No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 18
- URL:
The influence of biologically active agents on the reaction sympathetic adrenal system and dynamics of activity of different isoforms of no-synthase in pregnant wistar rats of hypoxia
The influence of dietary supplements namivit and superprotamin on the reaction sympathetic adrenal system, as well as on the activity of different isoforms of NOS in pregnant Wistar rats under the influence of acute hypobaric hypoxia. It was revealed that namivit significantly reduced the severity of stress-response reaction of the organism to hypoxia, whereas superprotamin caused no significant decrease significantly the content of catecholamines in the blood. It is shown that the introduction of rats studied drugs restored decreased from the onset of hypoxic stress activity of Ca2+-dependent NO-synthase and suppressed the induction of iNOS, thus increasing the body's resistance to the effects of hypoxia. This antihy effect namivit was expressed to a greater extent than superprotamin.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):5-11

. Expressiveness of deformation changes erythrocytes at blood flow calfs of a vegetative food
The work purpose - to estimate a condition deformation changes erythrocyte in early ontogenesis at healthy calfs of a vegetative food. At calfs of a vegetative food it is noticed necessary for the given stage ontogenesis high level of liquid properties of the blood, providing optimum degree perfusion an internal that substantially supports level of a metabolism necessary for an organism in fabrics, promoting the further growth and development of an animal.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):12-15

Flora of Dubna: preliminary list of the wild vascular plants
The information about the flora of Dubna (Moscow region) is given for the first time. The list of the wild vascular plants counts 587 species. Among them special attention deserves Nemophila menziesii, registered as the running wild plant for Moscow region the first time.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):22-29

Comparative analysis of incidence and the activity of functional systems population ecology contrast cities in Moscow region
In clause three independent groups of parameters on ecologically contrast regions are compared: a level of environmental contamination, desease of various age groups of the population and results of measurements of average elektricskinconductivity biologically active point (BAP) at representative sample of inhabitants of regions. It is estimated advantages and complicating factors of practical use of a parameter of average elektricskinconductivity BAP as integrated parameter human and ecological well-being of region.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):30-35

Fenotipichesky survival at cellular level of activity of areas nucleus organizing regions of aboriginals of Kursk region
Activity nucleus organizing regions in Kursk area has made 19,46 ± 0,13 c.u., D-ЯOР - 11,68 ± ± 0,09 y.e., G-ЯОР - 7,78 ± 0,07 y.e., thus in surveyed population small amount ЯОР with the sizes 0 and 4 c.u. is registered. Besides, activity communication nucleus organizing regions with intensity of synthesis of proteins of membranes erythrocyte at inhabitants of Kursk area has been investigated.
The greatest phenotypic the effect of activity nucleus organizing regions was showed in the quantitative maintenance of proteins spectrin and the squirrel of a strip 6.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):36-40

Peculiarities of external respiratory functioning in 17-22-year-old students living in adverse ecological conditions of Northern Kazakhstan
Respiratory function of 17-22-year old students living in adverse environmental conditions of Northern Kazakhstan was investigated. The study of external respiration was carried out according to the spirograph method using the hardware-in-the-loop complex Valenta. Physiological assessment of students' respiratory function was evaluated on the basis of the percentage correlation of actual rate to due value. It is found that a number of external respiration parameters differ from due value. Reliable drop of external respiration actual rate has been revealed that can be caused by the human organism adaptation to the complex of negative climatic and environmental factors of Northern Kazakhstan.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):41-47

Specificity of adaptation South-East Asia to conditions capital megapolis
The specificity of adaptation of foreign students to the conditions of the capital city. The studies were conducted with the participation of 310 of the countries of China and the Republic of Korea. Presents the results of questioning foreigner's students of preparatory and first-rate. The results of sex differences in the complex environmental factors. Revealed the ratio of foreign students to the level of physical fitness.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):48-51

Influence of substancies of biological nature in minute doses on tissue lymphatic drainage
Cleanliness per cellular spaces is provided with a condition tissue lymphatic drainage. Infringements tissue lymphatic drainage make key links pathogenesis diseases of a various etiology and define of their current and an outcompete.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):52-55

Ecological estimation of using ammonites in jewelry and interior goods
Mineral composition has been studied in details, estimation of radiational characteristics of ammonites using in jewelry and interior goods has been conducted. High contents of As and Ni exceeding the established norms are fixed in ammonites of pyritic composition. Ammonites of apatite-and-calcite composition are characterized by heightened specific radioactivity 226Ra and Aeff that may exceed the normative values according to Aeff. Uranium oxide and monazite containing radioactive elements have been determined by electronic-and-microscopic studies. We propose to work out normative documents that will allow to estimate permissible concentrations of toxic and radioactive substances in the jewelry and souvenir production.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):56-64

Bioassay rice from vietnam to device biolat
The results of toxicological evaluation of 10 samples of rice from different regions of Vietnam with different contamination of dioxin, its metabolites and using a variety of pesticides by the method of automated evaluation of bioassays for ciliates (device BioLaT) are given. Differented evaluation is obtained, fields with adverse environmental conditions are identified.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):65-71

The influence of the recreation on the issue CO2 from а soil surface at the forest ecosystems of the national park «Valdaiski»
The influence of recreational loading on allocation of саrbonic gas from а soil surface was investigated on the example of forest ecosystems of national park «Valdaiski». The authentic increase in respiration of soil in the conditions of а recreation in comparison with control constant points of the account was revealed statistically. Dependence of issue CO2 from а surface of soil from ecological factors is considered: temperature and humidity.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):72-77

Working out of the power information approach to the analysis of ekologo-economic systems
It is shown that the analysis of power indicators of development of the modern industrial production, being one of the most important characteristics of growth of economy, a standard of living and pernicious influence on surrounding environment, it is necessary to combine with the analysis of an information component of economic development. The power information approach defining interrelation of these parameters and necessity of their coordinated influence on functioning of ecologo-economic system is offered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):78-84

Effect of a radioactive waste of oil-producing complex on microbial community of gray forest soil
In the laboratory-scale experiment effects of the wastes containing oil components and elements of natural radioactive families U238, Th232 and K40, on a microbial biomass, soil respiration, metabolic quotient, dehydrogenase activity and number of bacteria of genus Azotobacter of gray forest soil is studied.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):85-96

Experience of students system mentality development in course of cognitive modeling
The article is dedicated to development of system mentality among students at the base of Ecological faculty of Peoples Friendship University of Russia. This methodological task is partly solved in course of Ecoinformatics, based on the methodology of cognitive modeling and analysis, developed by the group of scientists from the University. The article contains initial student's model and typical modeling mistakes which are clarified.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):97-102

Peculiarities of development of student-ecologists ' interest for intercultural communication in out-of-class activity
The questions of developing of students' practical skills in intercultural communication in out-of-class activity with English-speaking persons are dwelt upon in this article. The experience of intercommunication, its skills and habbits are more and more important nowadays. Specialists of any profile need solving professional and social problems, having such skills. So the process of forming of students' interest for intercultural communication during out-of-class work is very important in their future activity.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):103-105

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RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(4):113-115