Russian Language Studies

Editor-in-Chief: Viktor M. Shaklein, Doctor of Philology, Professor.

ISSN: 2618-8163 (Print) ISSN: 2618-8171 (Online)  

Founded in 2003. Publication frequency: quarterly. 

Open Access: Open Access.   APC: no article processing charge.

Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English

PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)

Official registered name in English: Russian Language Studies. See the Journal History to get information on previous journal titles.

Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, Scopus, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, East View, Cyberleninka, Dimensions, DOAJ, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library


The journal “Russian Language Studies” is specialized in actual problems of the Russian language and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign, non-native, and native language under the conditions of Russian, closely related and unrelated linguistic environment.

The journal presents a platform for Russian and foreign scientists, reflects not only linguistic, but also cultural, historical, social aspects of learning and teaching Russian.

The mission of the journal is to give the opportunity to specialists in Russian philology from different countries and regions to objectively inform international scientific community about modern research in the Russian language, its functioning in the multipolar world and to draw the scientific attention to these problems.

The aim of the journal is to create  scientific, research, educational and information space for presenting the achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in Russian language studies and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The targets of the journal are:

  1. Delivering the achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in Russian language studies, publishing the results of scientific centres in developing and keeping the Russian language in the multipolar world;
  2. Characterizing theoretical papers on Russian language functioning in Russia and abroad;
  3. Pointing out the problems in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign, non-native, and native language;
  4. Analyzing modern trends in Russian language teaching at school and university;
  5. Reflecting problems of learning and teaching Russian as a foreign language and keeping the Russian language in diasporas;
  6. Problems of developing Russian as a language of science;
  7. Presenting Russian national policy in the Russian language and methods of its teaching;
  8. Demonstrating media-didactic and electronic means of teaching Russian.

Next issues of the journal are planned as thematic ones and are devoted to the most actual problems of Russian language studies. Thematic issues are announced at the journal site.

The journal publishes scientific articles (theoretical, academic and research, methodical), review articles, book reviews, annotations, scientific reports about Russian and foreign scientists. 

The journal publishes only original articles that have not been published before. Self-plagiarism is not allowed. 

The journal has an international status proved by the editorial board and reviewers including outstanding scientists from Russia, the United States, Belarus, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain.

The journal is published every three months with 4 issues a year.

Electronic versions of issues of the journal are available on the site in the open access. Readers can subscribe to the print versions in post-offices of the Russian Federation. The index of the journal in subscription edition catalogue “Rospechat” is 36433.



Dear colleagues,

Posted: 15.06.2021

Please use APA style in References. You can find the specific rules of formatting references in a special section «Formatting a Reference List». We kindly ask you to follow the rules of formatting references.

Dear authors!

Posted: 23.12.2020
We are planning to devote one of our issues of 2021 to the topic «The Russian language in the world wide web».
Paper submission deadline: February, 1, 2021.

Dear readers,

Posted: 04.12.2020

An important event occurred in the life of our journal.After the expert evaluation "Russian Language Studies" is included in the international database SCOPUS. Scopus is expected to reflect the journal's content (starting with the articles from the 2019 issues) in 2021.

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Current Issue

Vol 22, No 2 (2024)

Cultural Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects

The concept of creating a nationally oriented linguistic and country studies educational dictionary for Vietnamese citizens
Mamontov A.S., Boguslavskaya V.V., Ratnikova A.G.

The relevance of the research is in the necessity to solve the problems of providing citizens of friendly countries with the means of teaching Russian language, corresponding to modern educational standards, and ensuring knowledge acquisition for successful intercultural communication. Such a tool is the nationally oriented linguistic and country studies learner’s dictionary (NOLCSLD) for Vietnamese citizens learning Russian. The aim of the study is to develop the concept of NOLCSLD, considering the specifics of the addressee's native culture. The bifunctional Dictionary, on the one hand, explains the cultural semantics of nominative units of the Russian language in relation to their equivalents in Vietnamese linguistic culture, and on the other hand, includes a certain set of precedent units reflecting the peculiarities of the Russian linguistic culture, contributes to the formation of cross-cultural communication. The material was obtained in the experiment and includes proverbs, sayings, winged expressions, quotations from prose and poetry, movies, and cartoons. There were 655 units in total. The respondents were 60 students of 2-4 courses and 15 teachers of the Philological Faculty of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. The research methods were empirical survey in its pilot version, generalization, systematization, structuring; descriptive and comparative methods. The research confirmed that the consciousness of a Russian linguistic culture representatives contains a certain number of precedent units - a part of their “cognitive base”. The units are characterized by nationalcultural meaning, identifying “password function” in the line “own - foreign” and participation in speech generation. There were 82 relevant units. Thus, the conducted research confirmed the necessity of including the article material into the structure of the future NOLCSLD for Vietnamese students studying Russian in Vietnam.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):157-170
pages 157-170 views
Innovative methods of linguisticculturological representation of Russian phraseological units in the dictionary for foreign students
Nikitina T.G., Rogaleva E.I.

