No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Ernst Haeckel - the founder of the science of ecology
Translation from German on Russian 11th head, «Ecology and horology», from the book of German scientist Ernst Haeckel «General morphology of organisms» (1866) where ecology definition, as the sciences, reached practically without changes for the first time is made up to now is resulted.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):5-11

Fish associations of water biotopes in the jewish autonomous region middle Аmur area
The article reflects the results of ichthyologic studies in water biotopes in the Middle Amur area water biotopes. The work is devoted to the fish associations of typical water biotopes and the three criteria for ichthyologic biodiversity in the Amour river. The article presents the empiric data for the period from 2001 till 2008. It is the newest data of ichthyologic studies in this territory.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):12-21

Dynamics coagulation hemostasis at calves in a phase of a dairy- feed
In healthy calves during milk-vegetative feeding is the activation of the hemostatic, providing optimum rheology of blood needed for growth and development of the organism. Increased activity of the mechanisms of blood coagulation, and fibrinolysis protivosvertyvaniya helps the animal to adapt to the period of milk-vegetative feeding and provides training to a feed plant feed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):22-27

Special training of falconry as bio-repellents
For the effective use of falconry as bio-repellents to provide ornithological safety in various agricultural areas special methods of training are used different from that in typical falconry. Peculiarities of the keeping and the use of falconry as hunters in carrying out given work are shown in detail.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):28-32

The solution of a problem of regeneration of migration paths of fishes through dikes of tidal power stations
Value of migrations of fishes in their life and ecology is considered. The estimation of a current state of migratory ways both sea and river kinds of fishes is given. Ways the problem decision on restoration of migratory ways of fishes through dams of tidal power stations are planned. For these purposes the modernization variant a dropping fishes sluice with reference to tidal power station on the basis of a new way of use of hydraulic streams for restoration of migratory ways of fishes is offered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):33-41

The complex ecological valuation for the identification of failure in the environment
Article represented the zone of ecological risk as territorial units. Тhe article connected with beginnings the sickness as a result of the environment pollution. The complex ecological valuation of territory is given in terms of health the population
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):42-48

Modeling of biogas components flow and dispersion In the atmosphere from the territories of solid waste landfills
The article is devoted to modeling of flow and dispersion of biogas components as a result of solid waste degradation at the landfills of Vysokogorski region of the Republic of Tatarstan and Mytischi region of the Moscow region. The used program allows estimate fields of ground level concentrations at the landfills taking into account of climatic characteristics of studied regions. The modeling allows to analyze biogas components distribution near the sold waste landfills.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):49-52

The simbiosis nitrogen-fixation as a factor of ecological safety and soil's fertility
The possibility of simbiosis nitrogen-fixation's increasing by biopreparation treatment as a factor of ecological satety and soil's fertility has been studied. Endogenous hormones dynamics in beans treated with biopreparations albit and rhizotorphin has been traced back. The correlation between content of different phytohormones in vegetative organs of bean's plants and nitrogenasa activity has been revealed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):53-60

Immobilized heterogeneous biocatalysts for destruction of C-P-bond in the hydrolytic products of the organophosphorous chemical warfare agents
The mini-review is focused on the modern solutions of a problem of degradation of neutralization products of organophosphorous chemical warfare agents, based on application of immobilized cells of microorganisms, being highly effective heterogeneous biocatalysts, capable of providing the destruction of compounds with C-P bond: methylphosphonic acid and its ethers.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):61-66

Eco-physiological mechanisms age womans obesity: multiple correlation physiological parameter
In addressing global environmental issues relevant is the multidimensional evaluation system: biomedical, social, economic, moral. Singularity of environmental diseases is that they affect every individual, but only certain part of the population. These diseases are the result of violations of relations the organism and its habitat, and are manifested in the form of physical and mental defects. One of the leading problems of modernity is the progressive growth of obesity in the world. The Obesity beside woman's carries the system nature and touches many physiological functions, which possible unite on the grounds of correlation relationships in several main groups: increased pulmonary functions, age and triglycerides change, alimentary change and triglycerides increasing.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):74-79

Activity thrombocyte of functions at healthy children of preschool age
At healthy children of 3-6 years stably low functional activity тромбоцитов is revealed. Throughout considered age aggregation тромбоцитов at them tested not expressed tendency to strengthening that, probably, is connected with usile-niem their sensitivity and growth экзогенных influences. Optimum low activity thrombocyte causes not expressed aggregation with inductors and their combinations in the conditions approached to intravascular that provides necessary level of microcirculation of fabrics in an organism of the healthy child.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):80-84

Condition of disease of a diabetes in areas of Bryansk area with various degree of anthropogenous pollution
The analysis of disease is carried out by a diabetes of the population of the Bryansk area living in areas with various degree of technogenic pollution. The tendency to annual growth of the given disease is revealed. The raised disease of a diabetes is established.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):85-91

Influence of a medical complex from of fosinopril, pioglitason and non-medical correction on the vessel wall activity in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome who suffered from the occlusion of the eye vessels
The aim of this work is to investigate the possibilities of correction of the anticoagulative, fibrinolitical and antiaggregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome who suffered from the occlusion of eye vessels by using complex therapy including fosinopril, рioglitason and non-medical correction. It's in conditions of adverse ecology found out that in such patients this kind of therapy is able to correct a vessel wall antiagregational, fibrinolitical and anticoagulative activity after 4 months of therapy but not fully normalize it. The achieved results are not stable and have the tendention to deterioration during not full non-medic correction.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):92-99

Particularities of lifestyle of students of the north region
The results of research of features of the way of life and risk factors for student's health are reflected in work. In groups of the students who differ on the way of life, the comparative estimation of a functional condition of an organism with the help of Vejna A.M. Has been held out of 412 surveyed pupils only 21,25 ± 2,01% came into the group with healthy lifestyle.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):100-106

Application of soil and archaeological methods to estimate the anthropogenic load of the ancient settlement of staraya maina during the early middle ages (IV-XIII cent.)
In this research the occupation layer of the ancient settlement of Staraya Maina is considered by means of paleoecological methods as an indicator of man impact of the early Middle Ages (V-XIII century) on the investigated territory.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):107-111

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):112-114

Pravila oformleniya statey,prednaznachennykh dlya opublikovaniya v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN. Seriya „Ekologiya i bezopasnost'zhiznedeyatel'nosti»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2011;(1):115-116