of factors) and processes of adaptability of the Chinese and Russian students.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):18-20

Ecology of the megalopolis and influence of risk factors of early disontogenesis on development of schoolboys’ memory
These researches of a condition of intellectual development of schoolboys of one of the worst are given in work on a condition of ecology of the districts of Moscow. In article results of development of volume of an acoustical and visual memory, and also types of leading memory are presented. Factors disontogenesis the school students having a deviation in psychophysical and cognitive development are given.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):21-23

Dynamics of information loadings at school and psychofunctional development of children of the capital megalopolis
In article there are studying of dynamics of information loadings in school and level of psycho-functional development of children of the capital megalopolis are given. It is shown that different forms of school training (traditional, gymnasia and lycee classes) have different impact on cognitive and psycho physiological indicators of the Moscow schoolboys.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):24-27

Joint influence of ecological factors on psychophysical development of children preschool age in the capital megalopolis
In article problems joint influence of factors of the environment (anthropogenesis air pollution and social factors) on psycho-functional development of children of preschool age in the capital megalopolis are investigated. It is shown that chemical pollution of the environment renders braking effect on development of children of preschool age, and at joint influence of factors in group with incomplete structure of a family the importance of distinctions on decrease growth indicators in comparison with group of preschool children with full structure of a family is noted.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):28-29

Condition of the younger schoolboys’ psychophysical development in the different districts of the capital megalopolis
In article these conditions of psychophysical development of children of younger schoolboys age depending on the area of residence are given. Comparative results on functional test on physical activity are given and desadaptation and pathology factors at children of younger schoolboys at elementary school in the conditions of ecology of the big city are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):30-33

Condition of medico-psychological and social adaptation of the person in the conditions of the large city
Problems of psychosomatic health of the person in the country which are connected with deterioration of an ecological and social situation are considered. Some data of indicators of psychophysical health which tell first of all with mental processes and professional incidence of the person are presented.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):34-36

Psychoemotional stress and development of cardiovascular dysfunction in workers of the construction complex of the Moscow megalopolis
Some data of own researches of a condition of cardiovascular system of workers of construction business of the capital megalopolis are provided in work. In article results of the revealed psychotypes in a sample of builders of different age and specialties are presented.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):37-39

Possibilities use EEG in studying of adaptable processes of the person
In article the theoretical review on a problem of possibility of use of an EEG method in studying of processes of adaptation of the person is presented. It is shown that this method allows to reveal people on individual and typological groups with various degree of stability to influence of ecological and adverse factors.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):40-43

Comparative analysis of ecological competence russian and foreign students
Processes of formation and development of ecological competence of the identity of future expert in the light of ethnopsychological features are considered. Qualitative and quantitative distinctions in characteristics of ecological competence at representatives of the various people and the countries taken during one period of training and in the conditions of one polycultural educational space are given.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):44-47

The problems of formation mechanism of the environmental insurance in Russia
The analysis of the problems of civil liability for environmental pollution in cases of emergencies. The necessity for the establishment of environmental insurance rates based on an assessment of environmental risk. Awareness of environmental issues affect the formation of legal culture.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):48-52

Latin America and the global climate change
Based on the spatial mathematical model of global carbon dioxide cycle in the biosphere calculated absorption of carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, including deforestation and soil erosion in Latin America and the world. Calculations of the effects of restrictions in CO 2 emissions based on different scenarios of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on climate stabilization showed that ecosystems of Costa Rica absorb atmospheric CO 2 more than other countries in the region, and industrial emissions from its territory almost equal absorption.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):60-69

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(S5):74-75