The study presents the author’s concept of optimizing the linguisticculturological aspect of the lexicographic representation of Russian phraseological units to foreign students. The relevance of the research is due to the linguistic-cultural value of Russian phraseology and the need to improve the techniques of its description in educational dictionaries. The aim of the study is to develop and implement effective methods of increasing the linguisticculturological value of a phraseographic text intended for a foreign student. Textbooks on the Russian language, academic and educational phraseological dictionaries, etymological dictionaries were used as the research material. The material selected for our own phraseographic projects was studied using methods of linguistic-culturological, historical and etymological analysis. At the stage of constructing a lexicographic text, the method of discursive linguisticcultural commenting of phraseological units was used. It is revealed that the linguisticculturological potential of traditional phraseographic sources - the educational etymological and the practical dictionary can significantly increase due to the use of interactive techniques for organizing the text of etymological paraphrase, including creative and analytical tasks that expand the linguistic-cultural horizons of the reader. The types of contextual illustrations that can increase the linguistic-culturological saturation of the traditional educational phraseological dictionary are determined. An innovative linguistic-culturological parameter of the bilingual educational dictionary is the comparative interpretation of images of correlative phraseological units of two languages. The new types of linguistic-culturological phraseographic sources include discursive etymological dictionaries, plot dictionaries in entertaining stories and travelogue dictionaries. All the developed innovative lexicographic techniques are implemented in the dictionaries of the Experimental Lexicographic Laboratory of Pskov University. Examples of relevant dictionary entries are provided.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):171-189
pages 171-189 views
The phenomenon of Russian quotation: to the problem of methodological research
Yadrovskaya E.R., Dunev A.I.

The subject of the study is a Russian quotation from a literary text as part of the intertextual thesaurus of modern youth. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of research on the methodological potential of Russian quotation - a significant part of the national cultural code - in modern educational discourse. The aim of the study is to substantiate the methodological potential of the quotation and to determine the tasks for developing an intertextual thesaurus for Russian schoolchildren studying the Russian language and literature. The material for the study included: 1) interpretations and definitions from explanatory and terminological dictionaries and reference books; 2) monographs, dissertations and articles, Federal educational program, and lesson notes; 3) the results of a survey among students of the Faculty of Philology of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, high school students, students of the State Institution of Extended Education Center “Intellect” for gifted schoolchildren from Leningrad region (414 respondents in total). Research methods were: 1) content analysis; 2) comprehensive and comparative analysis of scientific works; 3) pilot survey. As a result of a content analysis of the definition of “quotation”, the key characteristics of a quotation were highlighted and a definition of this concept in the educational and methodological aspect was given. Based on a comprehensive and comparative analysis of scientific articles and dissertations written over the past 20 years, the aspects of the study of quotations in various fields of humanities were identified. The analysis of the Federal programs on Russian language and literature for basic and general education and teachers’ notes showed that the educational, including nourishing potential of quotations, is not sufficiently used in the process of linguistic and literary development of schoolchildren. The pilot survey revealed that students have an insufficient level of knowledge and understanding of quotations from the school curriculum. The key idea of the study is the need to create a methodological system of working with quotations for developing a linguistic personality aware of the national verbal cultural code. The study defines the tasks relevant for an integral system of work and outlines further prospects for studying the problem.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):190-207
pages 190-207 views

Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies

Strategies of comprehending motivated Russian vocabulary by monolingual and bilingual children of Northern Kazakhstan: an experimental study
Zhakupova A.D., Anichshenko O.A., Temirova Z.G.

