No 4 (2014)


Population status of Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. and Platanthera chlorantha (cust.) Reichenb (Orchidaceae) in the Smolensk Lakeland National Park

Vilyaeva N.A.


There are two rare orchids Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. and Platanthera chlorantha (Cust.) Reichenb. in the Smolensk Lakeland National Park . The main goal of our study was assessment of populations’ status and survival trends. We described habitat conditions, population size dynamics and ontogenetic structure dynamics. P. bifolia populations have large quantity, complete age structure and survival trend is stable. P. chlorantha has only one population, that is sustainable, but has low number of plants and needs monitoring and protection.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The dynamics of the demographic structure of Phrynocephalus guttatus guttatus population in Astrakhan semi-deserts

Polynova G.V., Bazshinova A.V., Polynova O.E.


The spring settlement of Phrynocephalus guttatus guttatus Gmel. reliably splits into several age groups: 1-2 group of young, 3-4 groups of females and 2- 4 group of males. Senior group of young and two younger groups of mature individuals are aged for about a year and most likely belong to different clutches of eggs of the previous season. The overall ratio sex groups is close to unity, but that in the group of individuals of the first clutch of the year, as a rule, is dominated by females, and from the second - by males. Two older groups of mature animals have age not less than 2 years. The largest and oldest age group includes mostly females. Almost complete replacement of the population in this species most likely occurs in two years.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):11-24
pages 11-24 views

Natural and climatic factors such as natural stimulants interstitial humoral transport

Charikov Y.N.


Promoted analysis of the physical effects on the body that make up the basic medical climatic factors. Assessed the effects of physical factors on the various systems of the body, either directly or indirectly involved in the humoral regulation of adaptive responses. Competent doctor can directionally form a fairly broad range of impacts on the regulatory mechanisms of the body to produce the desired result, subtly manipulating rich arsenal and capabilities climatotherapeutic procedures. A different combination of climatic processes is the basis of many resort treatments including system endoecological rehabilitation Levin under resorts.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Toxocariasis: epedimiological situation in Russia

Erofeeva V.V., Puhlyanko V.P.


The article summarizes the epidemiological situation of toxocariasis in Russia, transplacental transmission larvotsist newborn and infection definitive hosts Toxocara canis. Data on soil contamination toxocara eggs were analyzed. We found out an unusual localization of mature females T. canis lightweight in dog's lungs. Canidae form natural synanthropic focus, which worsen the epizootological situation with toxocariasis in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):31-35
pages 31-35 views

To the question about the effectiveness of the correction of remote consequences of violation of health in affected in emergency situations of women and their offspring

Tataritntseva R.Y., Omelchuk N.N., Lebedeva E.Y., Apriamashvili G.G., Zlatinskya G.R.


Under the influence of factors of emergency situations on a woman to happen, both physical and psychological disorders. In this case hurts not only female body, but also suffers from the offspring of the woman. Therefore, the study of consequences of extreme situations on the health of women and their offspring is of interest not only for the rescuers involved in liquidation of consequences of emergency situations, but also for clinical medicine, pedagogic rehabilitation, as well as for psychology and social workers. The urgency of the problem of damage, first of all, is that the long-term consequences of their heavy and unknown until the end. Our research is devoted to the study of the impact of female organism of pathological factors associated with damage in emergency situations, identification of remote consequences, with subsequent correction of the revealed violations.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Analysis of the basic functions of student’s miocard bioelectric activity during the educational process

Fedorov V.N.


The basic functions of myocard bioelectrical activity in 308 students of 17-20 years of age were studied by means of electrocardiography during the educational process. The research was carried out with medical diagnostic system “Valenta R”. Recording of 12-lead ECG was made. The study showed that time and amplitude ECG indices change significantly depending on the age and sex of the subjects. It was found out that educational activity has arousal influence on the incidence of cardiac rhythm shift, asequence of activation (partial right bundle branch block), repolarization process abnormalities and inversion of electric axis deviation.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):44-52
pages 44-52 views

The integrated development features of children living in zones of ecological trouble

Shibkova D.Z., Semenova M.V., Shibkov A.A.


Intense anthropogenic pollution remains is a serious problem of many industrial cities in industrialized countries, in connection with theincreasing information on the deterioration of the health status of the population, especially children's population. The article describes the problem of staying in environmentally disadvantaged areas of the Russian Federation, and itsimpact on the health and development of the children of school age. In conclusion, it is noted that for preserving the health of school-aged children in an environment with high anthropogenic pressures are especially significant thedevelopmentofsocial-hygienic monitoring on the basis of the system approach, thedevelopmentofprenosological diagnostics and physiologically adequate organization of the educational environment.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):53-62
pages 53-62 views

Features of adaptation, psychological and functional state of the human in the north

Bagnetova E.A.


