No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 13
- URL:

Possibility to estimate trophic status of water body according to its permanganate oxidation value (by the example of the Vishtynetskoye lake, Kaliningrad region)
The article describes potential sources of organic matters in water of the Vishtynetskoye Lake; based on long-term data temporal fluctuations in easy oxidable organic matters (according to permanganate oxidation value) are analyzed from the point of view of possible changes in trophic status of the water body.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):12-22

Mineral nutrition and biological productivity of main forest forming species in Belarus in ontogenesis
Through a comprehensive physiological analysis of forest inventory data stands of Scots pine, Norway spruce, English oak and Downy birch Republic of Belarus, were obtained the quantitative data of net photosynthetic productivity, mineral and biological productivity and carbon sequestration in plants in ontogenesis at the organism level and the nature of the relationship between these parameters. The presented method of comprehensive analysis of forest inventory data can extend the range of research in ecology and physiology of trees.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):23-29

Some adaptive opportunities of the saiga of the european population
Some physiological indicators and adaptations of Saiga concerning their food are investigated; the review of literature on this problem is carried out. It is as a result suggested about high adaptive fodder possibility of Saiga. The assumption of other researchers that the pasture of agricultural animals improves fodder quality of vegetation for Saiga is confirmed, desertification doesn't influence negatively the number of Saiga, and the only reason of its decrease — increased extent of poaching.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):30-39

Influens megapolis on adaptive reaction of first year students
The article deals with the study of the influence of environmental factors and social conditions of a major metropolis on the adaptive nature of the reactions of students in the first year of study. Shown that young people who come from all over Russia and CIS, compared with the Muscovites have a higher percentage of unfavorable adaptation reactions.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):40-47

Social and psychological violence in groups with signs of the destructive cult: communicative and physiological aspects
In article it is presented the review of different theoretical approaches, to understanding of social and psychological violence with signs of totalitarian, destructive sects. The communicative and physiological aspects which are often met in practice of closed destructive sects are considered. Ideas of “consciousness control”, manipulation and psychological violence of the personality are affected. The important component of many described phenomena is impossible without social communication.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):48-54

Various coping-strategy of teachers depending on motivation level to innovative activity
Article is devoted to studying of various strategy of coping behavior of teachers depending on motivation level to innovative activity on the example of teachers of the higher school of the Republic of Byelorussia. On selection of 127 people during psycho diagnostics two groups are revealed: teachers with the high and low, average level of motivation to training to new innovative technologies of professional activity. Further testing (a questionnaire "The indicator of coping-strategy" CSI) showed various coping-strategy. So at teachers with high level of motivation to training to new innovative technologies strategy “solution of problems” often prevailed, and teachers with the low and average level of motivation to training to new innovative technologies strategy “avoiding” and strategy “search of social support” respectively often dominated.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):55-60

Ecologization of spring wheat protection from the disease through the using of physical methods presowing
The results of researches showed that presowing influence of spring wheat seeds by physical methods are the eco-friendly, the optimal of most studied indexes and on efficiency are not given up the using of biological and chemical preparations.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):61-67

Complex assessment of the soil of rice fields in Vietnam
The results of biological testing of soil samples, and Vietnamese rice infusoria Tetrahymena pyriformis using an automated device BioLaT and compare the results with the results of bioassay on daphnia and fitotesta, as well as the results of analyzes. A new method for extraction of fat-soluble compounds from the soil through the combined extractant consisting of acetone and bile solution in ethanol.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):68-75

Computer technologies application for the solution of the tasks of rocks fracturing investigation
As far as fracturing assessment is concerned the information completeness of the data is responsible both for the geoecological forecasts reliability and the engineering decisions implementation. Authors developed a new technique allowing to provide a computer assisted process of drawing charts for the assessment of rock fracturing and an filtration anisotropy. The detailed description and justification of this technique as well as examples of its application are provided.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):83-92

Access to environmental information. Role of Aarhus Convention
The article analyzes the existing legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of environmental protection and enforcement mechanisms of the legislation in this field, the role and mechanisms of the Aarhus Convention.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):93-99

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2013;(3):100-102