The research presents the experimental study of children’s speech in the aspect of lexical theory of motivation. It considers the strategies of comprehending Russian motivated vocabulary by 5-10-year-old monolinguals and bilinguals from Northern Kazakhstan. The relevance is due to the necessity to study children’s motivational language awareness (their ability to find connections between sound form and meaning) essential for developing child’s linguistic-cognitive thinking, efficient communication. The research aims at identifying and describing strategies of comprehending Russian vocabulary by monolingual and bilingual children using psycholinguistic experimental findings, and at analyzing the strategies taking into account children’s age and proficiency in one or two languages (Russian / Russian and Kazakh). The research material comprises 1440 children’s meta-statements or verbal reactions regarding their awareness about the word motivation. During the experiment, psycholinguistic, descriptive, and comparative-motivological methods were used. As a result, 12 strategies were described reflecting peculiarities of children’s comprehension and interpretation of motivated words. Common and specific features in implementing strategies by respondents were also identified. The generality is proved, which consists in the fact that meta-statements of monolingual and bilingual children aged 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 years are remarkable for the dynamics in motivational language-awareness development, as evidenced by the frequency of using language-oriented strategies (strategies 1, 2, 3). The difference is that 1) when comprehending Russian words, monolinguals gave more productive answers; their strategies were less diverse, and their meta-statements had a tendency towards one correct answer; 2) Russian-Kazakh bilinguals used various comprehension strategies, read the internal form of the Russian word less accurately, focused attention on individual segments of the word, mixed lexical units with similar sound forms in two languages, and created occasional word meanings. The obtained data can be useful for further studies of children’s speech and teaching Russian in monolingual and bilingual environment.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):208-224
pages 208-224 views
Russian terminology of the digital society: grammatical features in the focus of neology and neography
Marinova E.V.

The relevance of the research is in the need of observation and analysis of new phenomena in the Russian language, as well as the representation of grammatical information in terminological dictionary that contains nominations of the new subject area. The aim of the study is to identify the grammatical features of the Digital Society terminology in the Russian language of the XXI century. The research material consists of over 500 terms identified with a continuous sampling from official documents and news on the website of the Ministry of Digitalization of the Russian Federation and from media and scientific texts. The research method of empirical material is based on the traditional comprehensive analysis of a new linguistic unit: semantic, morphological, syntactic, word-formation. To confirm the variation of some terms, the author conducted a poll, and a survey of social networks and other new media with the help of parsing. Summarizing the results, the author follows the idea of linguocognitive correlation of linguistic phenomena and changes. The study revealed the terms used mostly in the plural form, so this form became the initial one; new cases and types of grammatical variation of terms in relation to the category of animate/inanimate ( otklyuchit' golosovogo pomoshchnika/golosovoi pomoshchnik ) are described; the causes and types of formal variation of compound terms ( neironnaya set’ - neiroset’ ) are described. The results of the research prove that it is advisable to reflect the grammatical features of a term in lexicographic description of forming terminology at its early stage. The prospects of the study are seen in research of the Digital Society terminology from the point of view of wordformation features and their connection with the grammatical and semantic characteristics of terms, as well as in studying the influence of the “graphics factor” (writing the term in Latin) on the grammatical “behavior” of the term.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):225-241
pages 225-241 views

Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native, Non-Native, Foreign Language

Russian lessons for foreigners: tools of artificial intelligence or the art of technology?
Dziuba E.V.

The relevance of the research lies in the necessity of including new technologies (in particular, generative artificial intelligence) in the process of language education in order to adapt students and teachers to new conditions of the information environment, to master new skills and abilities, to improve the quality of education. The highly productive value of generative artificial intelligence for teaching Russian as a foreign language at the level of professional education in higher education is emphasised. The aim of the research is to reveal the learning potential of generative artificial intelligence, which is achieved by applying the following methods: modelling of the learning process with the use of generative artificial intelligence; observation; generalisation of experience and forecasting of students’ achievements with regard to the development of linguistic and communicative competence, as well as flexible skills in academic and subsequent professional activities; linguodidactic analysis; descriptive method. The materials of the work have a pronounced practice-oriented character, as they represent a set of tasks and exercises, composed (performed) with the use of systems based on generative artificial intelligence (Gemini (Bard), Kandinsky, GPTchat (OpenAI), Perplexity, Shedevrum). The tasks are aimed at developing linguistic, communicative, professional, ICT-competences, as well as cognitive (analytical, generative and other) and creative abilities, and other flexible skills (Soft Skills) relevant for academic and further professional activities in the language being learnt (here - Russian as a foreign language). The limitations of generative artificial intelligence in terms of understanding the nuances of linguistic-cultural, social, emotional-psychological, stylistic context, which determines the role of the teacher in the learning process, are noted. We emphasise not so much mentoring, but rather cooperative-activity functions of the teacher, who simultaneously learns together with his students by accessing a resource that is gigantic in terms of information volume and technological capabilities, and directs, supervises, and corrects the activity of generative artificial intelligence and students. The prospects of the research are outlined, which imply the expansion of generative artificial intelligence technology possibilities in language education.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):242-261
pages 242-261 views
Formation of self-regulated learning skills using blended learning when teaching Russian as a foreign language
Zavjalova O.S., Phan N.S.