The analysis of literature data on the problems of Human Adaptation to the conditions of the northern region. Shows that the body of the northerners had to adapt to the simultaneous effects of climatic and environmental factors, the impact of which is summed up, adding to the tension of all functional systems of organism.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):63-69
pages 63-69 views

Formation of small rivers hydrological features under the physiographic conditions of the Kaliningrad region by the example of the Prokhladnaya river

Nagornova N.N., Bernikova T.A., Tsoupikova N.A.


The article represents results of integrated hydroecological monitoring of the Prokhladnaya River carried out by the team of the Department for Ichthyology and Ecology of Kaliningrad State Technical University for the period from 1998 to 2010. Hydrological features of the water object are characterized considering natural conditions and anthropogenicpollution. Hydrometrical characteristics and water content of the river is described.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):70-79
pages 70-79 views

Environmental problems of sustainable development of Ivory Coast

Kamagate S.A., Makarova M.G.


Process of development of Ivory Coast as all countries of Africa is based on the exploitation of natural resources. But this economic development pattern leads to the destruction of the environment. To solve this problem at the end of the twentieth century there was a key concept of modern ecology: the concept of sustainable development. Every country in the framework of this concept defines its development strategy to preserve its natural wealth, to ensure reduction of social disparities without damaging the environment. The article analyzes the major environmental problems Ivory Coast and the main directions of the concept of sustainable development.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Ecological foundations of international fresh water resources market formation

Suzdaleva A.L., Goryunova S.V.


The need for fresh water resources market formation is due to uneven distribution of these resources between states and their acute shortages in some regions. The problem of fresh water deficit can be solved only by its inter-basin transfer. The implementation of such projects is imminent and inevitably accompanied by large-scale negative impacts on the environment. Authors propose a new ecologically oriented concept for the development of water market (systematic trans-water concept). Practical implementation of the concept is regarded as one of the main objectives of modern globalistics and opens new possibilities for solving other pressing problems in this area.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):85-98
pages 85-98 views

Integrated assessment of drinking water quality of water supply systems

Mikhaylichenko K.Y., Korshunova A.Y., Kurbatova A.I.


Nowadays problems of water quality continue to be one of the priority and difficult directions of scientific researches in hygiene and ecology fields. In this article authors carry out an integrated assessment of drinking water of water supply systems in Selyatino settlement in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region on chemical harmlessness indicators. There was revealed the excess of risk levels for population health at peroral intake of drinking water for all wells providing water supply of the settlement.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):99-106
pages 99-106 views

Processing solutions with violet dye

Rogov V.M., Nester A.A., Mysliborskiy V.V.


The paper is devoted to research waste water solutions, solutions from galvanic workshops. The model solution made in distilled water and also in real waste made by similar scheme has been used for research. Investigations were carried out under different conditions possible in the actual production of printed circuit boards and aimed at reducing the harmful effects on the environment.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):107-110
pages 107-110 views

Assessment of air pollution from closed-cycle gas turbine plant

Ukhanov D.M., Polovykh S.O., Yurchenko S.I., Zvolinski V.P.


The paper presents the results of the calculation of air pollution from closed-cycle gas turbine plant (CCGT plant) “Tereshkovo” for basic conditions: peak; regular winter, summer, emergency taking into account the high-rise buildings. Dispersion calculations showed that the concentrations of pollutants at the border of SPZ and residential buildings will not exceed sanitary standards of air quality. On the basis of calculation found that surface concentrations of pollutants do not exceed the standards (MАC) of air cleanliness in the area of residential development; this determines the admissibility of the object in the vicinity of natural complexes and have shown the possibility of reduce the size of SPZ to the border with the construction of a school (up to 200 m in the south- east direction) and to the border of the residential development (up to 280 m in the southern direction)
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):111-119
pages 111-119 views

Ecological assessment of Volgograd reservoir of characteristic of higher aquatic vegetation and phytoplankton

Novikov V.V., Karabskay A.S., Kochetkova A.I., Ivantcova E.A., Zvolinski V.P.


There are given the results of expedition research of eutrophication and pollution of ecosystem of Volgograd reservoir with heavy metals according to the study of phytoplankton and Potamogeton perfoliatus as an example higher aquatic vegetation in 2007, July in the article.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):120-132
pages 120-132 views

Some possible approches to solution of problems arising from teaching natural sciences to the students of ecological specialities in technical institutions for higher education under conditions of modern information environment

Bernikova T.A., Tsoupikova N.A.


The article describes some problems arising from teaching natural sciences to the students of ecological specialities in technical institutions for higher education within the last years by the example of the Department for Ichthyology and Ecology of Kaliningrad State Technical University. Possible approaches to solution these problems are offered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):133-140
pages 133-140 views

Free search of equivalent sin translation of environmental terms with allowance for the resemantization

Zhabo N.I.


To find an equivalent in translation considering the process of the replacement of the content of a linguistic sign by a new meaning, specially created to nominate concepts in ecology (process of resemantization) search techniques are considered. We analyze the use of environmental terms of the French language in a figurative sense.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):141-149
pages 141-149 views

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RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2014;(4):150-153
pages 150-153 views

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