Teaching Arab schoolchildren Russian etiquette formulas: linguistic and culturological aspect

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Teaching Russian as a foreign language is aimed at the formation of students’ communicative competence. Speech etiquette with its formulas as culture-intensive language units is one of the components of communicative competence. Therefore, teaching speech etiquette is to consider linguistic-cultural aspect. It is important to show students how the linguistic cultures of the studied and the native language interact. The aim of the study is to present a set of exercises for teaching Russian speech etiquette to Arabic-speaking schoolchildren in the linguistic-cultural aspect at the initial stage of learning Russian as a foreign language. The main methods of this study are theoretical analysis, methodological design, and scientific and methodological generalization. The study involved Lebanese schoolchildren aged 15 and older who studied Russian at the initial stage at the Open Education Center of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the Lebanese Republic (Anab) in 2024. In the study, the features of the linguistic-cultural aspect were revealed, such as elements of cultural and etymological commentary, comparison of linguistic and extra-linguistic realities of the native and studied languages, correlation of etiquette formulas in Russian and native languages. The scientific novelty of the article is the proposed system of exercises considering dialogue etiquette phases (greeting, gratitude, address and saying good-bye) and the linguistic-cultural features of these formulas in Russian and Arabic. The linguistic-cultural aspect of etiquette formulas at the first stage of language learning is an important motivating factor.

About the authors

Olga N. Levushkina

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: on.levushkina@mpgu.su
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8830-0969
SPIN-code: 8090-9150

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian at the Institute of Philology

1/1 Malaya Pirogovskaya St, Moscow, 119435, Russian Federation

Elena G. Chernysheva

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Email: eg.chernysheva@mpgu.su
SPIN-code: 9287-7240
Doctor of Philology, Director of the Institute of Philology, Head of the Department of Classical Russian Literature at the Institute of Philology 1/1 Malaya Pirogovskaya St, Moscow, 119435, Russian Federation

Vladislav D. Yanchenko

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Email: vd.yanchenko@mpgu.su
SPIN-code: 9281-8397
Scopus Author ID: 57194553591
ResearcherId: JRX-1452-2023

Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language, Institute of Philology

1/1 Malaya Pirogovskaya St, Moscow, 119435, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2024 Levushkina O.N., Chernysheva E.G., Yanchenko V.D.

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