No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 20
- URL:
Productivity of photosynthesis and mineral nutrition of cordate linden at the organism level in ontogeny in the Middle Volga
As a result of complex physiological analysis of taxational tables Cordate of linden forest stands of the Middle Volga, was obtained the quantitative data of net efficiency of photosynthesis, the absorption of the root system and the biological productivity of plants in the ontogeny. Was set the nature of the functional relation between the absorption of mineral elements, the productivity of photosynthesis and biological productivity. The proposed method of analysis taxational data can serve as a theoretical basis for the management of production process.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):5-10

Anticoagulation and fibrinolytic activity of blood from healthy pigs vegetable nutrition
At the healthy pigs of a vegetative food who are growing up in ecological conditions of the central Russia increase of functional activity of anticoagulation and fibrinolysis with age takes place. High activity of systems of anticoagulation and fibrinolysis to blood in a phase of a vegetative food allows an animal is high-grade to adapt for existing living conditions and to be prepared for posterity reproduction.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):11-14

Causes of degredation and prospects for restoration of Mesopotemian marshlands ecosystem
The paper analyzes the main causes of degradation of Mesopotamian Marshlаnds. It is shown that the recovery of the marshland is possible through the combined efforts of several countries involved in the implementation of the UNEP International Plan of the territories rehabilitation, which was taken in 2003.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):15-24

Condition adaptable processes school population of the large industrial city
In article empirical data on psychophysical development of pupils of different age groups are presented. The description of an ecological condition of the districts of Moscow where studied sample of schoolboys lives and is trained. On the basis of the received results to be carried out the comparative assessment of adaptable processes of school students of areas of the capital different in a condition.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):25-32

Features of social and psychological adaptation nonresident students to conditions of the capital megalopolis
In article empirical results of scientific research of social and psychological criteria of adaptation of nonresident students of I and III courses of Ecological Faculty of PFUR at the age from 18—21 are presented. During research the way of life of students and extent of influence of social and economic, cultural factors and environment of the big city on a condition of higher education institution were studied. Dynamics of adaptable process of nonresident students of different regions is shown.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):33-37

Condition of adaptation process of the student to training in building university
In article it is considered aspects of psychological adaptation of students-building of specialities at the vocational training initial stage. Are shown with what psychological difficulties there are first-year students in building high school. The analysis of three groups of students of I course on degree of psychological adaptation to training conditions in high school is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):38-41

Composed components of the schooboys adaptation in the condition of a big city
In article the problem area of school education — difficulties of schoolboys’ adaptable processes is presented. The main manifestations and the reasons of a school desadaptation are given in elementary school in the conditions of ecology of the big city.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):42-46

The comparative analysis of cognitive development of schoolboys in various ecological conditions of the capital megalopolis influence of environment factors
Results of cognitive indicators of a sample schoolboys’ development of the districts of Moscow in a different ecological condition are given in article. The comparative analysis shows that in the district where the ecological state of environment is difficult and intense, functional systems and in particular indicators of memory sizes of schoolboys decreases.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):47-50

Experimental researches on the fulfilled zeolites recycling after water treating
In the given article the results of the researches on fulfilled zeolites recycling after potable water purifying are presented. Possibility of the processed zeolite application as a filler in a building solution is experimentally confirmed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):51-55

Experimental study of the energy and environmental efficiency of using the heat of phase transitions steam moisture of the wood in thermal-pump drying chambers
The article deals with one of the most energetically and ecologically effective technologies of wood drying. Special construction polystyrene wall blocks are used as frame fillings of experimental the drying chamber according to the technology “Plastbau”, known with its ability to improved heat-insulating properties. The results of the experimental study of the thermal regime show the high energy and ecological efficiency of this wood drying technology.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):56-62

The study of the morphological changes in the composition of solid waste in the city Ufa
The article is devoted to the study of the morphological structure of solid waste on the example of Ufa. The problem of solid waste (MSW) of large cities is now urgent. Only if there is reliable information on the number of accumulated waste can effectively manage solid waste management system.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):63-69

Ways of improvement of the waste management system in the republic of Ivory Coast
This article compares the modern three-component system of waste management: minimization, sorting, and recycling of waste in different countries and in the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire. Then it proposes ways to improve waste management system in the country by implementing measures that address the specific areas to achieve an optimal level solution of the problem of waste in this place where the tropical climate and the growth of the population raises ecology to the one of the most important
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):70-75

Comparative assessment of air pollution of the two industrial cities of Primorsky krai — Ussuriysk and Spassk-Dalny
A comparison of air pollution in industrial cities — Ussuriysk and Spassk-Dalny. It is shown that the predominant pollutant in Ussuriysk is CO, in Spassk — particulate matter. A distinction is also prevalence of specific pollutants: Ussuriysk — are products of the combustion of fossil fuels and minerals, hydrocarbons, including VOCs, Spassk — polyelement dust components — including heavy metals. The total amount of air pollutants falling per capita in recent years, Spassk more than three times Ussuriysk.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):76-81

Stability analysis of natural and techno-gene landscape Black sea coast of Russia to showers to extreme intensity (illustrated shower 6—7.07.2012 g.)
Catastrophic rain 6—7. 07.2012, in the Krasnodar region has led to significant changes in the natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes of the area. The restoration of mountain-forest landscapes have already possible within 2 years, the anthropogenic-transformed landscapes traces of catastrophic rain may be evident long period in the coastal landscapes of the full wave processing of avalanche-landslide masses occur in 5—10 years.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):82-92

The functions of cracks in the summer on soils of steppe zone Kazakhstan
The functions of soil cracks which influence on dynamics of temperature, moisture and other modes of heavy loamy and light clayey development soils of steppe zone Kazakhstan in summer are described in work. The detailed circuit of movement of various streams of energy and substance on a crack and between cracks spaces of ground is created.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):93-97

In vitro methods for the assessment of the oral bioaccessibility of selected metals and metalloids in soils: a review
The article describes the laboratory methods for evaluating the oral bioaccessibility of metals and metalloids from contaminated soils (in vitro tests). These methods are based on the physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of humans. A comparison of ten methods. Methods PBET and SBET described in detail.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):98-104

Principles of forming long-run forecast of industrial injuries state
Principles of forming long-run forecast of industrial injuries state are suggested. They are based on the model which takes into account changes of economic activities distribution of workers and peer reviews of trends of safety-critical factors.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):105-113

Living and demographic situation in Costa Rica and Latin America
The analysis of the demographic indicators of social and economic conditions in Costa Rica: life expectancy, maternal and child mortality and net population. According to these indicators, it is an average position in Latin America.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):114-123

International conference «Stockholm+40 — partnership forum for sustainable development»: Major outcomes and decisions
An international forum in Stockholm in late April 2012 was devoted to the 40th anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Human Environment, held in the capital of Sweden in 1972. The article presents an overview of the main discussed topics and activities of the forum as well as major outcomes and decisions that had made an invaluable contribution to the development of the final declaration of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):124-132

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2012;(4):133-136