No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Diversity of biomorphs of aquatic higer plants of European Russia
Study of life form (biomorph) diversity of terrestrial and water vascular plants is based on different approaches. In this connection the main principles of differentiation of the aquatic plant group and approaches to the classification of their biomorphs are considered. 110 species of hydrophytes, gelophyts or amphibious plants on European Russia territory fall under the category of aquatic vascular plants. Classification of aquatic plants life forms including 19 biomorphs and similar to the classification scheme for terrestrial plants is proposed. The majority of these biomorphs are creeping herbs and herbs with stolones.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):5-15

Birds of gardening sections with the individual buildings in Khabarovsk
In this paper the peculiarities of the territorial distribution of birds on the individual buildings are characterized. The species compositions, the bird populate density and the stay character; the special features of their surroundings and nesting have been analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):16-21

Some features in functioning of benthos community in the top reaches of the Kuibyshev water reservoir
Simplification of benthos communities, mass development of invasive species, reduction of a role of predators, has been revealed during expedition research of sediments of the top reaches of the Kuibyshev water basin. The reduction of macrozoobenthos contribution in an energy exchange the increasing role is got by microbic fauna of sediments that leads to change of oxygen balance in bottom water. These tendencies indicate on processes of destabilization of the Kuibyshev water basin ecosystem in the present time.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):22-27

Evaluation of the soils of river basin Gusarchay-Gudyalchay of the northeast part of Azerbaijan
In this article discussed have been created the bonitet scales of the soils and being established the correlative connection between with the number of bonitet of the spreading soils in the different ecological regions of the basin and with the number of bonitet of сrop-producing of agricultural plants and the yield of the green lands of river basin Gusarchay-Gudyalchay the Northeast slope of Big Gaucaus.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):28-37

Effects of heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cu) and agroameliorants on biological activity in soddy-podzolic soil
Heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cu) and agroameliorants effect on biological activity of the soddy-podzolic soil (carbon dioxide release; denitrifying process) and barley productivity. Results of the study have shown that Zn and Cu are more toxic in comparison with Cd, because decrease the rate of carbon dioxide release of the soil in 1,6 times; the rate of denitrification in 1,4 and 2,3 times, appropriately. Usage of the long-acting fertilizer SYPRODIT on the soddy-podzolic contaminated with heavy metals soil is more effective in reducing of negative influence of heavy metals on the process of organic matter destruction and soil fertility compared to variants with nitrofoska and NPK.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):38-42

Chemical composition of underground water Chuyskogo artesian basin and structure-facies feature
The Quality of underground water depends on chemical composition. The Population needs for water of the goodness. The Geological construction of the territory influences on composition of water. Such influence is installed On Southeast of the Republic Altai.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):43-49

The role of chromium in the person's organism
In article data of physiological need of living organisms in chromium are stated, his main functions are listed, the evaluation of the content of chromium in the person's organism by results of blood researches, urine and hair is given. Briefly the consequences of influence of the deficiency of chromium are stated, and as well his overabundance to person's organism. In conclusion recommendations connected with correction of deficiency and redundance of chromium in the organism are given.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):50-55

The action of electromagnetic radiations greatly high frequencies on the health of workman in ship repair yard
On example workman in Nakhodka Ship Repair Yard is shown influence of the electromagnetic radiations greatly high frequencies, radiated ship RLS, on health of the people. They are shown the most assailable systems of organs and the levels of exceeding of the disease incidence of the employees of factory over similar diseases of people residing in background area.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):62-67

The application of «transfer-factor» for prevention of age specific obesity in the old mice
Biologically active dietary supplement «Transfer-factor» obtained from cow colostrums by the company «4 Life Research Co» (the USA) has positive impact on the immune characteristics of the old laboratory animals and displays the complex gero-prophylaxis influence on the mice's physical state and alimentary.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):68-71

The level of chromosome aberrations and the activity of chromosomes' kernel-forming areas in the Kursk region
The purpose of present research is study of polymorphism of somatometric indices of Kursk region born inhabitants in cross investigation. It was studied the somatometric indices of 215 Kursk region born inhabitants. As the result we have the data of average values of height, weight, index of body mass, circumferences of waist, arm and thigh, ratio of circumference of waist to thigh circumference, width of arm and pelvis, length of leg. In result of carrying out investigation in was determined that somatometric indices of Kursk region born inhabitants have graphic sexual dimorphism and don't distinguish from analogous average indices of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):72-75

Shtokman field geotechnical survey invironmental impact assessment
The article is devoted to the integrated impact assessment of geotechnical survey on Barents Sea environment. The aim of geotechnical survey is to determine the properties of grounds in the region of projected economical activity.
Environmental impact assessment is carried out to minimize impact of the geotechnical survey during Shtokman field development.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):76-80

Ecological safety maintenance of ecological risk sources at the cased tin enterprises of the far Еast South
In the article the results of researches directed on revealing of ecological risk sources are considered. Scientific bases of maintenance of ecological and social safety of mountain manufacture and the actions, allowing to lower risk of occurrence of crisis ecological situations at the mountain enterprise are developed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):81-88

Development and increase problems of life's quality in the republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of North-Kazakhstan region)
Key development problems of life's quality in the North Kazakhstan oblast are considered in the article. Demographical and social-economical values influencing and characterizing the ecological situation in the region are generalized. Using this, SWOT-analysis has been performed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):97-105

Pravila oformleniya statey,prednaznachennykh dlya opublikovaniya v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN. Seriya „Ekologiya i bezopasnost'zhiznedeyatel'nosti»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(4):106-107