The relevance of the study is determined by new tasks in the field of organizing students’ self-regulated learning in the course of Russian as a foreign language under the conditions when the amount of self-regulated work with the mandatory e-learning is growing significantly (due to reduced class hours). New tasks are brought to life, first of all, by the qualitative changes of modern students, whose activities are almost entirely mediated by information and communication technologies. The aim of the study is to characterize the features of autonomy, the specifics of modern students’ activity and further to propose a methodology for organizing their self-regulated learning in the course of Russian as a foreign language, taking into account the new realities in education. Analytical, descriptive and empirical methods, methods of observation and interpretation are used. The material is the works of Russian psychologists, who consider the problems in formulating the objectives of the study, as well as the practice of teaching Russian to foreign second-year students of RUDN University Bachelor’s program (specialty “Psychology”). Basing on the works of the representatives of the cultural-historical psychology, the objective challenges of modern students who have to act independently are analyzed. To overcome the identified challenges, a methodology has been developed that allows students to form the skills of self-regulated learning using blended learning. This technique is based on the law of formation of higher forms of behavior, according to which internal behavior necessarily passes through the external stage of development. Accordingly, the formation of self-regulated learning skills involves two stages. The first stage is carried out within the classroom; at this stage, the student’s activity is directed by the teacher. At the second stage, in the course of e-learning, the student, being at a distance from the teacher, begins to learn to manage his own activity. The practical implementation of the proposed methodology for forming self-regulated learning skills in Russian as a foreign language is demonstrated. It seems promising to use the described methodology, which takes into account the psychological characteristics of modern students, to streamline the system of blended learning of Russian as a foreign language and increase its effectiveness.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):262-275
pages 262-275 views
Teaching Russian vocabulary on the base of the educationalmethodical complex “New Souvenir 1” in Tanzania
Mikova S.S., Kataeva I.V., Ndyay M.

The relevance of the study is in the need to find effective forms of work with lexical units in teaching foreign languages under the conditions of the changing educational environment. The system of teaching vocabulary in the educational-methodical complex “New Souvenir 1” oriented at adult learners (level A1-A2) is characterized. The specificity of this complex consists in the variability of presenting teaching material: paper version (textbook, workbook, guidebook) and online version for distance lessons. The aim of the study is to describe the methodology of working with vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language classes, which is equally effective for face-to-face and online lessons in groups of adult Tanzanian learners. The methods of analysis, systematization, description, generalization, and experiment were applied. The materials of the study were paper versions of the Russian Souvenir series and its revised, updated and improved analog of 2024, called New Souvenir 1 . The described system was tested in groups of adult English-speaking learners during intensive Russian language courses in Tanzania (2023, 4 groups of 10 people). The experiment revealed that classes with the use of the “New Souvenir 1” teaching method can be effective both in distance and face-toface learning; learning new words in class helps learners to memorize new vocabulary and facilitates in homework, high repetition of the learned vocabulary and its minimization contributes to the assimilation of the learned lexical material. At the end of the course, the students successfully completed the final test, which checked not only the learned vocabulary, but also its use in speech activity (speaking, writing, reading, listening). The authors proved that the system of work with lexical material in the educational-methodical complex “New Souvenir 1” contributes to the effective learning of vocabulary in the course of Russian as a foreign language in groups of English-speaking (Tanzanian) students.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):276-299
pages 276-299 views
Artificial intelligence in teaching Russian as a foreign language
Sysoyev P.V., Filatov E.M.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and AI-tools created on their basis are dynamically integrated into education, including teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL). The aim of this study is to systematically describe AI-tools as innovative tools for teaching RFL, as well as subjects of the learning process in the triad “learner - artificial intelligence - teacher”, and to determine their language didactic potential. The research materials include academic articles on the methods of teaching foreign languages and RFL published in academic journals. The practical material in the study was the most widespread and available for a wide range of students AI-tools: chatbots and voice assistants, corpus technologies, ChatGPT. The authors used theoretical (analysis, classification, synthesis, generalization) and practical (observations) research methods. The results allowed authors to formulate the language didactic potential of AI tools, allowing students of RFL: on the basis of language practice with AI, to continue studying aspects of the Russian language, to develop speech activity, to study the culture of Russia and its regions; to participate in foreign speech communication out of class; to get the opportunity to practice with authentic language material; to develop cooperative learning skills when participating in project activities on the basis of distance learning technologies; to develop learners’ autonomy skills in learning Russian.

Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):300-317
pages 300-317 views

Book Reviews

Book review: Meyerhoff, M. (2018). Introducing sociolinguistics (3rd edition). New York: Routledge. 400 p.
Aliakbari M., Belali J.


Russian Language Studies. 2024;22(2):318-325
pages 318-325 views

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