Innovative methods of linguisticculturological representation of Russian phraseological units in the dictionary for foreign students


The study presents the author’s concept of optimizing the linguisticculturological aspect of the lexicographic representation of Russian phraseological units to foreign students. The relevance of the research is due to the linguistic-cultural value of Russian phraseology and the need to improve the techniques of its description in educational dictionaries. The aim of the study is to develop and implement effective methods of increasing the linguisticculturological value of a phraseographic text intended for a foreign student. Textbooks on the Russian language, academic and educational phraseological dictionaries, etymological dictionaries were used as the research material. The material selected for our own phraseographic projects was studied using methods of linguistic-culturological, historical and etymological analysis. At the stage of constructing a lexicographic text, the method of discursive linguisticcultural commenting of phraseological units was used. It is revealed that the linguisticculturological potential of traditional phraseographic sources - the educational etymological and the practical dictionary can significantly increase due to the use of interactive techniques for organizing the text of etymological paraphrase, including creative and analytical tasks that expand the linguistic-cultural horizons of the reader. The types of contextual illustrations that can increase the linguistic-culturological saturation of the traditional educational phraseological dictionary are determined. An innovative linguistic-culturological parameter of the bilingual educational dictionary is the comparative interpretation of images of correlative phraseological units of two languages. The new types of linguistic-culturological phraseographic sources include discursive etymological dictionaries, plot dictionaries in entertaining stories and travelogue dictionaries. All the developed innovative lexicographic techniques are implemented in the dictionaries of the Experimental Lexicographic Laboratory of Pskov University. Examples of relevant dictionary entries are provided.

About the authors

Tatiana G. Nikitina

Pskov State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9006-9738
SPIN-code: 6074-6500
Scopus Author ID: 57202860629
ResearcherId: AAG-8143-2019

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Educational Technologies

2 Lenin Square, 180000 Pskov, Russian Federation

Elena I. Rogaleva

Pskov State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9963-4203
SPIN-code: 9925-2010
Scopus Author ID: 57298564500
ResearcherId: AAA-4084-2020

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Educational Technologies

2 Lenin Square, 180000 Pskov, Russian Federation


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